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Posts From Alan Henn, Extension Plant Pathologist, Mississippi State University

Early Leaf Spot of Peanut found in the Greater Columbus Area

Early Leaf Spot of Peanut found in the Greater Columbus Area Updated

🕔13:49, 18.Aug 2013

This last week I found early leaf spot in the Greater Columbus, Mississippi area. For information and images on how to identify early leaf spot, please see: and Early and late leaf spot are major defoliators of peanuts

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Early Leaf Spot of Peanut

Early Leaf Spot of Peanut Updated

🕔00:30, 12.Aug 2013

Synopsis: Is caused by a fungus, Cercospora arachidicola. Defoliates infected leaflets fairly quickly. Is one of the reasons, along with late leaf spot, for the development of the traditional two week spray schedule in established peanut growing areas (see Figure

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2013 List of Peanut Fungicides Labeled in Mississippi Updated

🕔10:24, 19.Feb 2013

This note links to four documents (pdf format), each of which lists the fungicides labeled for use on Mississippi grown peanuts as of February, 2013. The first document lists the fungicides by Trade Name. The second pdf lists the fungicides

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Frost and Peanuts: What to do and What not to do Updated

🕔11:57, 26.Oct 2012

Frost and Peanuts: What to do and What not to do Are you still digging peanuts? If so, is there a frost in your forecast? Dug peanuts that are not yet well air dried are quite susceptible to frost injury.

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Early leaf spot found in the greater Aberdeen area Updated

🕔10:49, 5.Sep 2012

Description and symptoms.  Yesterday I looked at some defoliating fields in the greater Aberdeen vicinity. The vines looked like someone had used a set of hedge shears to remove the foliage from between the rows and thin it in the

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Predicted conditions surrounding Isaac favor diseases of peanut Updated

🕔21:39, 26.Aug 2012

As of Sunday evening, it appears that Tropical Storm Isaac will slow, turn into a hurricane, and hit our Gulf Coast sometime Tuesday. Rainfall amounts are forecast in inches below I-20 and tropical storm conditions are expected to prevail for

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Week of August 10 Peanut Crop Update Updated

🕔11:08, 10.Aug 2012

As a Plant Pathologist, I tend to divide the peanut crop in Mississippi into growing areas based on the “climate” and soils.  Both influence the type and amount of disease pressure experienced in that growing area and, incidentally, quality and

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Last of July/First August Update and Ernesto Advisory Updated

🕔23:53, 5.Aug 2012

Current update Last of July/First of August and Tropical Storm Ernesto Advisory White mold White mold began germinating and growing on dead organic matter in the south about 18 days ago in south central Mississippi, but really started to kill

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Southern stem rot or white mold of peanut Updated

🕔07:33, 2.Jul 2012

Discusses the life cycle, management and identification of white mold or southern stem rot of peanut caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. It includes a section on how to distinguish it from a white mold look-alike. Southern stem rot or white mold

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Tomato Spotted Wilt, Quick Identification Updated

🕔08:30, 20.Jun 2012

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) has historically been a devastating disease of peanuts. Given the high thrips population this spring and large population of flowering winter weeds known to be TSWV hosts, I was expecting a TSWV year. I was

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Table of Peanut Fungicides Labeled in Mississippi Updated

🕔12:42, 18.Jun 2012

I have been asked for my “cheat sheets” of peanut fungicides labeled for use in Mississippi. Here are two tables, one alphabetized by active ingredient (primary a.i. if more than one a.i.) and the second table alphabetized by Trade Name.

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Peanut Disease Update: week of May 27 – June 1. Updated

🕔08:04, 7.Jun 2012

Before getting to the state disease summary, a quick note on two diseases common at this time of year, Pepper Spot/Leaf Scorch and funky leaf spot (FLS). Funky Leaf Spot is important because the early symptoms can be confused with

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