Fall Armyworms in Mississippi Crops Updated

🕔19:17, 3.Aug 2012

Fall armyworm can be a challenging pest to find and an even more challenging pest to manage in some crops. The damage that they cause and their management varies greatly from crop to crop. The reason for this is due to their preferred feeding sites on different crops and the presence of host strains.

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Soybean Update and Additional Management Considerations Updated

🕔16:08, 3.Aug 2012

To date, the majority of Mississippi’s soybean crop is either blooming, setting pods, or turning color in places. Some isolated fields in parts of Bolivar, Issaquena, and Washington counties have been harvested over the past 10 days. Since July 4,

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Terminating Insecticide Sprays for Defoliators in Soybean: Podcast Updated

🕔12:06, 3.Aug 2012

Please click the link below to hear the latest podcast on terminating insecticide sprays for defoliators in soybean.. Terminating Defoliator Sprays in Soybean

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Insect Trap Counts, August 1, 2012

Insect Trap Counts, August 1, 2012 Updated

🕔11:04, 2.Aug 2012

Bollworm pheromone trap counts stayed at their relatively low numbers again this week. Moths are present in all areas of the state and larvae are being found in susceptible crops, but not at densities like the last few years. Tobacco

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