What is Going On With Generic Azoxystrobin: the active ingredient in Abound, Quadris…

Alan Henn, Extension Plant Pathologist, Mississippi State University
By Alan Henn, Extension Plant Pathologist, Mississippi State University February 27, 2015 17:22 Updated

Updated Tuesday March 10, 2015. Added several  new fungicides to the pdf file;Mar.16.update2.azoxystrobin

Strobe 2L which has a comprehensive label for field crops, vegetables, turf, and ornamentals.

Trevo, (22.9% Azoxystrobin, for use on corn, cotton, rice, and soybeans).

Updated Tuesday  March 3, 2015. Please see the table at the end of this article for known Mississippi vendors.

Azoxystrobin is the active ingredient in Abound, Heritage and Quadris. It is also used in some seed treatments such as Dynasty and CruiserMaxx.

Azoxystrobin is now off patent and generic fungicides using it are appearing.

This article links (Mar.16.update2.azoxystrobin) to a Portable Document Format (PDF) document listing azoxystrobin containing products labeled in the State of Mississippi as of February 3, 2015 (except seed treatments). All products have an EPA stamped label and are labeled for use in Mississippi, but not all company websites have published a working label. Local vendors for these products are not yet known. If anyone knows, please inform me and I will post the tips here. (Please see the updated table at the end of this article).

The first page of the three page document lists products containing only azoxystrobin. The second two pages lists products containing multiple active ingredients.

The linked document (Mar.16.update2.azoxystrobin) simplifies the fungicide labels to an ‘X’ for a given crop group (e.g. field crops, peanuts), fruiting vegetables (tomato, pepper, eggplant…), berries, stone fruits (peaches…), turf, or ornamentals or a particular application – e.g., irrigation. You NEED to read the real product label prior to purchase and follow it during use.

My Summary of the Labels:

  • The generic products seem to have combined the Abound and Quadris labels.
  • Syngenta Crop Protection has a new product called “Aframe” which also merges the Abound and Quadris labels.
    • My guess is that there will be Abound, Quadris and Aframe in the “pipe” this season.
  • The same use limits apply.
  • Only turf formulations have a granular product.
  • Only one product is labeled for use on ornamentals.

Limitations of the data:

  • The listed products have EPA stamped labels and are registered for use in MS.
  •  Not all products have labels on CDMS (www.cdms.net) or Agrian (www.agrian.com) or on the company’s web site. This means these products are probably not yet available, and may not be for some months.
  • Other products are likely to come to market in the coming months. I will try to keep up with them.
  • The attached summary is brief and is meant as a thumbnail sketch to help your search, not as a label. For instance,
    • some of the products labeled for cucurbits also have labels for leafy greens, but other products do not.
    • Some labeled for field crops have cotton and rice on the label, others do not.
  • I have no idea who the vendors of these products will be in MS. As I find out, I will post them in a table at the end of this article.
  • Comments/suggestions are appreciated.



Fungicide Name Known Vendor (s) Manufacturer
AzoxyStar All crop protection distributors in Mississippi who handle Agri-Star products Allbaugh, LLC
Equation SC Helena Chemical Cheminova, Inc





Alan Henn, Extension Plant Pathologist, Mississippi State University
By Alan Henn, Extension Plant Pathologist, Mississippi State University February 27, 2015 17:22 Updated
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