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Posts From Bobby Golden, Rice and Soil Fertility, DREC, Mississippi State University

Furrow Irrigated Rice Summary

Furrow Irrigated Rice Summary Updated

🕔09:28, 13.Apr 2018

We have had a couple of calls from consultants and growers this week about utilizing furrow irrigated rice as an option if planting or levee construction is delayed due to rain.  With an additional 2-5 inches of rainfall forecast for

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On Farm Furrow Irrigated Rice Results

On Farm Furrow Irrigated Rice Results Updated

🕔17:05, 29.Mar 2018

Over the last few weeks we have made an attempt to explain the data we have concerning furrow irrigated rice.  The first installment explored the small plot research conducted by Lee Atwill, MSU Graduate student. Small Plot  The second installment tried

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Understanding Furrow Irrigation Rice Yield Reduction

Understanding Furrow Irrigation Rice Yield Reduction Updated

🕔17:53, 21.Mar 2018

Data from “on farm” trials are helping MSU Researchers understand some of the yield perimeters associated with furrow irrigated rice.  If you ask experienced furrow irrigated rice producers one thing is clear, they recognize only a small, if any, yield

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Row Rice Discussions

Row Rice Discussions Updated

🕔11:03, 15.Mar 2018

Producing rice in a “rowed-up” manner as other row crops such as corn, soybean, and cotton was a foreign concept just a couple of years ago. Row rice or furrow irrigated rice was initially investigated by MSU  Researchers as an

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MS ASA Meeting November 15, 2017

MS ASA Meeting November 15, 2017 Updated

🕔12:41, 31.Oct 2017

The 2017 MS ASA Annual Agronomy meeting will be held Wednesday November 15, 2017 at the Grenada Co. Extension office. A wide range of topics will be discussed including a Dicamba update for soybeans and on farm water storage system

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Delta Area Rice Meeting – November 14, 2017

Delta Area Rice Meeting – November 14, 2017 Updated

🕔11:45, 30.Oct 2017

The 2017 Delta Area Rice Meeting will be held at the Bolivar Co. Extension office on November 14, 2017. Mississippi rice producers, industry professionals, and other interested parties are invited to listen to presentations from MSU research and Extension faculty

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2017 Mississippi Rice Variety Trial Data – Preliminary Results

2017 Mississippi Rice Variety Trial Data – Preliminary Results Updated

🕔09:11, 7.Oct 2017

Find below the preliminary version of the 2017 On-Farm Rice Variety Trial. During 2017, small plot rice variety trials were conducted near the following locations; Choctaw, Clarksdale, Drew, Hollandale, Ruleville, Stoneville, and Tunica. Variety trial data is presented segmented by

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Burning Stalks – What does it Really Cost? Updated

🕔09:03, 13.Sep 2017

After harvest, you immediately face management decisions which may have considerable effect on future productivity. Corn produces far more residue than most crops we are accustomed to, so it possesses considerable benefits, or may create anxiety depending upon how you view it. This article addresses the pro’s and con’s of crop residue and associated management options, including burning.

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2017 DREC Rice Field Day August 2, 2017

2017 DREC Rice Field Day August 2, 2017 Updated

🕔11:40, 1.Aug 2017

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held on August 2, at the Delta Research and Extension Center at 3:00 p.m.  The program will begin at the Capps center with updates from USA Rice by guest speaker Betsy Ward

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MS Agricultural Industry Council – Row Crop Update

MS Agricultural Industry Council – Row Crop Update Updated

🕔22:41, 19.Jul 2017

You are welcome to attend the Row Crop Update at the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council Conference. The conference is hosted at Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama on Wednesday, July 26.

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Considerations for Rice Water Weevil Management in 2017

Considerations for Rice Water Weevil Management in 2017 Updated

🕔11:13, 10.Jun 2017

We have been getting several calls about adult rice water weevil adults and adult feeding in rice that has gone to flood. In fact, it appears that we are experiencing higher than normal populations this year in many areas of

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Are you Behind on your Corn “Tassel Shot” Application? Updated

🕔11:56, 22.May 2017

The Mississippi corn crop is generally on pace to tassel earlier than normal this year. Thus, how may this affect how the corn will respond to mid-season application of various management inputs, including nitrogen fertilizer and other products? This article will discuss factors and distinct scenarios that could dramatically effect realistic corn response.

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Importance of Nitrogen Timing and Methods for Southern Corn Updated

🕔12:51, 7.Apr 2017

Nitrogen application timing, method, and fertilizer source may all significantly impact how your corn crop responds to fertilization. This article discusses how to improve corn response to nitrogen and reduce risk.

