MS ASA Meeting November 15, 2017
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The 2017 MS ASA Annual Agronomy meeting will be held Wednesday November 15, 2017 at the Grenada Co. Extension office. A wide range of topics will be discussed including a Dicamba update for soybeans and on farm water storage system costs. The morning session will begin with an 8:00 registration with the afternoon session concluding at 4:15. Certified crop advisor CEUs will be available and include:NM 1, SW 1.5, IPM 1.5, CM 0.5 as well as state plant board re-certification approved for 1(A) Agricultural Pest Control (Plant), X Demonstration and Research Pest Control, and K Agricultural weed control. The program can be accessed at the following link:2017 ASA PROGRAM For advanced registration please fill out the following form(Advanced Registration Form ) and send back to the email address listed. For more information contact Dennis Reginelli at 662–418-4480.
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