Mississippi Peanut Growers Association Annual Meeting Set for February 12-13, Hattiesburg
The Mississippi Peanut Growers Association 9th annual meeting and trade show will take place at the Lake Terrace Convention Center in Hattiesburg on February 12-13, 2014. This year’s program stands to be one of the best in the history of the event, with a wide range of speakers from across the peanut industry as well as a larger-than-ever-before trade show. Please see the event program below. Anyone and everyone are invited to attend. For more information visit peanuts.msstate.edu, or contact Jason Sarver at MSU (jsarver@pss.msstate.edu, 859-317-3142) or Malcolm Broome with the MPGA (Malcolm@misspeanuts.com, 601-606-3547).
Event Program for Wednesday, February 12 (click image to enlarge):
Event Program for Thursday, February 13 (click image to enlarge):
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