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Soybean Promotion Board (MSPB)

The 2014 Mississippi Soybean Disease Monitoring Network Updated

🕔16:24, 3.Jul 2014

Sentinel plots were planted in the spring of 2014 to serve as a source of soybean plants for monitoring important, potentially yield-limiting soybean diseases throughout MS. The sentinel plot network has protected MS soybean farmers for 9 years now. With financial aid from the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board and the United Soybean Board, the sentinel plots will be scouted for the remainder of the 2014 season.

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Programing a Surge Valve Updated

🕔10:30, 26.Jun 2014

We are having lots of questions concerning the proper set up of surge valves. First,   please consider some of the basic terminology associated with furrow irrigation. We encourage you to visit       and view the video before continuing. Phases

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Frogeye Leaf Spot Management Suggestions for the 2014 Season

Frogeye Leaf Spot Management Suggestions for the 2014 Season Updated

🕔22:00, 24.Jun 2014

Frogeye leaf spot management continues to be a hot topic during the 2014 season. Scattered reports of frogeye in R3+ soybean fields continue to be made. Most of the questions at this time tend to be regarding fungicide management suggestions at the R3/R4 application timing. Knowing what varieties are planted in fields is one of the most important determining factors since susceptible varieties should be managed differently at R3/R4 than frogeye tolerant varieties.

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Soybean Irrigation Initiation Updated

🕔10:00, 23.Jun 2014

Although we have received lots of rainfall this season, it is time to initiate irrigation in soybean. Keep in mind that irrigation during the early vegetative phase provides little to no yield benefit. The reason to apply irrigation during the

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Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies in Mississippi Soybeans Updated

🕔18:25, 14.Jun 2014

Diagnosing nutrient deficiencies is not rocket science, but can be cumbersome.  Many nutrient related issues occur early in season and can sometimes mimic herbicide injury in appearance.  In many instances it is difficult to tell the two apart. Most often

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Delta Area “Turn Row Talks” on Water Conservation Announced Updated

🕔07:58, 13.Jun 2014

On June 9, leaders from the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board, key personnel from the Mississippi State University Extension Service, and stakeholder organizations a part of the Delta Sustainable Water Resources Task Force formally announced a series of summer irrigation “Turn Row Talks” to be held across the Delta during the month of July for producers to attend local, on-farm demonstrations of water conservation efforts being implemented and utilized by growers in their respective areas.

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Delta Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Crops Field Day, June 17, 2014 Updated

🕔13:30, 30.May 2014

A corn, cotton, peanut, and soybean field day is scheduled for June 17th at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, MS. The general theme of the field day will include pertinent information for mid-season row crop issues.

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New Neonicotinoid Pollinator Protection Labels Updated

🕔17:03, 1.May 2014

We have had several calls in recent days as news gets out about the EPA’s recent label changes for neonicotinoid insecticides. The intent is to offer greater protection for pollinators in and around crops where this class of insecticides may be applied. Basically, the new language forbids the use of these products while bees are foraging and until flowering is complete and all petals have fallen off the plants. There are a few exceptions if certain criteria are met.

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Management Practices to Reduce the Development of Fungicide Resistance in Soybean: Part III, Strobilurin-Resistant Frogeye Leaf Spot in Mississippi

Management Practices to Reduce the Development of Fungicide Resistance in Soybean: Part III, Strobilurin-Resistant Frogeye Leaf Spot in Mississippi Updated

🕔15:16, 11.Apr 2014

Strobilurin-resistant frogeye leaf spot continues to be a topic of conversation. During 2012 two MS counties were confirmed to have strobilurin resistant frogeye leaf spot. Since that time a large survey has been conducted in MS to determine how widespread the resistance is within the fungal population in MS.

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Management Practices to Reduce the Development of Fungicide Resistance in Soybean: Part II, Choosing Fungicide Products and Rates Updated

🕔23:05, 1.Apr 2014

Fungicides have become an important management alternative for diseases such as frogeye leaf spot. However, with the addition of the strobilurin-resistant fungus responsible for frogeye leaf spot, caution must be taken when applying fungicides to not increase the likelihood of fungicide resistance from developing. The specific characteristics of the main fungicide classes labeled for application in soybean systems are outlined. In addition, a table that includes the specific components of the pre-mix products when the labeled rates are applied is included.

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Management Practices to Reduce the Development of Fungicide Resistance in Soybean: Part I, Improving Disease Management Practices Updated

🕔16:12, 29.Mar 2014

Fungicide resistance has continued to be a hot topic during the off-season. Since 2010, fungicide resistance within the frogeye leaf spot fungal population has been documented in several states including Mississippi. To prevent the development of fungicide resistance from increasing several important steps can be followed. Several of these specific topics will be outlined in this three part series regarding fungicide resistance.

