Cotton Layby Herbicides Updated

🕔16:07, 12.Jul 2013

Over the last couple of weeks numerous calls have come in regarding layby herbicide programs.  There are several options for layby programs and many have their own favorite program that they have been successful with in the past.  I will

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Reminder: Mississippi State University/Monsanto Company Pigweed Field Day July 17 Updated

🕔15:07, 12.Jul 2013

The Mississippi State University Extension Service in cooperation with Monsanto Company will host a pigweed field day near Robinsonville, MS on July 17, 2013.  The field day location is just north of Tunica National Golf Course.  A more detailed map

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July Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔15:57, 11.Jul 2013

Soybeans The 2013/14 crop saw a few changes from last month’s report should be considered slightly bearish even as the market moved higher. Planted acres were revised up 0.6 million acres from last month to reflect the June Acreage report. Harvested acres

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Cotton Update and Plant Growth Regulator Use Updated

🕔10:01, 5.Jul 2013

Generally the 4th of July means blooms have begun to appear in many cotton fields.  However, give the late start to 2013, blooms will likely not be observed on a widespread basis for another one to three weeks.  Blooms have

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Spider Mites Showing Up in Cotton Updated

🕔11:33, 4.Jul 2013

With the dry weather we have had recently, spider mites are starting to show up in a lot of cotton fields. Spider mites can be one of the most difficult pests to manage in cotton for several reasons.

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Plant Bugs Moving Into Squaring Cotton

Plant Bugs Moving Into Squaring Cotton Updated

🕔10:10, 2.Jul 2013

In the last 7 days we have received a number of calls about adult plant bugs beginning to move into squaring cotton. In many cases, fields that were treated last week have higher or equal numbers this week. As we

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Mississippi State University/Monsanto Company Pigweed Field Day – July 17, 2013 Updated

🕔16:16, 28.Jun 2013

The Mississippi State University Extension Service in cooperation with Monsanto Company will host a pigweed field day near Robinsonville, MS on July 17, 2013.  The field day location is just north of Tunica National Golf Course.  A more detailed map

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Audio: Numerous Calls on Snails Updated

🕔13:33, 15.Jun 2013

Audioboo on Snails in small cotton and soybean

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Cotton Progress Updated

🕔09:30, 15.Jun 2013

For all intensive purposes cotton planting has been completed in Mississippi for 2013.  In my estimation the majority of the 2013 crop is two to four weeks behind normal.  The youngest cotton in the state is at 1 to 2

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June Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔15:58, 14.Jun 2013

The United States Department of Agriculture along with the World Ag Outlook Board released their monthly World Agriculutral Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report June 12 around lunch. The report is the second to provide insight on USDA’s projections for the 2013

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Crop Market Update: Week Ending June 14, 2013 Updated

🕔15:56, 14.Jun 2013

Monday’s crop progress had corn planting at 95% complete, just 3% behind the 5-year average. Soybeans are still behind schedule with planting progress currently at 71% for the U.S. crop and 88% for the Mississippi crop. That compares to 5

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Crop Market Update: Week Ending Jun 07, 2013 Updated

🕔15:59, 7.Jun 2013

Monday’s crop progress had corn planting at 91% complete, just 4% behind the 5-year average. Soybeans are still behind schedule with planting progress currently at 57% for the U.S. crop and 74% for the Mississippi crop. That compares to 5

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Planting Progress and Early Season Weed/Thrips Control Updated

🕔09:44, 1.Jun 2013

A good deal of progress was made this past week with respect to getting the 2013 cotton crop planted.  Rainfall during the middle part of last week put planting activities on hold until Friday afternoon (of last week) or Saturday

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Thrips Pressure Heavy Despite a Late Planted Crop Updated

🕔08:37, 1.Jun 2013

No doubt this is a very late planted crop by Mississippi standards, so I was a little surprised when numerous thrips calls started coming in about a week or so ago. Usually thrips issues are much worse on cotton that is growing off slow due to cold weather or any number of issues that may slow growth.

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Cotton Planting Progress Updated

🕔13:48, 25.May 2013

Limited progress was made with respect to cotton planting in Mississippi during this past week.  As has been the case for the past several weeks, field conditions permitted progress to be made for a short period of time before the

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How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops?

How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops? Updated

🕔19:54, 24.May 2013

With all of the rainfall that we have had around most of the state, there have been a lot of questions about the impact on seed treatments. In general, most of the seed treatments that are being used in all crops are water soluble. Typical levels of rainfall should not have a negative impact on the efficacy of seed treatments, but excessive rainfall may.

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2013 Scout Schools Set Updated

🕔13:55, 22.May 2013

The 2013 Scout School dates have been set. The first will be June 4th from 9:00 a.m -12:00 p.m. at the Delta Research and Extension Center in the auditorium of the main building. The last one will be on the main campus of Mississippi State University in the Clay Lyle Entomology Building conference room.

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Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013

Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013 Updated

🕔07:43, 22.May 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 19, 2013. Favorable conditions allowed for more field work to be completed. Operators were able to plant more corn, soybeans, and cotton. Soil moisture was rated 1 percent very short, 1 percent short, 52 percent adequate, and 46 percent surplus.

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Managing For Earliness Updated

🕔16:55, 17.May 2013

Progress was made with respect to planting on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week.  Some areas remained wet and little progress was made whereas in others favorable conditions facilitated tremendous progress.  However, what began on Monday of this week

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Thrips in Cotton and Peanuts Updated

🕔15:27, 17.May 2013

I have been asked several times over the last week about the need for thrips control now that we have more optimal planting conditions. This is a good question and I will attempt to provide some valuable insight about thrips control in both cotton and peanuts.

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Cotton Replant Costs Updated

🕔09:11, 11.May 2013

Very little cotton has been planted so far this year given the seemingly weekly rainfall.  What little cotton has been planted has struggled due to cool temperatures, water saturation, etc.  In some cases, fields are not going to emerge to

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Transform WG Insecticide from Dow Recieves Label for Cotton Updated

🕔12:42, 10.May 2013

Earlier this week Transform WG insecticide from Dow received a full Section 3 label for use in cotton.

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Chase the Sprayer with the Planter Updated

🕔12:18, 26.Apr 2013

Historically, we have chased the planter with the sprayer to apply residual herbicides. This presents several potential problems…

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USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi

USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi Updated

🕔15:42, 15.Apr 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, April 14, 2013. Dry conditions during the first half of the week allowed for some fieldwork to be done. Wet conditions in the last half of the week slowed or stopped all fieldwork. Soil moisture was rated 40 percent adequate, and 60 percent surplus.

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April Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔10:42, 11.Apr 2013

Soybeans U.S. ending stocks for soybeans remained unchanged in the April World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report at 125 million bushels. Analysts were expecting the ending stocks number to be 137 million bushels, with a range from 107 to 160

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