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Posts From Darrin Dodds

Cotton Planting Progress Updated

🕔22:25, 4.May 2012

Cotton planting has progressed at a rapid pace and we are well ahead of the five year average for percent planted acres for the first week of May. Nearly 40% of intended cotton plantings were complete at the beginning of

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2011 MSU Row Crop Short Course Video Links Updated

🕔20:02, 4.Feb 2012

The 2011 Mississippi State University Row Crop Short Course was held from December 5 – 7, 2011.  Topics covered during the Row Crop Short Course included insect and weed management, fertility management, agronomic aspects of crop production, and a farm

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2011 On-Farm Cotton Variety Trials Updated

🕔22:58, 29.Jan 2012

In 2011, 21 on-farm cotton variety trials were conducted by the Mississippi State University Extension Service.  18 Roundup Ready Flex and 3 Liberty Link trials were conducted at locations throughout the Delta and hill regions of the state.  The objective

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Mr. Trent Irby Named New MSU Extension Soybean Specialist Updated

🕔10:57, 14.Nov 2011

Mr. Trent Irby has been named Extension Soybean Specialist at Mississippi State University beginning January 1, 2012.  Trent is a native of Mississippi and was raised on a family owned and operated row crop farm where he gained production experience

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2011 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔09:40, 7.Nov 2011

On behalf of the Mississippi State University Extension Service we would like to cordially invite you to attend the 2011 Row Crop Short Course to be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University from

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Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy Meeting Updated

🕔17:31, 28.Oct 2011

The Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy will hold it’s annual meeting on Wednesday, November 16 at the Grenada County Extension Office.  The program will being at 9 a.m. and will conclude at 3:30 p.m.  CCA continuing education

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Cotton Defoliation Temperature Advisory Updated

🕔16:51, 6.Sep 2011

The aftermath of Tropical Storm Lee has brought cooler than average temperatures to many areas of the state.  Maximum air temperatures are predicted to be in the high 70’s and low 80’s through Friday while minimum air temperatures are predicted

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Reminder: Cotton Defoliation Video Conference & Streaming Video Updated

🕔10:16, 25.Aug 2011

As mentioned last week, a few acres have been defoliated already; however, the vast majority likely will not be ready for at least 2 – 3 weeks.  In anticipation of large scale defoliation applications beginning soon, Mississippi State University,  in

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Cotton Defoliation Video Conference Updated

🕔14:59, 19.Aug 2011

As the 2011 cotton crop progresses toward harvest, defoliation has begun in a few areas.  While it will likely be several weeks before widespread defoliation applications take place, beginning to plan for these applications now may lead to increased success

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Irrigation Termination in Cotton Updated

🕔13:50, 19.Aug 2011

The 2011 cotton crop is progressing nicely in spite of being somewhat late.  Defoliation applications have taken place on some of the earliest planted cotton near Port Gibson as well as on small acreage near Benoit.  In general, open bolls

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New Regulations for Refillable Pesticide Containers Updated

🕔14:36, 15.Jul 2011

Regulations will go into effect after August 16, 2011 which will affect retailers, commercial applicators, custom blenders, re-fillers, and registrants of refillable pesticide containers.  Essentially, these new regulations will affect those who use and handle mini-bulk pesticide containers, including growers. 

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Four Bract Squares in Mississippi Cotton Updated

🕔16:33, 8.Jul 2011

Although many are aware of the issues that have been created by the appearance of four bract squares over the past few weeks, the magnitude of this issue warrants a final few words.  First and foremost, four bract squares typically

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Sanitation of Field Borders Updated

🕔00:42, 25.Jun 2011

Nearly everyone who has read this blog, one of many popular press articles, or any of several periodical publications over the past year or two is aware of the problems many growers in Mississippi have with glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth. 

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Cotton Damage from POST Applied Residual Herbicides Updated

🕔14:59, 17.Jun 2011

2011 is quickly shaping up to be the year in which nothing comes easy.  Weather conditions are continuing to cause issues with the 2011 cotton crop.  Scattered hail damage from storms over the past couple of days has been reported

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Cotton Growth and Early Season Irrigation Updated

🕔17:22, 10.Jun 2011

2011 is shaping up to be one of the more challenging years we have faced in some time.  While no year can be considered normal, difficult weather conditions have tested the mettle of many this year.  Flooding, delaying planting, and

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Effect of Weather Conditions on Cotton Growth Updated

🕔10:21, 20.May 2011

Several questions have come in this week regarding the effect of cold weather and moisture on cotton growth.  Cotton is sensitive to cold temperatures as well as excessive soil moisture.  Generally speaking, having one of these situations is made worse

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Planting Progress Updated

🕔16:21, 13.May 2011

Tremendous headway was made this week with regard to cotton planting.  Planters started moving late last week as well as over the weekend.  By Monday, planting activities for several crops were well underway throughout the state.  While flooding is of

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Planting Delays and Pigweed Control Updated

🕔16:32, 29.Apr 2011

It almost goes without saying that weather conditions over the past few weeks have delayed cotton planting.  Some growers in the south Delta will likely begin planting operations where field conditions permit over the weekend.  However, a 50% chance of

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Cotton Planting Considerations Updated

🕔14:04, 15.Apr 2011

Cotton planting in Mississippi will begin next week as weather conditions allow.  Some small acreage has been planted as growers set planters; however, weather conditions up to this point have not been ideal for planting cotton.  In the table below,

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2010 Row Crop Short Course Video Links Updated

🕔13:57, 14.Feb 2011

The 2010 Row Crop Short Course was held at Mississippi State University on December 6 – 8, 2010.  As we expanded the Short Course in 2009, we also have adopted technology to record the oral and visual portions of the presentations. 

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