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“Bee Aware” Flags Ready for Distribution Updated

🕔08:39, 26.Mar 2014

Recently several groups in Mississippi came together and developed then adopted a set of Cooperative Standards for row crop farmers and beekeepers in an effort to increase awareness of pollinator’s and create an environment where each could coexist while minimizing any

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The Mississippi State University RISER Program: Efficient Methods for Furrow Irrigation Updated

🕔11:42, 12.Feb 2014

RISER irrigation approach reduces water use by 50% while maintaining yield potential.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Results Updated

🕔10:59, 11.Feb 2014

The results from the Second Annual Future of Ag Graduate Student Competition are included in this post.

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Cooperative Standards for the Coexistence of Row Crop Farmers and Beekeepers Adopted in Mississippi Updated

🕔09:30, 30.Jan 2014

Over the last several years there has been a media blitz surrounding the decline in honey bee populations around the globe. It seems like the science changes daily as to cause of the problem. Most believe it is a complex

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2013 Soybean Variety Trial Disease Ratings: Maturity Group V Frogeye Leaf Spot and Cercospora Blight Updated

🕔23:02, 26.Jan 2014

Included in this blog post are ratings collected for frogeye leaf spot as well as Cercospora blight from the 2013 Maturity Group V soybean variety trials. Trials were conducted in Brooksville, Clarksdale (irrigated), Falkner, Longwood, Olive Branch, Raymond, Stoneville (clay and loam). The conventional/LibertyLink trial was only conducted at the Brooksville, Falkner, Longwood, and Stoneville (clay) locations. Ratings were collected based on a 0-9 and are presented from each location for each variety so a range of ratings is available across all environments encountered during the 2013 season.

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2013 Soybean Variety Trial Disease Ratings: Maturity Group IV Frogeye Leaf Spot and Cercospora Blight Updated

🕔21:07, 23.Jan 2014

Included in this blog post are ratings collected for frogeye leaf spot as well as Cercospora blight from the 2013 Maturity Group IV soybean variety trials. Trials were conducted in Brooksville, Clarksdale (irrigated), Falkner, Longwood, Olive Branch, Raymond, Stoneville (clay and loam). The conventional/LibertyLink trial was only conducted at the Brooksville, Falkner, Longwood, and Stoneville (clay) locations. Ratings were collected based on a 0-9 and are presented from each location for each variety so a range of ratings is available across all environments encountered during the 2013 season.

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Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 23 & 24, 2014

Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 23 & 24, 2014 Updated

🕔11:08, 11.Jan 2014

Attached please find the agenda for the Delta Ag Expo in Cleveland, MS. Make careful note that the dates of the meeting have changed from previous years due to a minor scheduling conflict with the Bolivar County Exposition Center.

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East Mississippi Soybean Variety Trial Report Updated

🕔11:38, 24.Dec 2013

Attached in this blog post are the variety trial results from the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center in Verona, MS. Harvested yield as well as variety response to natural infection from Cercospora blight and frogeye leaf spot are included in the associated tables.

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Soybean Variety Suggestions for 2014 Updated

🕔14:55, 16.Dec 2013

Variety selection is one of the most critical management decisions associated with soybean production. Factors such as soil type, planting date, irrigation capabilities, row spacing, harvest capacity, and other crops grown all can influence the decision for selecting an appropriate

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There’s Good News About the Potassium in Your Soil Updated

🕔15:18, 13.Dec 2013

As you look over your fields this winter, be thankful for the tons of potassium (K) present in every acre. It is the most abundant mineral macro-nutrient on earth, which is good because most crops utilize large quantities of it.

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2013 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔16:10, 5.Nov 2013

The 2013 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University from December 2 – 4, 2013.  The 2013 Row Crop Short Course will begin with an irrigation symposium hosted

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Soybean Viruses Cause Important Diseases too Updated

🕔09:21, 27.Sep 2013

Virus-infected soybean material has been observed almost statewide this season. The high numbers of bean leaf beetles can be blamed for some of the observed viruses; however, bean leaf beetles are not the only insects that can vector soybean viruses between plants. This specific blog update presents information on the three most commonly encountered soybean viruses in the MS soybean production system.

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Soybean Disease Update: September 21, 2013 Updated

🕔15:25, 21.Sep 2013

Soybean disease questions still consider to be raised throughout MS. Even though soybean rust has been detected in 45 counties to date it appears we will have another season where yield losses as a result of soybean rust will be extremely limited and may only have occurred in a handful of fields. When making plans for next year consider sampling for nematodes in light textured soil classes. In addition, planting a frogeye susceptible variety in several years in a continuous soybean system may increase the likelihood of frogeye causing substantial yield loss.

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Foliar Soybean Disease Update: August 31, 2013 Updated

🕔09:12, 31.Aug 2013

Foliar diseases of soybean continue to be observed throughout the MS soybean production system. Over the past week additional counties containing soybean rust have been observed throughout the state. Stay tuned to information on the Crop Situation Blog regarding additional counties with soybean rust infected plant material should management suggestions change.

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