Crisis Exemption for Intrepid 2F for Fall Armyworm in Mississippi Rice

Don Cook, Entomologist
By Don Cook, Entomologist, Tyler Towles, Research Entomologist and Whitney Crow, Extension Entomologist July 11, 2024 18:08 Updated

Crisis Exemption for Intrepid 2F for Fall Armyworm in Mississippi Rice

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Over the last 7 to 10 days, fall armyworm infestations in rice have increased a good bit.  Currently pyrethroids are the only products labeled for fall armyworm management in rice.  Since 2021 the performance of pyrethroids against fall armyworm has become increasingly inconsistent.  There have already been reports of poor performance with pyrethroids in pastures.  In light of that Mississippi was granted a 14-day Crisis Exemption (July 11th – July 26th) to use Intrepid 2F for fall armyworm control in rice.  The Crisis Exemption label is attached.  A full Section 18 request will be submitted soon with proposed use dates through the end of September.

Approved Intrepid Crisis Label for Fall Armyworm in Rice

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Don Cook, Entomologist
By Don Cook, Entomologist, Tyler Towles, Research Entomologist and Whitney Crow, Extension Entomologist July 11, 2024 18:08 Updated
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