Ditch Bank Survey 6/27/2012 Updated

🕔10:46, 29.Jun 2012

Overall, tarnished plant bug numbers appear to be decreasing across the Delta.  Several things are contributing to this decline.  The biggest factor is that the hot, dry weather is starting to take it’s toll on a lot of the wild

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2012 USDA Acreage Report Updated

🕔08:57, 29.Jun 2012

(Correction to Mississippi cotton acreage change from March has been made) The much anticipated, and likely to be much debated, 2012 Acreage report from USDA  was released this morning (June 29). Nationally, the report bumped up the number of acres

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Spider Mite Update: Podcast Updated

🕔08:49, 29.Jun 2012

spider mite update6_29_12 Click link to view Spider Mite Article by Scott Stewart, University of Tennessee:   http://news.utcrops.com/2012/06/spider-mites-on-the-increase/

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Cotton Irrigation and Plant Growth Regulator Applications Updated

🕔23:33, 28.Jun 2012

Up until this week, much of the crop throughout the state appeared to be in good shape.  However, the onset of high heat combined with the lack of rainfall has made this a pivotal week for cotton in many areas

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Tarnished Plant Bug Update Updated

🕔08:44, 23.Jun 2012

This week has been the turning point on plant bugs and appears to be the week for the mass movement of migrating adults into cotton fields in many areas. Compared to previous years we are 10-14 days behind schedule. There have been quite a few sprays going out for tarnished plant bug this year but as a whole numbers have actually not been as high to date as many of us would have thought with the warm winter.

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Ditch Bank Survey 6/22/2012

Ditch Bank Survey 6/22/2012 Updated

🕔22:14, 22.Jun 2012

See attached for this week’s ditch bank insect survey. Click to Enlarge

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Crop Update and Four Bract Squares Updated

🕔17:17, 22.Jun 2012

In general, the cotton crop in Mississippi appears to be in good shape.  Some areas are beginning to need some rainfall; however,  a few fields just got water off low areas a few days ago.  Blooms are becoming more prevalent

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Plant Growth Regulator Use in Cotton Updated

🕔08:55, 16.Jun 2012

Generally speaking, the 2012 crop is ahead of where we typically are at this time of year.  Much of this can be attributed to planting earlier than usual due to warm weather conditions earlier in the spring.  Blooms have already

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6/14/2012 Ditch Bank Survey

6/14/2012 Ditch Bank Survey Updated

🕔08:19, 16.Jun 2012

Click below for results of this weeks ditch bank survey

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June Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔17:15, 12.Jun 2012

The United States Department of Agriculture’s World Ag Outlook Board released their monthly supply and demand estimates report earlier this morning. The report was the second round of forecast for the current summer (new) crops, which is the 2012/13 marketing

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North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Agronomic Row Crops Field Day Updated

🕔10:35, 11.Jun 2012

The biennial North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Agronomic Row Crops Field Day will be held at the Lee County Agri-Center, Magnolia Conference Center, Highway 145 South of Verona, on Thursday, August 9, 2012, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

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6/6/2012 Ditchbank Survey

6/6/2012 Ditchbank Survey Updated

🕔18:56, 8.Jun 2012

Plant bug sprays are going out this week but overall numbers have not been as high as expected to date.  This can change rapidly as plant bugs begin to move into fields from wild host plants. Click to Enlarge

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Insect Trap Counts, June 6, 2012

Insect Trap Counts, June 6, 2012 Updated

🕔10:27, 8.Jun 2012

Bollworm and budworm pheromone trap catches are up some from last week, but bollworm catches are still far below typical catches for this time of year. Some sampling of corn and sweet corn has confirmed the low pressure. Once corn

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Mississippi Receives Section 18 on Sulfoxaflor (Transform WG) for Tarnished Plant Bugs Updated

🕔12:15, 4.Jun 2012

Transform, a new insecticide containing the active ingredient sulfoxaflor, has received an emergency use exemption for Delta counties in Mississippi for the control of tarnished plant bug in cotton.  This product represents a new mode of action and has excellent

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Ditch Bank Survey 5/30/2012

Ditch Bank Survey 5/30/2012 Updated

🕔14:18, 1.Jun 2012

Plant bug numbers are picking up this week in the Delta areas in the ditch banks. Click to enlarge

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Cotton Progress and Management Considerations Updated

🕔10:12, 1.Jun 2012

Cotton planting is all but completed for the 2012 growing season.  Given current cotton prices the number of acres of cotton planted behind wheat will likely be very small this year.  Cotton growth stages throughout the state range from one

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Cotton Hail Damage Updated

🕔16:19, 25.May 2012

Hail damage has occurred in scattered areas over the past week to ten days.  Areas around Clarksdale, Sledge, and Yazoo City as well as others have been affected by hail.  Deciding whether or not to replant following hail damage can

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Cotton Seedling Disease Updated

🕔15:29, 25.May 2012

Seedling disease has been making an appearance in isolated pockets over the past week to ten days.  Primarily we have been observing Rhizoctonia, also known as soreshin, on cotton in the north Delta.  Seedling disease, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, is

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Weed Control to Weed Management Updated

🕔15:08, 25.May 2012

When glyphosate was effective on most weeds, we were in a period of “weed control”. However, over the last few years since glyphosate-resistant weeds have become so prevalent, we have entered a period of “weed management”.

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What Bugs are in the Ditches? Wild Host Survey 5/23/2012

What Bugs are in the Ditches? Wild Host Survey 5/23/2012 Updated

🕔06:57, 25.May 2012

Plant bugs are still the predominant pest we are finding on wild hosts at this time. Click on to Enlarge

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Cleaning Spray Tanks Is Critical Updated

🕔15:36, 18.May 2012

Sprayer cleanout after a herbicide application is a critical component to a successful herbicide application.

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What Bugs Are In The Ditches?  Wild Host Survey 5/17/2012

What Bugs Are In The Ditches? Wild Host Survey 5/17/2012 Updated

🕔10:10, 18.May 2012

From time to time we send crews out to survey insect pest populations in ditchbanks adjacent to agricultural fields.  This gives us an idea of what to expect later in the season based on what and how many pests we

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2012 Insect Scout School Dates Set Updated

🕔15:54, 15.May 2012

The insect scout schools for 2012 have been set.  At each scout school we will go over biology, thresholds, and scouting techniques for each of the major pests of cotton, soybean, and corn.  This is a great refresher for the

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Thrips Pressure Heavy in MS Cotton Updated

🕔15:52, 11.May 2012

In most years it is not uncommon to overspray 20-30% of the cotton acres for thrips in MS. Last year (2011) was an anomaly in that we treated around 70% of the cotton acres for thrips due to extremely high pressure. It appears that this year is shaping up the same way. This week we have had numerous calls on young cotton with very high numbers of thrips. There have also been reports of Western flower thrips on cotton.

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World Ag Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔16:47, 10.May 2012

USDA released their monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report (WASDE) early this morning (May 10).  The report is the first to highlight the new -2012- crop.  The report revealed more corn and cotton available than analysts expected, while

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