Corn Disease Update: June 26, 2018

Corn Disease Update: June 26, 2018 Updated

🕔18:28, 26.Jun 2018

Over the past week the corn disease situation in MS has changed. Several foliar diseases are starting to be observed in our production system. However, the vast majority of the leaf spots present are not yield-limiting issues.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: June 22, 2018

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: June 22, 2018 Updated

🕔21:54, 22.Jun 2018

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Rainfastness of Insecticides Updated

🕔08:59, 22.Jun 2018

This article is dated but applies very well today given the pop up showers across most of the state lately. Every year when afternoon thunderstorms start popping up, the phone starts ringing about rainfastness.  Rainfastness simply means the amount of

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 15, 2018

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 15, 2018 Updated

🕔08:21, 16.Jun 2018

We have been trapping southwestern corn borer for the last few weeks, but most traps have not caught any moths until this week. Overall, numbers are still low, but are starting to increase which may signal the beginning of the

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Could Weather Limit Effectiveness of your “Tassel Shot” Application? Updated

🕔14:36, 25.May 2018

As the Mississippi corn crop approaches tassel stage, weather has fluctuated from dry to rainy conditions during recent weeks. Thus, how may this affect how the corn will respond to mid-season application of various management inputs, including nitrogen fertilizer or other products? This article will discuss factors that could dramatically affect corn response.

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Reminder: 2018 Agronomic Scout School Dates

Reminder: 2018 Agronomic Scout School Dates Updated

🕔12:00, 18.May 2018

Mississippi State University will be hosting 2 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology.

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Cool, Wet Weather, and Residue Brings Slugs

Cool, Wet Weather, and Residue Brings Slugs Updated

🕔09:20, 10.Apr 2018

I have recently received a few call about slugs in corn. I suspect this will increase in more crops as planting continues and they begin to emerge. Slug problems usually start on corn first, then move to soybeans, then cotton in our area.

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Tips for Planting High Yielding Corn

Tips for Planting High Yielding Corn Updated

🕔13:19, 10.Mar 2018

Southern corn producers often face challenges during planting that can drastically affect the stand achieved and ultimately the productivity of the crop. This article provides guidelines and tips for having a successful planting season.

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Clethodim-resistant Italian Ryegrass in Mississippi

Clethodim-resistant Italian Ryegrass in Mississippi Updated

🕔09:40, 11.Jan 2018

Italian ryegrass resistant to clethodim is present in Mississippi.

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2018 County Extension Meeting Schedule

2018 County Extension Meeting Schedule Updated

🕔08:55, 21.Dec 2017

The Mississippi State University Extension Service will be hosting a number of county row crop extension meetings in the spring of 2018. Each meeting will cover issues specific to the area and will provide information on weeds, insects, disease, economics,

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2017 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Summary Updated

🕔14:45, 1.Dec 2017

Selecting the best corn hybrids to plant next year is critical to the profitability of your farm. This article contains complete results of yields and plant characteristics evaluated in the 2017 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration trials grown throughout the state for your review.

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2017 Row Crop Short Course – Updated

2017 Row Crop Short Course – Updated Updated

🕔08:49, 11.Nov 2017

The 2017 Row Crop Short Course will be held at The Mill Conference Center in Starkville, MS on December 4-6th, 2017.  The program will kick off on Monday, December 4th at 9 am with a cover crop symposium.  Several growers

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2018 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2018 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔15:45, 23.Oct 2017

This publication lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior performance in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. No other source tests as many hybrids representing today’s market. Thus, this is a great starting point and barometer for you to judge hybrid performance and improve your ability to select the best hybrids for your farm.

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2017 Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Updated

🕔11:36, 20.Oct 2017

Selecting the best corn hybrids to plant next year is critical to the profitability of your farm. This article contains yield summaries from the 2017 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration trials grown throughout the state for your review.

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2017 Row Crop Short Course

2017 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔09:39, 13.Oct 2017

The 2017 Row Crop Short Course hosted by Mississippi State University will be held Dec. 4-6, 2017 at The Mill Conference Center in Starkville, MS.  Pre-registration is free until November 27th and will be $40 thereafter including at the door.

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Burning Stalks – What does it Really Cost? Updated

🕔09:03, 13.Sep 2017

After harvest, you immediately face management decisions which may have considerable effect on future productivity. Corn produces far more residue than most crops we are accustomed to, so it possesses considerable benefits, or may create anxiety depending upon how you view it. This article addresses the pro’s and con’s of crop residue and associated management options, including burning.

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How to Enhance Corn Harvest Efficiency and Success

How to Enhance Corn Harvest Efficiency and Success Updated

🕔11:12, 12.Aug 2017

Corn harvest should pick up up when sunshine returns and muddy fields dry up. Understanding how weather and other factors affect grain drying, potential harvest losses, moisture dockage and storage issues can help improve your harvest efficiency and success.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts – July 21, 2017

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts – July 21, 2017 Updated

🕔16:14, 21.Jul 2017

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MS Agricultural Industry Council – Row Crop Update

MS Agricultural Industry Council – Row Crop Update Updated

🕔22:41, 19.Jul 2017

You are welcome to attend the Row Crop Update at the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council Conference. The conference is hosted at Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama on Wednesday, July 26.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts – July 14, 2017

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts – July 14, 2017 Updated

🕔08:34, 15.Jul 2017

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Can I roll the Poly Pipe up on my Corn? Updated

🕔22:53, 11.Jul 2017

As the corn crop nears maturity, knowing when you can safely terminate irrigation timing, while optimizing yield potential is likely the most important decision you will face. In order to make this call, you need to estimate when the crop will reach maturity and how much moisture is present in your soil. This article outlines the steps needed to help make this process accurate and reliable.

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How Can I Estimate Corn Yield? Updated

🕔11:07, 11.Jul 2017

Would you like to estimate your corn yield prior to the combine heading to the field? If you are willing to put in a little time, you can develop a reasonable yield estimate by following these guidelines.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts – July 7, 2017

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts – July 7, 2017 Updated

🕔19:08, 7.Jul 2017

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts – June 30, 2017

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts – June 30, 2017 Updated

🕔08:20, 1.Jul 2017

Overall, southwestern corn borer trap numbers are increasing across the state. The thresholds in the control guide suggest treating 7 days after traps reach 50 moths for pre-tassel corn and 100 moths for tasseling corn. As a reminder, corn is safe

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Corn Disease Update: June 24, 2017

Corn Disease Update: June 24, 2017 Updated

🕔15:32, 24.Jun 2017

Increased reports of disease in the corn crop in MS have been made over the past week. Normally, as corn matures, the incidence and severity of corn diseases observed with increase. Presently, common rust, Diplodia leaf streak, northern corn leaf blight, and southern rust can all be observed in our corn production system; however, southern rust has only been observed on an extremely limited number of acres to this point in the season.

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