Preliminary 2012 Rice On-Farm Variety Trial Information
In an effort to get information out in a timely, I am posting a preliminary copy of the 2012 Rice On-farm Variety Trial Booklet. Any questions, please do not hesistate to contact us.
In an effort to get information out in a timely, I am posting a preliminary copy of the 2012 Rice On-farm Variety Trial Booklet. Any questions, please do not hesistate to contact us.
This is a friendly reminder that the Rice Field at Delta Research and Extension Service in Stoneville, MS will be tomorrow (July 31, 2012). Registration at Capps Center- 2:00 pm. Rice Market Outlook presentation by Milo Hamilton –
This is video update of the current disease situation in rice. Please click on the following link to watch.
Rice Acreage Report
USDA released their final planting intensions report today. Mississippi is still reported as having 135,000 acres of long grain rice. Estimated long grain acres in other states are estimated as follows: Arkansas 1,140,000 acres, California 5,000 acres, Louisiana 355,000 acres, Missouri 195,000 acres, and Texas 110,000. The total long grain rice acres in 2012 are estimated at 1,940,000 acres. That is an increase of 146,000 acres or 8% from 2011. Also, this acreage report was 4% higher than the March planting intentions report. This latest acreage report coupled with sluggish export sales has bearish implications on the rice market.
As some of the rice in Mississippi is starting to approach head emergence within the next few weeks, I wanted to give a brief update on rice stink bug populations that we are seeing across the Delta.
Over last week or so, calls have become to trickle in on sick rice after the flood has been established. In most of these cases, the rice does not want to grow with the fertilizer and a flood on it. After inspecting these fields, signs of herbicide damage are evident on the foliage. When most of the calls come in, the producers believe that it is either a fertility, insect or disease issue. However, those issues generally occur in patches or spots where some areas are worse than others. Herbicide drift usually occurs across the whole field with one side being worse than the other. Also, rice that is on the levee can give you a general direction in where it came from.
Rice Acreage: On March 30th USDA estimated that Mississippi will plant 135,000 acres of rice. That is down 16% from 2011 and the lowest acreage since the mid 1970’s. Talking with producers and seed retailers, I would estimate that Mississippi acres will be closer 100,000 acres. There are a lot of farmers across the delta that will not be planting any rice and it has been over 40 years since they have done that. Stagnant rice prices and high urea prices have not encouraged any additional plantings. The recent upswing in urea prices will not have a significant impact on rice acres.
Below is a short list of apps that I have found helpful in the agriculture world. This list is by no means the only ones available or useful. These are just the ones I found to be pertinent and can help your overall productivity. I am sure there are more apps out there that could be beneficial, but I may not have discovered them yet. As always, I welcome your comments.
This is a brief review of the many agronomy, breeding, pest management, soil fertility, and water conservation research projects funded by the Mississippi Rice Promotion Board.
You are invited to the 2012 Delta Ag Expo. The Delta Ag Expo provides farmers and others interested in agriculture an opportunity to see the latest technology in agricultural products, services, and information. You will have the opportunity to view agricultural exhibits and talk with extension and research personnel and get up-to-date information for planning your crop year.
I would like to thank everyone for attending the Rice Short Course. At much request, I have included copies of the presentations made at this short course. Also, I have attached a preliminary copy of the Rice Variety Trial Booklet.
On November 15th, Mississippi State University will be hosting a Rice Short Course at the Delta Research and Extension Center, Charlie Capps Entrepreneurial Center in Stoneville, MS. The short course is at no cost and registration starts at 8:00 AM. CCA and consulting credits will be available at this meeting.
This video update talks about harvest progress, potential heat sterility problems, and rice stinkbugs.
Rice Stinkbug Advisory As we have expected over the last month, rice stinkbug numbers will be high this year. After several reports and scouting fields, rice stinkbug numbers are coming in at 50 to over 100 rice stinkbugs per 10
Title: Agronomic Crops Field Day Location: Delta Research and Extension Center – Stoneville, MS Description: Researchers at DREC develop varieties best suited for the Mississippi Delta, field test the most innovative production practices and the newest agricultural inputs on the
This is a rice video update for June 24, 2011. Please click on play to watch.
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Rice Update April 21, 2011. This update consist of information on planting progress, weather and weed control options. You can download or click play now to view.
Rice Update April 21, 2011. This update consist of information on planting progress and weed control options for producers who have gotten behind due to the windy and wet conditions. You can download or click play now to view.
This update contains information on planting considerations, herbicide considerations, March 31, 2011 planting intentions and rice stocks. Press play now, play in a pop up to view or you can download it.
This rice update contains information on rice yields by planting date, new rice varieties, and seeding rates. Press Play in Popup to view this video update.
This update covers rice burndown considerations, hybrid insecticide seed treatments, and 2011 USDA Outlook Agriculture Forum – Rice Planting Intentions.
With snow melting and warmer temperatures on the way, burndown should be taking place next week. I have included a video presentation for rice winter weed control. You can stream the video by clicking on view in a popup. The file can also be downloaded by clicking on Rice Winter Weed Burndown below.
The Rice Seeding Rate Calculator has been uploaded. This is an excel file that will give seeding rates for selected rice varieties. I have uploaded a tutorial video that demonstrates how to use the program. You can download this file or you can click Play in Popup which will give you full streaming video. I also included a rice seeding rate chart which is a pdf version of the information.
Our 2010 rice variety trial data is now available. We also have released our 2010 Rice Research Report. If you have questions, please let me know. Here’s the link to the research report… 2010-rice-research-report-01122011 Here’s the link to the variety