Should We Treat Stink Bugs in Wheat?
Over the last week or so we have a few calls coming in about stink bugs in heading wheat. It is not uncommon to find stink bugs in wheat after head emergence. However, it takes extremely high numbers to cause
Over the last week or so we have a few calls coming in about stink bugs in heading wheat. It is not uncommon to find stink bugs in wheat after head emergence. However, it takes extremely high numbers to cause
Non-irrigated locations containing the MSU official corn hybrid trials (OHT) were evaluated for foliar diseases during the 2020 season. Curvularia leaf spot and southern corn leaf blight were the two most commonly observed diseases. Little if any northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) was observed; however, where observed the evaluations were captured and are contained in the associated tables from each location. In addition, and when present, lodging was evaluated on a percent scale to capture any meaningful differences between hybrids. Presently, the evaluations from the non-irrigated locations (n=6) are included in the current post.
Locations containing the MSU official corn hybrid trials (OHT) were evaluated for foliar diseases during the 2020 season. Curvularia leaf spot and southern corn leaf blight were the two most commonly observed diseases. Little if any northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) was observed; however, where observed the evaluations were captured and are contained in the associated tables from each location. In addition, and when present, lodging was evaluated on a percent scale to capture any meaningful differences between hybrids. Presently, the evaluations from the irrigated locations (n=4) are included in the current post.
Although most corn across the state is beyond the susceptible stage, southwestern corn borer traps were very high in some counties with multiple traps exceeding 100 moths per trap.
Southwestern corn borer trap counts increased again this week in several counties. Traps in Leflore, Carroll, and Tate counties exceeded the current threshold of 100 per trap. As a reminder, corn is considered safe from yield losses from southwestern corn
Overall, southwestern corn borer trap numbers are beginning to decline. Only one location in Leflore county exceeded the threshold of 100 per trap this week.
The corn agronomy guys are also recording Mississippi Crop Situation Podcasts. We are using this format to share our latest recommendations and issues we are finding in the Corn Verification Program and grower fields throughout the state.
The presence of foliar diseases in the MS corn production system has certainly increased over the past several weeks. In general, the presence of disease increases as the corn crop ages. Questions regarding common and southern rust, Curvularia leaf spot, Diplodia leaf streak, and Physoderma brown spot have been posed over the past several weeks. Information regarding the aforementioned diseases is contained in the current blog post.
Trap counts for southwestern corn borer are highly variable this week. We did have two locations in Tate and Leflore Counties that exceeded the threshold this week. As a reminder, thresholds for southwestern corn borer suggest spraying non-Bt corn 7
Corn productivity is dependent upon favorable weather and many management practices and inputs you provide, many of which are implemented during planting. Of course, many times we face substantial weather-related challenges that limit productivity. This article addresses those challenges and presents strategies to enhance profitability or minimize associated risk.
Mississippi State goes to great lengths to evaluate, assess and analyze corn hybrid performance, so you have good information to make decisions which improve the profitability of your farm. These Hybrid Demonstration trials are grown in numerous on-farm locations throughout the state where you can better evaluate hybrid performance of our region’s most elite hybrids. Complete results, including yields and plant characteristics from this year’s trials are published here.
Locations containing the MSU official corn hybrid trials (OHT) were evaluated for foliar diseases during the 2019 season. Curvularia leaf spot and northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) were the two most commonly observed diseases. Presently, the evaluations from the irrigated locations (n=4) are included in the current post.
Locations containing the MSU official corn hybrid trials (OHT) were evaluated for foliar diseases during the 2019 season. Curvularia leaf spot and northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) were the two most commonly observed diseases. Presently, the evaluations from the non-irrigated locations (n=4) are included in the current post. The irrigated locations (n=4) will be posted at a later date.
This will be the last week that southwestern corn borer trap counts will be reported since most corn is past the susceptible stage.
Several traps exceeded thresholds for the week ending on July 5. As a reminder, our current thresholds are 50 southwestern corn borer moths within a weeks time for corn that has not yet tasseled. From tassel to dent, the threshold
Southwestern corn borer trap numbers are starting to increase in some areas of the state. Scouting should be intensified over the next couple of weeks. It is likely some fields will reach threshold numbers over the next 10 days to
Most of the corn disease questions over the past week to 10 days have had to do with diseases in the lower canopy. Common rust has been one of the most commonly observed diseases and continues to be observed once plants reach reproductive growth stages.
Brown stink bugs have been treated on a fair number of acres of corn in the Delta this year. With the loss of Methyl, there are not a lot of good choices to control this pest in corn. We are
Over the last couple days we have begin to receive a few calls about brown stink bugs in seedling corn in the Delta region of the state. Stink bugs attack corn by feeding through the side of the stem or
Assessing corn stands to make replant decisions involves numerous factors which will likely influence the outcome. This article discusses those factors, including new research results, which should help make these difficult decisions easier.