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Posts From Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist

How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops?

How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops? Updated

🕔19:54, 24.May 2013

With all of the rainfall that we have had around most of the state, there have been a lot of questions about the impact on seed treatments. In general, most of the seed treatments that are being used in all crops are water soluble. Typical levels of rainfall should not have a negative impact on the efficacy of seed treatments, but excessive rainfall may.

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2013 Scout Schools Set Updated

🕔13:55, 22.May 2013

The 2013 Scout School dates have been set. The first will be June 4th from 9:00 a.m -12:00 p.m. at the Delta Research and Extension Center in the auditorium of the main building. The last one will be on the main campus of Mississippi State University in the Clay Lyle Entomology Building conference room.

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Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013

Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013 Updated

🕔07:43, 22.May 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 19, 2013. Favorable conditions allowed for more field work to be completed. Operators were able to plant more corn, soybeans, and cotton. Soil moisture was rated 1 percent very short, 1 percent short, 52 percent adequate, and 46 percent surplus.

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Kudzu Bug Finds in Mississippi Increasing

Kudzu Bug Finds in Mississippi Increasing Updated

🕔16:00, 17.May 2013

In 2012 Kudzu bugs were found in four counties in Mississippi on Kudzu.  All finds were along major highways suggesting they “hitchhiked” in on vehicles. The counties were Warren, Lauderdale, Montgomery, and Carroll. In the last 2 weeks we have

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Do Insecticide Seed Treatments Provide any Value on Late Planted Soybeans?

Do Insecticide Seed Treatments Provide any Value on Late Planted Soybeans? Updated

🕔15:39, 17.May 2013

Due to the rain and cold weather this spring a much larger percent of the soybean crop will be planted later than normal. There have been several questions lately about whether or not we should still include an insecticide seed

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Thrips in Cotton and Peanuts Updated

🕔15:27, 17.May 2013

I have been asked several times over the last week about the need for thrips control now that we have more optimal planting conditions. This is a good question and I will attempt to provide some valuable insight about thrips control in both cotton and peanuts.

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Transform WG Insecticide from Dow Recieves Label for Cotton Updated

🕔12:42, 10.May 2013

Earlier this week Transform WG insecticide from Dow received a full Section 3 label for use in cotton.

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Stink Bug Numbers Increasing in Heading Wheat Updated

🕔07:59, 30.Apr 2013

I am starting to get numerous calls about stink bugs in heading wheat. It is not uncommon to find stink bugs in wheat after head emergence.  However, it takes extremely high numbers to cause economic damage to heading wheat. With this

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Brown Stink Bugs Showing Up In Small Corn Updated

🕔07:42, 30.Apr 2013

Stink bugs damage small corn by feeding through the whorl or side of the stem hitting the growing point which either causes “dead heart” or severely stunts the plant. Severely stunted plants may not die but essentially become a weed. In many cases, corn that has been fed on without hitting the growing point will recover. Even if the growing point is not hit, in some situations where stink bugs feed through the stem you will see irregular growth.

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USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi

USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi Updated

🕔15:42, 15.Apr 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, April 14, 2013. Dry conditions during the first half of the week allowed for some fieldwork to be done. Wet conditions in the last half of the week slowed or stopped all fieldwork. Soil moisture was rated 40 percent adequate, and 60 percent surplus.

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Will cold and rainy weather impact seed treatments in corn and rice? Updated

🕔16:38, 5.Apr 2013

This is an important question right now with the weather conditions that we have had over the last few weeks. A considerable amount of corn and a little bit of rice has been planted over the last 3 to 4 weeks. In most of those fields, the crop has either just emerged or has not emerged yet.

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Top Ten Keys to High Corn Yields Updated

🕔21:19, 14.Mar 2013

You must provide numerous resources and management to optimize the opportunity for corn plants to produce high yields. Of course, favorable weather plays a huge role as well. This article describes areas where we can improve corn yield potential.

