2018 Row Rice Trials Update

Dan Roach, Ext. Associate
By Dan Roach, Ext. Associate July 20, 2018 09:35 Updated

2018 Row Rice Trials Update

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Here are some updated photos of the Row Rice trials as they begin to head out. This year we have nine locations in Bolivar, Leflore, Coahoma, and Tunica counties.  Many thanks to the producers that have provided the locations this year.


This field was rowed up in the fall on the old soybean beds.  A conventional drill, on nine inch spacing, was utilized to plant in the spring. Adjustments were made to the drills over the rows and in the furrows for planting on the beds.  Below is the comparison conventional levee field.  Weed control applications were identical.

To illustrate the versatility of  row rice, here are some photos of a 7/10ths grade field.  The grower recently land-formed a block and wanted to plant every field in rice.  This long and narrow field was planted on flat ground utilizing a 40′ no-till drill long ways of the field.  The furrows or beds were pulled after planting.

Here is the comparison conventional levee field across the turn-row.  Levees are spaced at 60′ in this field.  Weed control was the same in both fields.



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Dan Roach, Ext. Associate
By Dan Roach, Ext. Associate July 20, 2018 09:35 Updated
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