2017 MDEQ Irrigation Meter Program

Dan Roach, Ext. Associate
By Dan Roach, Ext. Associate November 8, 2017 06:18 Updated

2017 MDEQ Irrigation Meter Program

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The reporting period for the Voluntary Metering Program has begun and the MDEQ wanted to give everyone an program update.  The Groundwater Usage Survey Tool (GUST) for online reporting has been upgraded.  This more user friendly version of GUST went live on October 12th.  The MDEQ mailed out Postcards on October 16th  to all participants to let them know that they would be receiving their reporting packet in the coming weeks and that they could begin reporting online using GUST.  This information was also sent in an email that same day to all Program participants that we had an email address for.  The reporting packets were mailed out on October 31st and the MDEQ have since been receiving water use reports.   The MDEQ plans to send out weekly reporting updates to the stakeholder groups on Fridays.  As we approach the February 1st deadline, updates will be sent out more frequently. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chris Hawkins, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality. mailto:chawkins@mdeq.ms.gov 

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Dan Roach, Ext. Associate
By Dan Roach, Ext. Associate November 8, 2017 06:18 Updated
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