Weed of the Week: Texas Millet Updated

🕔08:21, 6.Sep 2012

Texas millet is native to the southern United States and can be found in crop fields, pastures, roadsides, and untended areas in Mississippi.

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The Principles of Plant Pathology: The Disease Triangle and Influence of the Environment Updated

🕔17:38, 31.Aug 2012

Plant pathogens require a specific set of factors to occur at the same time for disease to begin. More often than not diseases require a prolonged conducive environment before the pathogen can produce observable symptoms.

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Weed of the Week: Southwestern Cupgrass Updated

🕔09:39, 30.Aug 2012

Southwestern cupgrass has become an increasing problem in recent years in Mississippi.

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2012 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide Updated

🕔14:10, 24.Aug 2012

Cotton harvest aid applications are beginning to go out on some of the earliest planted and/or burnt up cotton in several areas throughout the state.  As most know, there are several methods that can be used to time defoliation applications;

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Weed of the Week:  Browntop Millet

Weed of the Week: Browntop Millet Updated

🕔08:22, 13.Aug 2012

In Mississippi, browntop millet is found in cultivated areas, lawns, pastures, and along roadsides.

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Terminating Spider Mite Applications in Cotton

Terminating Spider Mite Applications in Cotton Updated

🕔10:23, 11.Aug 2012

When to terminate spider mite treatments can be a very difficult decision this time of year. Spider mites can cause yield loss directly by feeding on small squares and bolls causing them to abort, or indirectly by feeding on leaves which reduces photosynthesis not allowing bolls to fill out correctly. In many ways this indirect damage would be very similar to defoliation.

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Cotton Foliar Leaf Spots: Determining the Underlying Cause is Most Important Management Option Updated

🕔10:13, 11.Aug 2012

Foliar leaf spot diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS cotton production area. Determing the particular leaf spot at the field level can be quite difficult especially if the leaf spots are a result of a foliar potassium deficiency. Bacterial blight, Corynespora leaf spot, and various other fungal diseases are being observed at present within our production system.

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August USDA Report Recaps Updated

🕔09:44, 10.Aug 2012

[note: I have a prior obligation today. Here is a quick synopsis of the reports with more to come in later today or over the weekend] This morning USDA’s World Agricultural Outlook Board released their August estimates of U.S. and

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Fruiting Gaps Present in Mississippi Cotton Fields

Fruiting Gaps Present in Mississippi Cotton Fields Updated

🕔00:22, 10.Aug 2012

Open bolls are beginning to appear in several areas of the state which is signaling that we are headed toward the finish line with this crop.  However, several calls have come in this week regarding fruiting gaps present in a

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Weed of the Week: Sicklepod Updated

🕔14:56, 7.Aug 2012

Sicklepod is competitive with row crops during their seedling stages, so the first few weeks after planting are critical for control.

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Fall Armyworms in Mississippi Crops Updated

🕔19:17, 3.Aug 2012

Fall armyworm can be a challenging pest to find and an even more challenging pest to manage in some crops. The damage that they cause and their management varies greatly from crop to crop. The reason for this is due to their preferred feeding sites on different crops and the presence of host strains.

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Glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth on Turnrows and Ditchbanks

Glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth on Turnrows and Ditchbanks Updated

🕔10:40, 31.Jul 2012

One area of concern in glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth management is controlling this species on turnrows, field borders, and ditchbanks.  Clean crop fields surrounded on turnrows and/or ditchbanks by GR Palmer amaranth is a common sight in areas where it

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Weed of the Week:  Partridgepea

Weed of the Week: Partridgepea Updated

🕔08:55, 31.Jul 2012

Partridgepea is often used as a wildlife forage because of the variety of species that feed off of the plant.

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Bollworm Update Cotton/Soybean Updated

🕔10:19, 21.Jul 2012

This year started out with most folks expecting higher than usual bollworm numbers due to the mild winter. Couple that with increased corn acres and the perfect storm was thought to be brewing. This is why entomologists get “shifty” when

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Cotton Aphid Update Updated

🕔20:40, 20.Jul 2012

Aphids have really been blowing up recently in cotton across Mississippi, so I wanted to give a quick update on our bioassay results from this year.  To date, I have not tested a single colony that was susceptible to neonicotinoids. 

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Weed of the Week:  Hemp Sesbania

Weed of the Week: Hemp Sesbania Updated

🕔08:59, 18.Jul 2012

Late-emerging hemp sesbania is problematic at harvest due to its height, woody stem, and the fact that its black seed contaminate grain samples.

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How Soon Did It Rain After You Sprayed?

How Soon Did It Rain After You Sprayed? Updated

🕔16:32, 13.Jul 2012

Over the past week we have been getting a significant amount of rain across most of Mississippi. Unfortunately, most insects don’t mind the rain. Other than spider mites and aphids, we will likely have to continue managing insects in all crops despite the rain.

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Drought Monitor and Rainfall Effects on Cotton

Drought Monitor and Rainfall Effects on Cotton Updated

🕔16:01, 13.Jul 2012

Much needed rainfall has been received over the past week to ten days in many areas of the state; however, there are several areas that remain at a moisture deficit.  Rainfall in some areas of the state has exceeded 8”

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Bacterial Blight of Cotton Update: July 13, 2012

Bacterial Blight of Cotton Update: July 13, 2012 Updated

🕔07:25, 13.Jul 2012

For the second year in a row bacterial blight of cotton has been observed on numerous acres in the MS production system. Compared to 2011, twice as many counties have been observed to contain infected plant material.

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Will Abamectin Provide Any Plant Bug Control?

Will Abamectin Provide Any Plant Bug Control? Updated

🕔13:29, 12.Jul 2012

Over the last couple of weeks I have actually gotten quite a few questions about whether or not abamectin alone has any activity on plant bugs.  Plant bugs have been light this year to date and spider mites have been

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July Supply and Demand Report Shocker Updated

🕔16:01, 11.Jul 2012

The World Agricultural Outlook Board of USDA released their monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report (WASDE) this morning, July 11.  The report revealed what most had feared, a much lower per acre yield than trend would suggest.  The

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Response of Cotton Varieties to Inoculation with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum in Mississippi

Response of Cotton Varieties to Inoculation with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum in Mississippi Updated

🕔10:02, 4.Jul 2012

Inoculation trials were conducted during the 2011 season to determine the response of several popular cotton varieties to the bacterial blight organism. The attached blog post is a poster that was presented at the 2012 Beltwide Cotton Conferences that were held in Orlando, FL in January 2012.

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R.R. Foil Plant Science Research (North Farm) Center Field Day – July 19, 2012 Updated

🕔18:26, 3.Jul 2012

It has been a number of years since a field day was conducted at the R.R. Foil Plant Science Research center near the campus of Mississippi State University.  To that end, a row crop field day will be held on

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Root-knot Nematode Observed in Some Delta Cotton Fields Updated

🕔19:32, 30.Jun 2012

Root-knot nematode damaged cotton fields have been observed in at least two fields this season. With the loss of Temik, farmers have had to rely on alternative methods to manage high nematode populations.

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Scouting Cotton for Bacterial Blight Updated

🕔11:26, 29.Jun 2012

Bacterial blight of cotton has once again been observed in the MS cotton production area. Angular lesions associated with the disease can easily be confused with many other foliar diseases as well as other important issues in cotton. Observe the photos for help in scouting for the disease that until the past two seasons has been a fairly rare occurrence in MS.

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