Pipe Planner Webinars 2020

Drew Gholson, Irrigation Specialist
By Drew Gholson, Irrigation Specialist and Dan Roach, Ext. Associate March 9, 2020 12:15 Updated

Pipe Planner Webinars 2020

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Pipe Planner training webinars will be starting in March for the 2020 season next week! Please see the dates below. Feel free to attend as many as you desire.

Results have shown that those that use Pipe Planner can save $10/acre on square fields and up to $25/acre on irregular fields. This session will show you how to use the application and more. Choose a time below and click on the link.


Date Day Time
3/11/2020 Wednesday 9am-11am
3/11/2020 Wednesday 1pm-3pm
3/18/2020 Wednesday 9am-11am
3/18/2020 Wednesday 1pm-3pm

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.



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Drew Gholson, Irrigation Specialist
By Drew Gholson, Irrigation Specialist and Dan Roach, Ext. Associate March 9, 2020 12:15 Updated
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