2022: Response of Cotton Varieties to Inoculation with Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum, the Causal Organism of Bacterial Blight
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Severe bacterial blight symptoms on the underside of a cotton leaf approximately 9-days post-inoculation.
During 2022, two sets of the cotton varieties (39 entries) contained in the Mississippi State University Official Variety Trial were planted (5/18/22) in Stoneville. At flowering (7/25/2022), plants were inoculated with a bacterial suspension that contained the bacterium that causes bacterial blight (Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum). Plots were inoculated in 15 gallons of water/Acre. Following inoculation, plots were observed for the presence of bacterial blight on three separate occasions (9, 25, and 42 days post-inoculation). The results contained in the attached table (below) were based on the observations made September 5, 2022 (42 days post-inoculation) . Plots were evaluated using a percent scale (0-100%) for the incidence (percentage of leaves exhibiting symptoms), severity (percentage of the leaf surface area exhibiting symptoms) and for defoliation (0-100% of each plot) as a result of bacterial blight. Eight total replicate plots of each variety were evaluated, four receiving inoculum (inoculated) and four that did not receive inoculum (non-inoculated). A response was assigned for each variety based on the values outlined below and the specific visual response to the bacterium.
Responses were assigned using a letter designation based on the numerical incidence response within a given range. Responses are defined as:
S = susceptible
MS = moderately susceptible
MR = moderately resistant
R = resistant
Only one variety exhibited an incidence of bacterial blight greater than 58% (observationally). In all, the breakdown of variety responses within the OVT were: S = 38% of the entries, MS = 5% of the entries, MR = 3% of the entries, and R = 54% of the entries.
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