ArkLaMiss Emergency Forum on Redbanded Stink Bug (Update with Link and Agenda)

Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist
By Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist August 12, 2017 11:37 Updated

ArkLaMiss Emergency Forum on Redbanded Stink Bug (Update with Link and Agenda)

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Updated on Tuesday August 15 for the Meeting on August 17 at 2:00pm

The link to join the live feed is :

During the live stream: Questions can be sent via text to: (662)394-1919

Tentative Agenda:

1:30-2:00 – Registration

2:00-2:10 – Welcome, Introduction, and Purpose – Jeff Gore, Mississippi State Univ.

2:10-2:25 – Louisiana Update – Sebe Brown, LSU AgCenter

2:25-2:40 – Arkansas Update – Gus Lorenz and Nick Seiter, Univ. of Arkansas

2:40-2:55 – Mississippi Update – Angus Catchot and Don Cook, Mississippi State Univ.

2:55-3:25 – Current Research and Injury Potential – Jeff Davis, LSU AgCenter

3:25-Until? – Consultant Updates and Open Forum

Check Back often as any new updates will be posted HERE

There have been numerous questions around the potential damage severity of Redbanded stink bug in soybean in Arkansas and Mississippi. We have had well over 150 calls this week alone on insecticide efficacy, thresholds, and insecticide termination. With any new pest that has such high damage potential and changes traditional management considerations, naturally there are lots of questions being asked from areas of Mississippi and Arkansas where this pest has not commonly occurred.

Due to the potential severity of this pest, and the large number of acres being treated and lined up to be treated, we are hosting an ArkLaMiss Emergency Forum on Redbanded stink bug, Thursday, August 17 at the Capps Center in Stoneville at 2:00 p.m. The goal of the meeting is to share and provide all the current data associated with RBSB and hear from academics and consultants in LA who have learned to manage this pest successfully over the years where it routinely occurs.

  • University researchers, extension, and consultants from Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi will be sharing data and experiences managing Redbanded stink bug in soybean
  • Data on damage potential, yield loss, insecticide performance, thresholds, and insecticide termination will be shared by group
  • Meeting will be streamed and recorded for those who cannot be in attendance
  • Meeting is free and open to all who have questions on management of Redbanded stink bug in Mid-South soybeans
  • More information will be coming out on Monday on Tuesday about the meeting details and how to live stream the feed

We hope to have as many stakeholders present from the ArkLaMiss area as possible. Feel free to share this information with anyone interested in learning the latest management strategies for RBSB.

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Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist
By Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist August 12, 2017 11:37 Updated
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