2014 Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Results Updated

🕔13:10, 26.Nov 2014

The MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program evaluates superior corn hybrids from numerous seed companies who market corn in Mississippi. Our objective is to provide you more opportunity to evaluate premier corn hybrids and substantially supplement the independent and unbiased information gathered in the University Hybrid Trials.

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2014 Soybean Variety Trial Disease Ratings, Part I: Conventional and LibertyLink Varieties Updated

🕔21:45, 25.Nov 2014

Disease severity was rated for each of the OVT soybean entries at all locations planted during 2014. Varieties were rated using a 0-9 scale where 0=no disease and 9=severe disease symptoms. The attachments on this blog post contain the Maturity Group IV and V Conventional and LibertyLink entries. The MG IV and V RR entries will be along shortly.

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2014 Row Crop Short Course – End of Pre-Registration Updated

🕔11:32, 21.Nov 2014

The 2014 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University on December 1-3, 2014.  Attendance is free of charge if you pre-register.  Pre-registration is available until November 26.  Registration

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2014 AWD Trial Summary Updated

🕔10:39, 20.Nov 2014

Last summer we discussed the potential benefits of properly managing and irrigating multiple inlet rice fields. The advantages of multiple inlet include rapid flood establishment, reduced N loss, and more precise and easier flood control.  The greatest advantage of multiple

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Preparing for Flow Meter Reporting Deadline Updated

🕔11:00, 13.Nov 2014

We received a phone call this morning from a Delta grower requesting assistance with his flow meter readings.  Before the weather turns wet and cold, he had decided to collect the data from his well’s flow meters for reporting by

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November Cotton Market Update Updated

🕔17:19, 10.Nov 2014

Monday’s Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates reports from USDA reversed last month’s changes and increased the expected size of the U.S. crop. Total U.S. production is forecast at 16.4 million bales, up 140,000 from October. The national yield was raised

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2014 Row Crop Short Course Preliminary Program Updated

🕔15:14, 7.Nov 2014

The 2014 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University on December 1-3, 2014.  Attendance is free of charge if you pre-register.  Pre-registration is available until November 26.  Registration

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2014 Delta Area Rice Meeting Updated

🕔11:45, 7.Nov 2014

The 2014 Delta area/Bolivar Co. Rice Meeting will be held at the Bolivar Co. Extension office on December 4, 2014. Mississippi rice producers, industry professionals, and other interested parties are invited to listen to presentations from MSU research and Extension

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Farm Bill Learning Sessions Scheduled Updated

🕔17:12, 5.Nov 2014

Multiple workshops related to the 2014 farm bill have been scheduled for December. These workshops are targeted at our numerous crop producers and will provide detailed information on the new ‘covered commodity’ programs (ARC & PLC), new crop insurance products

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