2020 Row Crop Short Course – Cancelled

Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds October 15, 2020 14:51 Updated

2020 Row Crop Short Course – Cancelled

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It is with great regret that we have cancelled the 2020 Row Crop Short Course at Mississippi State University.  Due to the global pandemic, we see no viable way to conduct this event.  Our team did not make this decision lightly and waited as late as possible before doing so.  We are still operating under conditions that limit number of people who can gather at our events and we are gravely concerned about spreading COVID-19 if we attempted to gather people at this event.

Additional considerations for cancelling including extremely limited availability of guest speakers from out of state due to travel restrictions, hotel accommodation restrictions due to COVID quarantining of students, and securing funding to conduct the event in a manner to which we have become accustomed.  We also gave thought to conducting the Row Crop Short Course in a virtual format similar to many other events of this nature.  However, we felt very strongly that one of the things that makes our event unique is the camaraderie and the interaction amongst attendees both in the presentation room and in the hallways.  We did not feel like we could capture the same atmosphere in a virtual format as we do face to face and did not want sacrifice quality simply to have a meeting.

If you have questions regarding pesticide certifications or license expiration, please call the Bureau of Plant Industry at 662-325-3390.  With respect to continuing education units for Certified Crop Advisors, please check the CCA website at https://www.agronomy.org/education for virtual meeting options.  If you need an extension to earn CEU’s, please contact the Penny Magana, Certification Representative for Mississippi at 608-268-4954 to inquire.

We fully intend to hold the Row Crop Short Course in December 2021 provided that we move beyond the global pandemic.  Nothing will please us more than to see the Cotton Mill Conference Center full of people and trucks.  Again, we greatly apologize for cancelling the 2020 Row Crop Short Course.  However, the limitations imposed due to COVID-19 and our concern for the health and well-being of attendees outweighed the positive aspects of having this event.  We sincerely hope to see everyone in 2021 and all of us learn, laugh, and fellowship together as we have for so many years.  Please be safe and as always, let us know if we can help in any way.


Row Crop Short Course Planning Team

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Darrin Dodds
By Darrin Dodds October 15, 2020 14:51 Updated
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