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Insecticide Seed Treatments in Soybeans Updated

🕔14:53, 13.Mar 2013

What is the importance of a neonicotinoid insecticide seed treatment in soybeans? Basically it is a risk management tool. Soybean seedlings have a tremendous amount of vigor and can tolerate a substantial amount of insect injury. However, early planted soybeans can encounter less than optimal environmental conditions which can stress plants and reduce vigor. Insect injury under these conditions is an additional stress. During 2010, it is estimated that the use of insecticide seed treatments in soybeans resulted in a value of $28.8 million to Mississippi soybean growers.

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Have a Plan for Managing Sugarcane Beetles in Field Corn Updated

🕔12:37, 19.Feb 2013

Sugarcane beetles (Euetheola humilis rugiceps), have caused many Mississippi corn producers major headaches in the last decade. Ironically enough, most of the problem areas are in the Hill region of the state and not the Delta region. Sugarcane beetles are certainly present in the Delta but rarely cause widespread problems in corn (to date). Sugarcane beetle infestations are sporadic in nature but heavy infestations can be very serious and require replanting in some situations. Unfortunately there are no viable rescue treatments available, so this pest has to be managed at planting.

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Video Demonstrating Use of a Drop Cloth in Cotton Updated

🕔08:13, 6.Dec 2012

Video showing how to use a drop cloth for sampling tarnished plant bugs in cotton.

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Example of Using a Sweep net in Cotton Updated

🕔14:15, 2.Dec 2012

Here is a quick video showing the correct use of a sweep net in cotton.

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Insecticide Seed Treatments for Wheat Updated

🕔12:04, 5.Oct 2012

As we begin to gear up for wheat planting there have been several questions regarding the use of insecticide seed treatments. We have been testing insecticide seed treatments in wheat for several years and have seen a positive response in nearly every case.

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Plant Back Restriction on Transform (Sulfoxaflor) Now 60 Days Updated

🕔17:12, 14.Sep 2012

The Environmental Protection Agency has now amended the Section 18 plant back restriction for Transform insecticide by Dow to 60 days instead of 360 days. Previously under the existing Section 18, producers that used Transform during the 2012 season were required to plant

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Insect Management in Late Planted Grain Sorghum Updated

🕔11:39, 18.Aug 2012

Mississippi producers planted 65K acres of grain sorghum this year, up from 52K acres in 2011, and 12K acres in 2010. Grain sorghum traditionally in MS has been considered a “step child” crop that went on the worst dry land

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Terminating Spider Mite Applications in Cotton

Terminating Spider Mite Applications in Cotton Updated

🕔10:23, 11.Aug 2012

When to terminate spider mite treatments can be a very difficult decision this time of year. Spider mites can cause yield loss directly by feeding on small squares and bolls causing them to abort, or indirectly by feeding on leaves which reduces photosynthesis not allowing bolls to fill out correctly. In many ways this indirect damage would be very similar to defoliation.

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Fall Armyworms in Mississippi Crops Updated

🕔19:17, 3.Aug 2012

Fall armyworm can be a challenging pest to find and an even more challenging pest to manage in some crops. The damage that they cause and their management varies greatly from crop to crop. The reason for this is due to their preferred feeding sites on different crops and the presence of host strains.

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Terminating Insecticide Sprays for Defoliators in Soybean: Podcast Updated

🕔12:06, 3.Aug 2012

Please click the link below to hear the latest podcast on terminating insecticide sprays for defoliators in soybean.. Terminating Defoliator Sprays in Soybean

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Bollworm Update Cotton/Soybean Updated

🕔10:19, 21.Jul 2012

This year started out with most folks expecting higher than usual bollworm numbers due to the mild winter. Couple that with increased corn acres and the perfect storm was thought to be brewing. This is why entomologists get “shifty” when

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Cotton Aphid Update Updated

🕔20:40, 20.Jul 2012

Aphids have really been blowing up recently in cotton across Mississippi, so I wanted to give a quick update on our bioassay results from this year.  To date, I have not tested a single colony that was susceptible to neonicotinoids. 

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First Findings of Kudzu Bugs in Mississippi

First Findings of Kudzu Bugs in Mississippi Updated

🕔18:07, 18.Jul 2012

On Friday July 13th a former graduate student from Clemson was traveling through the Vicksburg, MS area where she stopped at a gas station and noticed six adult kudzu bugs on a vehicle in close proximity to a kudzu patch. 

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