New Insect Control Guide App Available
We have been working on an insect control guide app for a couple years and are proud to say it is now available in the app store for iPhones. Shortly we will be releasing a version for Android users as
We have been working on an insect control guide app for a couple years and are proud to say it is now available in the app store for iPhones. Shortly we will be releasing a version for Android users as
An early burndown application in January or early-February for Italian ryegrass allows time to determine how well the first application worked and flexibility in deciding how to control escapes.
MSU Extension is hosting a series of meetings to be held throughout the state to prepare growers for the upcoming season. These meetings will focus on market outlooks, variety selection, weed management, insect and plant disease management, and other current crop production
MSU Extension is hosting a series of meetings to be held throughout the state to prepare growers for the upcoming season. These meetings will focus on market outlooks, variety selection, weed management, insect and plant disease management, and other current crop production
On behalf of the Mississippi State University Extension Service, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the 2016 Row Crop Short Course to be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center near the campus of Mississippi State University
The Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program provides us first-hand opportunity and information to better assess hybrid performance and adaptability in Mississippi. This program provides unique opportunity to observe and evaluate plant characteristics and environmental responses of our best corn hybrids in local, on-farm demonstration plots. This is a complete summary of 2016 results.
On behalf of the Mississippi State University Extension Service, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the 2016 Row Crop Short Course to be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center near the campus of Mississippi State University
From: Gene Merkl We are hosting a live video conference outlining the new rules on Wednesday November 16th at 10:00 AM. Please have your extension office (or REC) request from Distance Education (copied above) “WPS 2015 Training Video Conference” or
This publication lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior productivity in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. No other source tests as many hybrids representing today’s market. Thus, this is a great starting point and barometer for you to judge hybrid performance and improve your ability to select the best hybrids for your farm.
The MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program evaluates premier corn hybrids and substantially supplements the independent and unbiased information gathered in the University Hybrid Trials. Preliminary grain yield results from 2016 irrigated and dryland trials are summarized in this article.
On behalf of the Mississippi State University Extension Service, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the 2016 Row Crop Short Course to be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center near the campus of Mississippi State University
The best chance for reliable glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass control is with residual herbicides applied in the fall.
The 2016 MS ASA Annual Agronomy meeting will be held Wednesday November 9, 2016 at the Grenada Co. Extension office. A wide range of topics will be discussed including Iron chlorosis concerns for soybeans to winter forage strategies for livestock.
Over the last 7 days we have had numerous calls about ear drop in non-Bt corn fields. In 99.9% of the cases, the amount of ears hitting the ground is completely negligible and will not result in any yield loss
Corn harvest will be upon us soon and anticipation is building. However, we still need to get this corn crop out of the field and safely deliver it to market. Your ability to successfully harvest your crop may vary depending on several factors.
As the corn crop nears maturity, knowing when you can safely terminate irrigation timing, while optimizing yield potential is likely the most important decision you will face. In order to make this call, you need to estimate when the crop will reach maturity and how much moisture is present in your soil. This article outlines the steps needed to help make this process accurate and reliable.
Controlling GR Palmer amaranth on turnrows and ditchbanks has become a critical component to weed control.
Southwestern corn borer trap counts remained very high in some areas this week. The highest counts reported were in Sunflower, Quitman, and Coahoma counties.
The corn disease season continues to be somewhat quiet. Few if any foliar diseases have been observed throughout MS. Southern rust continues to be observed in western and southern MS; however, the disease has only be observed at low levels (one to two leaves) in all situations to date.
The North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Field Day is scheduled for August 11, 2016 from 8 am to 1:30 pm with lunch provided.
Southwestern corn borer trap catches appear to be peaking this week. Several counties had individual traps with numbers at or near the current threshold and a couple well above threshold. As a reminder, the current threshold is 50 per trap
Southwestern corn borer numbers increased significantly in some areas this week. The highest numbers were 377 caught in Leflore County and 450 caught in Coahoma County. The current threshold in the 2016 Insect Control Guide suggests spraying when 50 moths are caught
Much of the corn has reached the reproductive stages, while some is still in the vegetative stages. Several caterpillars, including fall armyworm and corn earworm, can infest corn, especially non-Bt corn, during both stages of development.