Three Proven Methods to Improve Corn Profitability

Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops
By Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops March 22, 2025 11:30 Updated

Three Proven Methods to Improve Corn Profitability

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In these tough economic times we devote considerable effort to trimming the fat and focusing inputs where they will improve return on investment. The limiting factors on every farm may vary, but these are some of many potential factors which are very important.

Don’t overlook the value of crop rotation: Crop rotation can improve profitability more than any single input. Research consistently shows crop rotation improves productivity about 15%, compared to a continuous monoculture. Of course, corn works beautifully when grown in rotation with dicot primary crops, such as cotton and soybeans. Thus, crop rotation is often used systematically in the Midsouth to sustain crop profitability. Not only do crop yields improve, but many cumulative pest issues, including weeds, insect and pest issues are suppressed due to dramatically altering the seasonal crop culture. Thus, we are often able to address issues by interrupting a pest population cycle, or possibly allowing us to use more effective control measures.  This typically greatly reduces expense on various aspects of pest management.

Adjust your Seeding Rate: Corn grain yield typically responds positively to increasing plant population before leveling out. At this juncture returns will decline, if you consider seed cost. Furthermore, I believe seeding rate is rarely a yield limiting factor on most farms. Also, several key factors affect corn seeding rate response, so there is no such thing as a universal seeding rate. Thus, there can be considerable opportunity to improve return on investment by fine-tuning seeding rates relative to these factors which affect response.

  • Narrow row width enhances corn response to planting rate because better spacing improves plants’ ability to utilize light, water and nutrients. For instance, corn grown in 30-inch rows at 38,000 plants/a has the same 5.5-inch spacing as corn grown at 30,000 plants/a in 38-inch rows. This is why narrow (30-inch) rows are proven to be 8-10% more productive, compared to corn grown in wide (38 to 40-inch) rows. Therefore, optimal seeding rates for wide rows are going to be several thousand plants per acre less than in 30-inch rows.
  • Planting date affects growth, and thus, we should adjust rates as planting dates vary. Early planted corn generally attains less leaf area and plant height, compared to later planting, because cooler spring temperatures limit vegetative growth. Corn planted early is also well-documented to be more productive because critical reproductive stages occur when temperatures are cooler and generally more favorable. Both these factors enhance corn response to higher seeding rate. Conversely, late planted corn produces taller, leafier plants, which are exposed to higher summer temperatures and stress, limiting yield potential. Thus, planting rate can be trimmed considerably as planting continues into mid-April and May.
  • Of course, irrigation is a critical contributor to high yields, because it allows you to manage moisture deficiency. Dryland producers cannot predict and have little control over soil moisture availability during June and July, when corn needs and sensitivity are high. Last summer’s drought definitely reminds us that dryland producers should use moderate planting rates to ensure healthy plants and respectable yields in case drought is severe. Accordingly, my standard dryland corn plant population goal is going to be no more than 30,000 plants/a dependent upon other factors noted above. Similarly, if your corn yields are historically modest, despite planting more than 30,000 plants/a, seeding rate is not likely your limiting factor, so increasing rate is not going to be responsive or profitable. In fact, dryland plots I’ve grown produced 230 bu/a the past two years at 29,500 per acre.

Improve your irrigation efficiency: Irrigation certainly relieves midseason drought stress and improves corn productivity. However, our unique climate which provides abundant spring rainfall dictates we carefully transition our water management strategies to optimize crop performance. Our experience with growers and supported by data from soil moisture sensors show we can generally do a much better job timing irrigation needs relative to corn needs dictated by growth stage and soil moisture. Thus, we strongly advise using a very conservative irrigation scheduling philosophy prior to tassel, to improve plant health and encourage root development before sensitive crop stages and drought stress arrive. This offers considerable opportunity to enhance yields while improving irrigation efficiency and cutting expense.  As corn approaches the critical tassel and early reproductive stages, irrigation should be scheduled generously to fully support increasing crop needs and avoid moisture deficit. However, moisture use diminishes as corn matures, so irrigation can be moderated late in the season as well. Thus, employing this novel strategy improves corn yield while normally reducing irrigation events two or more times per season.

Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops
By Erick Larson, State Extension Specialist - Grain Crops March 22, 2025 11:30 Updated
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