Cotton Defoliation Training: Crawford, MS – August 27 @ 10 am

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds August 25, 2018 07:18 Updated

Cotton Defoliation Training:  Crawford, MS – August 27 @ 10 am

The second of three cotton defoliation trainings will be held on Monday, August 27th at the farm headquarters of Glen and Rodney Mast.  Mast Farms headquarters is located at 2594 Carson Road, Crawford, MS.  The defoliation training will begin at 10 am and will conclude with lunch from Mr. Charlies Catering.

Topics covered at the defoliation training will include the following:

Physiology of Cotton Defoliation:  Dr. Dan Reynolds – Mississippi State University

Cotton Defoliation Timing:  Darrin Dodds – Mississippi State University

Cotton Defoliation Programs:  Mr. Tyler Sandlin – Auburn University

Defoliation Effects on Fiber Quality:  Dr. Tyson Raper – University of Tennessee

Formal presentations will be given by each speaker; however, these training sessions are designed to be informal and allow for question and answer during or after each presentation.

Cotton Defoliation Training – Crawford, MS

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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds August 25, 2018 07:18 Updated
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