2015 Wheat OVT Disease Rating Data

Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist
By Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist October 31, 2015 11:26 Updated

2015 Wheat OVT Disease Rating Data

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Fusarium head blight (FHB). Note the pinkish fungal growth indicated by the arrows.

Fusarium head blight (FHB). Note the pinkish fungal growth indicated by the arrows.

Several locations of the wheat official variety trial (OVT) were rated for foliar diseases during the 2015 season.  Disease varied by location and for the most part leaf rust (n= 1 location; Beaumont), Fusarium head blight (n= 5 locations), and Septoria leaf blotch (n= 2 locations) were the only diseases present in enough quantity to be effectively rated.  Even though a different set of diseases were rated at each location, Fusarium head blight (FHB) was the most common disease between observed at all five locations.  Keep in mind that FHB is a disease that relies on the environment at the time of flowering to occur.  Rarely has the disease been an issue in MS; however, FHB was quite common throughout MS during the 2015 season.  Keep in mind there are differences across locations based on the environment encountered as well as the specific disease rated.  A predictive model exists for the disease, but the model relies on weather stations throughout the state and in some cases weather stations are few and far between in the southern part of the state.  As the wheat season progresses, FHB will be a commonly discussed topic at fall and winter meetings.  Fungicides are effective at managing the disease, but the specific application timing to reduce the disease is extremely important.  In addition, as with all fungicide applications the product will only provide some protection and not completely eradicate the potential risks associated with the disease.

Information contained in the tables below can also be located in the MSU OVT 2015 Wheat and Oat Variety Trial booklet: http://msucares.com/pubs/infobulletins/ib0500.pdf

2015 Beaumont (2015 Wheat OVT BEAUMONT)

2015 Brooksville (2015 Wheat OVT BROOKSVILLE)

2015 Issaquena County (2015 Wheat OVT ISSAQUENA)

2015 Newton (2015 Wheat OVT NEWTON)

2015 Raymond (2015 Wheat OVT RAYMOND)

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Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist
By Tom Allen, Extension Plant Pathologist October 31, 2015 11:26 Updated
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