Farm Labor Program Announced

Dan Roach, Ext. Associate
By Dan Roach, Ext. Associate April 27, 2020 12:56 Updated

Farm Labor Program Announced

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The Mississippi Congressional delegation, Mississippi Farm Bureau, Mississippi National Guard and Reserves, Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Mississippi State University Extension Service, and other agriculture-focused groups have facilitated the pairing of furloughed or unemployed members of the Guard, Reserve, and Veterans from all our servicebranches with ag producers across Mississippi. This arrangement comes at a time where COVID-19 has all but eliminated the available labor pool via the H2A program.

If you are a Mississippi ag producer with job openings on your farm or know a producer in need of labor, please add your listing(s) on the Farm Corps website:

For additional information please feel free to contact us with any questions and inquiries.

or on Facebook:

Dan Roach, Ext. Associate
By Dan Roach, Ext. Associate April 27, 2020 12:56 Updated
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