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Posts From Jeff Gore, Research and Extension Entomologist

Worms in Peanuts

Worms in Peanuts Updated

🕔10:00, 13.Jul 2012

I am getting a lot of calls about various worms in peanuts.  In nearly every case, it is a complex of multiple species.  It seems that the complex in the Delta region consists mainly of the rednecked peanut worm, granulate

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Ditch Bank Survey 6/27/2012 Updated

🕔10:46, 29.Jun 2012

Overall, tarnished plant bug numbers appear to be decreasing across the Delta.  Several things are contributing to this decline.  The biggest factor is that the hot, dry weather is starting to take it’s toll on a lot of the wild

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Fall Armyworms in Soybeans and Peanuts Updated

🕔05:28, 29.Jun 2012

We have gotten multiple calls over the last week about fall armyworms in soybeans and peanuts. In every case, it has been a situation where people got behind on grass control when we were getting a lot of rain a couple weeks ago. In those situations, they have sprayed the grass during the last two weeks with products such as Select or Roundup that are relatively slow acting. A lot of the grass is infested with grass-strain fall armyworm and big worms start moving over into the crop about a week to ten days after the application when the grass starts to die.

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Tarnished Plant Bug Update Updated

🕔08:44, 23.Jun 2012

This week has been the turning point on plant bugs and appears to be the week for the mass movement of migrating adults into cotton fields in many areas. Compared to previous years we are 10-14 days behind schedule. There have been quite a few sprays going out for tarnished plant bug this year but as a whole numbers have actually not been as high to date as many of us would have thought with the warm winter.

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Ditch Bank Survey 6/22/2012

Ditch Bank Survey 6/22/2012 Updated

🕔22:14, 22.Jun 2012

See attached for this week’s ditch bank insect survey. Click to Enlarge

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6/14/2012 Ditch Bank Survey

6/14/2012 Ditch Bank Survey Updated

🕔08:19, 16.Jun 2012

Click below for results of this weeks ditch bank survey

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Rice Stink Bug Update Updated

🕔11:16, 14.Jun 2012

As some of the rice in Mississippi is starting to approach head emergence within the next few weeks, I wanted to give a brief update on rice stink bug populations that we are seeing across the Delta.

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6/6/2012 Ditchbank Survey

6/6/2012 Ditchbank Survey Updated

🕔18:56, 8.Jun 2012

Plant bug sprays are going out this week but overall numbers have not been as high as expected to date.  This can change rapidly as plant bugs begin to move into fields from wild host plants. Click to Enlarge

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Mississippi Receives Section 18 on Sulfoxaflor (Transform WG) for Tarnished Plant Bugs Updated

🕔12:15, 4.Jun 2012

Transform, a new insecticide containing the active ingredient sulfoxaflor, has received an emergency use exemption for Delta counties in Mississippi for the control of tarnished plant bug in cotton.  This product represents a new mode of action and has excellent

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Ditch Bank Survey 5/30/2012

Ditch Bank Survey 5/30/2012 Updated

🕔14:18, 1.Jun 2012

Plant bug numbers are picking up this week in the Delta areas in the ditch banks. Click to enlarge

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Thrips Pressure Heavy in MS Cotton Updated

🕔15:52, 11.May 2012

In most years it is not uncommon to overspray 20-30% of the cotton acres for thrips in MS. Last year (2011) was an anomaly in that we treated around 70% of the cotton acres for thrips due to extremely high pressure. It appears that this year is shaping up the same way. This week we have had numerous calls on young cotton with very high numbers of thrips. There have also been reports of Western flower thrips on cotton.

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Thrips in Peanuts and Their Impact on Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) Updated

🕔11:14, 4.May 2012

There have been a lot of questions recently about thrips control in peanuts. In general, thrips will not hurt peanut yields except in EXTREME situations. Peanut seedlings are relatively vigorous compared to most of the crops grown in Mississippi. Foliar insecticide applications, though rarely needed, should be based on plant injury rather than thrips numbers.

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Time to Start Thinking About Plant Bugs Updated

🕔21:18, 25.Mar 2012

The time until cotton starts to square is still a few months away, but it is not too early to start thinking about managing plant bugs in cotton. With the mild winter, plant bug population densities appear to be a little higher on wild hosts than they have the past couple of years.

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Rice Water Weevil and Rice Stink Bug Update Updated

🕔07:00, 17.Jun 2011

Rice water weevil densities appear to be very high at some locations in Mississippi this year. I looked at two fields over the last week where adult feeding was actually affecting plants. Adult numbers were running as high as 4-5 weevils per plant.

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Rice Insect Update Updated

🕔09:14, 13.May 2011

The reason for this post is to give an update on insect pests that we may be seeing in the near and distant future. First, we had several wheat fields around the Delta that had some fall armyworms. In addition, we are seeing a fair number of fall armyworms in whorl stage corn. I wouldn’t say the numbers we are seeing are anything of great concern, but the numbers are higher than we normally see this time of year. This tells us that fall armyworms are in the environment and capable of moving into rice. As the wheat is drying down, make sure to keep a close eye on field edges, especially those fields adjacent to wheat.

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Overview of 2010 Insects in Rice and 2011 Outlook Updated

🕔08:33, 3.Mar 2011

Last year was a challenging year for insect pests of rice in Mississippi. In general, we experienced higher than normal populations of rice water weevil, rice stink bug, and fall armyworm.  Luckily from the rice water weevil standpoint, the two

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Rice Insecticidal Seed Treatment Recommendations for Mississippi in 2011 Updated

🕔12:48, 14.Feb 2011

In Mississippi, the rice water weevil is the most important early to mid season pest in rice. Three years of research have shown that foliar pyrethroid applications provide variable results, and may not always provide acceptable control.

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