Timing Critical for Postemergence Herbicide Applications
A good rule of thumb is that the crop should be weed-free for the first four to six weeks following emergence to avoid yield loss.
A good rule of thumb is that the crop should be weed-free for the first four to six weeks following emergence to avoid yield loss.
Environment is the key component in the expression of every plant disease. Especially when considering the occurrence of seedling diseases we typically have a situation in place where inoculum is present in the soil, more than likely in high quantities,
Mississippi State University has named Dr. Jason Krutz as Extension/Research Irrigation Specialist at the Delta Research and Extension Center
Yesterday (4/30), I had a call from a consultant who found about 20% infestation of 3-4 day old SWCB in Non-Bt, V6 stage corn in the Minter City area. There were places in the field that averaged 40-50% infestation, but overall was about 20%.