Pesticide Calibration Made Easy

Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist
By Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist, Darrin Dodds, Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist and Don Cook, Entomologist April 24, 2019 08:00 Updated

Pesticide Calibration Made Easy

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Proper calibration of agricultural pesticide application equipment can mean the difference in control or failure of a pesticide against the targeted pest and potentially thousands of dollars of savings to the grower. Many growers are now using rate controllers; however, it is imperative to check the accuracy of these rate controllers as well as application accuracy for equipment that does not have a rate controller. Below is a link to a publication that addresses many common questions about specific types of calibration and provides examples expressed in a straightforward and simple format.

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calibration pic

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Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist
By Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist, Darrin Dodds, Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist and Don Cook, Entomologist April 24, 2019 08:00 Updated
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