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MS Chapter ASA Meeting – November 9th

MS Chapter ASA Meeting – November 9th Updated

🕔15:25, 12.Oct 2016

The 2016 MS ASA Annual Agronomy meeting will be held Wednesday November 9, 2016 at the Grenada Co. Extension office.  A wide range of topics will be discussed including Iron chlorosis concerns for soybeans to winter forage strategies for livestock.

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Delta Area Rice Grower Meeting – November 17, 2016 Updated

🕔08:10, 5.Oct 2016

The 2016 Delta Area Rice Meeting will be held at the Bolivar Co. Extension office on November 17, 2016. Mississippi rice producers, industry professionals, and other interested parties are invited to listen to presentations from MSU research and Extension faculty

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Identifying Late Season Soybean Growth Stages

Identifying Late Season Soybean Growth Stages Updated

🕔22:19, 19.Aug 2016

As we approach soybean physiological maturity, determining the specific soybean growth stage can aid in several important management decisions. Distinct differences exist between the R6 and R6.5 growth stage.

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Bacterial Panicle Blight of Rice Observed in Multiple Delta Fields

Bacterial Panicle Blight of Rice Observed in Multiple Delta Fields Updated

🕔15:54, 18.Aug 2016

Bacterial panicle blight has been a rare disease in MS rice production systems.  Over the past several years, bacterial panicle blight has only been observed in years when high temperatures occurred for extended periods of time during flowering.  The specific

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Rice Leaf Blast Confirmed in Mississippi

Rice Leaf Blast Confirmed in Mississippi Updated

🕔20:24, 24.Jul 2016

Leaf blast has been observed in the MS rice crop for the better part of the last three weeks. In most cases, lesions were observed in areas of fields where the floodwater was less than four inches.

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Fall Armyworms in Rice: 2016

Fall Armyworms in Rice: 2016 Updated

🕔09:40, 23.Jul 2016

It looks like 2016 is shaping up to be another big year for fall armyworm in rice. As a reminder, our threshold in rice at this point in the season is 5 per 10 sweeps or when significant damage occurs.

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Reminder: MSU-Farm Bureau Joint Field Day July 19, 2016 (start time 7:30 am)

Reminder: MSU-Farm Bureau Joint Field Day July 19, 2016 (start time 7:30 am) Updated

🕔01:30, 15.Jul 2016

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held in conjunction with the annual Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Summer Rice Grower Meeting this year on the morning of July 19 at the Capps Center in Stoneville.  The MSU-DREC Rice Field Day will

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2016 MS ASA Summer Agronomy Tour – Highlights Mississippi Sweet Potato

2016 MS ASA Summer Agronomy Tour – Highlights Mississippi Sweet Potato Updated

🕔08:02, 21.Jun 2016

The 2016 MS ASA Summer Agronomy Tour will be Held June 29 in Vardaman, MS at the Penick Produce Co.  This years tour will highlight all things Sweet Potato with topics ranging from Sweet Potato Production to Agritourism.  The program can

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When is the Best Time for the “Tassel Shot” on Corn? Updated

🕔12:47, 31.May 2016

Many corn growers are implementing different “tassel shot” inputs as part of their management program. Questions often arise regarding how critical the application timing is, especially when weather or other issues may complicate timing of such inputs. This article discusses situations when application timing may be very important, as well as those when precise timing is not critical.

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Rice Disease Calendar

Rice Disease Calendar Updated

🕔11:53, 28.May 2016

Included in this blog post are a rice disease calendar. Information presented in the calendar deals with the most commonly observed rice diseases throughout the MS rice production area. In general, the occurrence of diseases on rice will depend on the planting date, general field history as related to previous crop, and the environmental conditions throughout the season.

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How to get the Best Return on your Corn Nitrogen Dollars

How to get the Best Return on your Corn Nitrogen Dollars Updated

🕔16:50, 5.May 2016

Your crop response to nitrogen fertilizer may vary considerably since our environment is very conducive to nitrogen loss. This article describes methods to optimize corn yield response to nitrogen fertilizer application.

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Rice Seed Treatments and Cool Wet Soil Conditions

Rice Seed Treatments and Cool Wet Soil Conditions Updated

🕔14:30, 3.May 2016

Every year we have a point in the planting season where we start getting questions about how heavy rainfall and cool temperatures affect seed treatments in rice. The one thing to remember is that the clock starts ticking on the

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