“On the Farm” Screening – Delta Research and Extension Center

Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist
By Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist March 1, 2024 15:42 Updated

“On the Farm” Screening – Delta Research and Extension Center

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The Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville will host a screening of the Emmy Award winning documentary “On the Farm” next Thursday March 7 at 6:00pm in the Capps Building (100 Stoneville Rd).

The film features four compelling portraits of real-life Mississippi farmers who, in different ways, illustrate that there is hope when the going gets tough. MSU Extension experts will be present to do a brief introduction, show segments of the film relevant in the Delta, and then close with a discussion.

This screening will be a great opportunity for local farmers, consultants, and others in the agricultural community to hear from other farmers about the stress and challenges associated with farming in the Mississippi Delta.

Refreshments and Heavy Hors d’oeuvres will be served.


“The film was produced by the University Television Center at Mississippi State University.
Woven into each story are experts in agricultural economics, family science and clinical psychology from the MSU Extension Service who connect the lived experiences of the farmers to the scientific literature on rural and agricultural lifestyles.” (https://www.onthefarm.life/pressrelease).




For more information about the film and Farm Stress, please visit their website https://www.onthefarm.life/




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Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist
By Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist March 1, 2024 15:42 Updated
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