Evaluation of Peanut Varieties in Mississippi, 2010

Brendan Zurweller, Extension Peanut Specialist, Mississippi State University
By Brendan Zurweller, Extension Peanut Specialist, Mississippi State University January 24, 2011 10:41 Updated

Evaluation of Peanut Varieties in Mississippi, 2010

Evaluation of Peanut Varieties in Mississippi


            Over the past several years, many new peanut varieties have been released.  These varieties have improved resistance to diseases, as well as higher yield potential.  This study is designed to help determine how varieties perform in Mississippi.  Varieties were selected from newly released varieties, varieties to be released in the near future, and varieties that have become the standard over the years.

Materials and Methods:

            Seven varieties were selected based on seed availability and grower interest.  These varieties included: Georgia Green, Georgia O6G, Georgia Greener, Florida 07, Georgia O7W, AT 215, and Georgia O9B.  Study locations included Lucedale, Hamilton, and Stoneville, Mississippi.  Plots were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications.  Plots were 50 feet long by 4 rows wide.  In Lucedale and Stoneville locations, the study was planted “early” and “late” in the planting season to determine if differences were detected in planting dates.  Only the later planting date was in the Hamilton location due to weather problems.  Each study had Georgia Green, Georgia O6G, Georgia Greener, Florida 07, Georgia O7W, and the later plantings at Lucedale and Hamilton had the addition of AT 215 and Georgia O9B.  These two varieties were not included in the early studies because AT 215 has proven to be successful only if planted in mid May or later, and Georgia O9B had only enough seed for two locations. 

            Early planting dates were planted on April 25 and May 4 in Lucedale and Stoneville respectively.  Later planting dates were planted on May 21 in Lucedale, May 24 in Stoneville, and May 28 in Hamilton.  Plots were managed under standard production practices in each area, and treated the same at each location.  Plots were dug based on pod blasting results, and the center two rows in each plot were harvested to determine yield.  After the harvested rows had been weighed, a sample was taken from the bag for grade determination. 


            In the early planted variety trials, Georgia O6G and Georgia Greener yielded significantly higher at the Lucedale location than the other varieties.  Georgia Green and Georgia O7W yielded significantly lower than all other varieties.  At the Stoneville location, Georgia Greener yielded significantly higher than Florida O7, but both were statistically similar to the other varieties.  When data from both locations were combined, Georgia O6G and Georgia Greener yielded significantly higher than Florida O7 (Table 1, Figures 1-3).

            In the later planted trial at Lucedale, Georgia O6G and Georgia Greener yielded significantly higher that all other varieties.  Florida O7 and Georgia O9B were statistically similar, however both yielded statistically higher than Georgia Green, Georgia O7W, and AT 215.  Georgia Green had significantly higher yields than did Georgia O7W and AT 215, and AT 215 had significantly lower yields than all other varieties.  At the Hamilton location, Georgia O6G and Georgia Greener once again yielded significantly higher than all other varieties.  Georgia O9B yielded significantly higher than Georgia Green, and AT 215, and AT 215 yielded significantly lower than all other varieties.  In the Stoneville location, Georgia O6G and Georgia Greener had significantly higher yields than did Georgia Green and Georgia O7W, but were statistically similar to Florida O7.  When data from these three locations were averaged together, Georgia O6G and Georgia Greener had significantly higher yields than all other varieties (Table 2, Figures 4-7).  When the data from the five individual trials were averaged together, Georgia O6G and Georgia Greener once again had significantly higher yields than all other varieties (Table 3, Figure 8).  Because Georgia O9B and AT 215 were not in all locations and planting dates, they were omitted from overall yield analysis.

Table 1.   Early Planted Peanut Variety Trials

Description Lucedale Stoneville Early Planted Avg
Rating Type Yield Yield Yield
Rating Unit lbs/acre lbs/acre lbs/acre
Trt Treatment                
No. Name                
1 Georgia Green     4515 c 4863 ab 4689 ab
2 Georgia O6G     4896 a 5026 ab 4961 a
3 Fl 07     4768 b 4013 b 4390 b
4 Georgia Greener     4840 a 5190 a 5015 a
5 Georgia O7W     4531 c 4909 ab 4720 ab
LSD (P=.05) 67.1 772.1 369.4
Standard Deviation 43.5 501.1 239.7
CV 0.92 10.44 5.04
Grand Mean 4710.0 4800.1 4755.05
Bartlett’s X2 4.548 3.386 3.471
P(Bartlett’s X2) 0.337 0.495 0.482
Friedman’s X2 15.2 7.0 9.6
P(Friedman’s X2) 0.004 0.136 0.048

Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, Student-Newman-Keuls)

Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

Table 2.   Late Planted Peanut Variety Trials

Description Lucedale Hamilton Stoneville Late Planted Avg
Rating Type Yield Yield Yield Yield
Rating Unit lbs/acre lbs/acre lbs/acre lbs/acre
Trt Treatment                    
No. Name                    
1 Georgia Green     4294 d 2858 c 3849 b 3667 b
2 Georgia O6G     5006 a 3409 a 4506 a 4395 a
3 Fl 07     4731 b 2941 bc 4140 ab 3938 b
4 Georgia Greener     4959 a 3409 a 4775 a 4291 a
5 Georgia O7W     4519 c 2985 bc 3734 b 3746 b
6 AT 215     3950 e 2151 d        
7 Georgia O9B     4821 b 3119 b        
LSD (P=.05) 134.3 177.6 531.37 319.5
Standard Deviation 90.4 119.6 344.87 207.4
CV 1.96 4.01 8.21 5.17
Grand Mean 4611.43 2981.61 4200.99 4007.36
Bartlett’s X2 2.584 8.105 1.249 0.982
P(Bartlett’s X2) 0.859 0.23 0.87 0.912
Friedman’s X2 22.58 22.821 11.6 13.6
P(Friedman’s X2) 0.001 0.001 0.021 0.009


Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, Student-Newman-Keuls)

Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.


Table 3.   Average of All Planting Dates and Locations

Description All Locations
Rating Type Avg Yield
Rating Unit lbs/acre
Trt Treatment        
No. Name        
1 Georgia Green     4076 b
2 Georgia O6G     4622 a
3 Fl 07     4069 b
4 Georgia Greener     4581 a
5 Georgia O7W     4136 b
LSD (P=.05) 276.2
Standard Deviation 179.2
CV 4.17
Grand Mean 4296.43
Bartlett’s X2 11.12
P(Bartlett’s X2) 0.025*
Friedman’s X2 12.8
P(Friedman’s X2) 0.012

 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, Student-Newman-Keuls)

Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

Figure 1.  Early Planted Peanut Variety Trial, Lucedale, MS

Figure 2.  Early Planted Peanut Variety Trial, Stoneville, MS

 Figure 3.  Early Planted Peanut Variety Trial, Average of 2 Locations

 Figure 4.  Late Planted Peanut Variety Trial, Lucedale, MS

  Figure 5.  Late Planted Peanut Variety Trial, Hamilton, MS

 Figure 6.  Late Planted Peanut Variety Trial, Stoneville, MS

  Figure 7.  Late Planted Peanut Variety Trial, Average of 3 Locations

 Figure 8.  Average of All Locations and Planting Dates

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Brendan Zurweller, Extension Peanut Specialist, Mississippi State University
By Brendan Zurweller, Extension Peanut Specialist, Mississippi State University January 24, 2011 10:41 Updated
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