Recorded Video From ArkLaMiss Redbanded Stink Bug Forum

Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist
By Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist, Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist and Don Cook, Entomologist August 17, 2017 18:45 Updated

Recorded Video From ArkLaMiss Redbanded Stink Bug Forum

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The ArkLaMiss Redbanded Stink Bug Forum was a huge success. There were numerous attendees present and many more who live streamed.

Click the following ling to watch the recorded version. ArkLaMiss RBSB Forum

Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist
By Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist, Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist and Don Cook, Entomologist August 17, 2017 18:45 Updated
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  1. Miserable in S.W. Virginia November 6, 15:50

    I have a big problem with some type of stink bug!!! Not the Brown Marmorated one. Those are a breeze compared to what I have. I cannot find anything about them anywhere and everyone who knows me thinks I am crazy when I tell them the stories. One person thought I was hallucinating!!! Made me mad. All summer long I have almost lost my mind over these, uh, whatever they are. Here is what they do:
    They get in the house and they fly so fast you cannot even see what they are but they follow you and constantly spray this very strong odor in your head/hair.

    If you sit down, you are really going to get attacked. They will fly back and forth for hours and with each pass they pause just long enough to get you in the head.
    The smell is way worse than a regular stink bug and they are way too fast to be a regular stink bug.
    I have dealt with the regular Brown Marmorated stink bug and they are a breeze compared to these things.

    I have been so upset over it all I have even told my doctor because I feel helpless. You can’t catch them and when they land you cannot find them. They are the worst type of insect I have ever dealt with.
    You cannot go about your regular household duties because you are constantly sick from the extremely strong stink. It gets into your nasal passages and mouth and you cannot eat because it makes you want to throw up.
    Please someone tell me what these are so I can prove to everyone what is going on in my home and so everyone does not think I am cracking up. This has to be some type of new species that has been carried from another country, because I am 50 and this summer was the first time I had ever in my lifetime dealt with anything like this.
    Please, if you know what these are, let me know. This has been going on all summer and I have yet to see one due to them being so fast.
    Miserable in S.W. Virginia

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