2017 Cotton Variety Trial Data – Final Data

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds January 26, 2018 10:08 Updated

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After a lengthy delay in getting fiber data back, final data for both the on-farm variety trial program and the small plot Official Variety Trial (OVT) are now available.  Please follow the links below to access these data.  Mississippi State University annually conducts 25-30 variety trials in all areas of the state in order to assist growers with selecting the proper variety for their operation.  Trials are conducted in all four corners of the state and at many locations in between.  The overall goal of the OVT program is to determine variety performance based on genetics.  These trials are intensively managed for pests in order to obtain maximum performance at a given locations.  Large plot trials are designed to evaluate real world performance.  These trials are planted using grower equipment and are managed by the cooperating grower throughout the growing season.  Plots are harvested using grower equipment and ginned using commercial ginning equipment.  All fiber data are determined by a third party.  These programs are designed to be complimentary in nature and provide growers with a comprehensive data set to help make variety selection decisions.

2017 Cotton OVT Data

2017 On-Farm Variety Trial Data

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds January 26, 2018 10:08 Updated
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