Dicamba Applicator Training Workshops

Trent Irby, Extension Soybean Specialist
By Trent Irby, Extension Soybean Specialist, Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist, Darrin Dodds and Dan Reynolds February 28, 2019 16:07 Updated

Dicamba Applicator Training Workshops

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Dicamba Applicator Training, which is required for anyone planning to apply dicamba herbicide products in Xtend cropping systems, is currently offered online (http://auxintraining.com) and will also be offered through in-person workshops located around Mississippi from March 4-8, 2019.

Workshop locations will include Washington, Yazoo, Leflore, Marshall, Calhoun, Hinds, Lee, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Grenada and Noxubee counties.  To receive a certificate for the Dicamba Applicator Training, those in attendance at these in-person workshops must be present for the entire event. Participants should bring their private applicator certification cards. Those without private applicator certification may still participate in the training, but their Dicamba Applicator Training certificate will be invalid until they complete the private applicator certification requirements.

For more details, see the Mississippi State University Extension news release or contact your county Extension office.

The full list of locations, dates, and times are available at:

2019 Dicamba Applicator Training Workshop Schedule 

Trent Irby, Extension Soybean Specialist
By Trent Irby, Extension Soybean Specialist, Jason Bond, Research/Extension Weed Scientist, Darrin Dodds and Dan Reynolds February 28, 2019 16:07 Updated
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