Monitoring Square Retention Critical for Migrating Plant Bugs Updated

🕔06:01, 7.Jun 2011

Square retention is a critical component of early season plant bug management. I would strongly encourage you to take square retention counts along with your sweep net counts prior to bloom. Not only does this help in the decision making process of treating plant bugs, but it also helps you to get a better idea of how the products you are applying are working.

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Insect Trap Counts, June 2, 2011 Updated

🕔16:04, 3.Jun 2011

Corn earworm (bollworm) pheromone trap counts were higher this week, so larvae should be expected in vulnerable crops shortly. Tobacco budworm counts were also higher except in the Delta where none were caught this week. Southwestern corn borer counts are

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County Maps of Herbicide Resistance in Palmer Amaranth from Mississippi Updated

🕔13:03, 2.Jun 2011

In an effort to aid Mississippi producers in their decision making process a statewide survey was conducted to determine where glyphosate and/or ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth was present in the state.

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Threecornered Alfalfa Hoppers Heavy in Some MS Cotton and Soybean Fields Updated

🕔11:23, 2.Jun 2011

Based on calls I have received over the last week and what I am seeing in my own research plots, this is shaping up to be a big year for threecornered alfalfa hoppers

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Southwestern Corn Borer, Bollworm, Budworm and Beet Armyworm Trap Catch, 5-26-11 Updated

🕔17:14, 26.May 2011

Weekly pheromone trap captures from Northeast, Central and Delta regions of Mississippi are reported. Catches indicate moderate bollworm pressure with very few tobacco budworms and beet armyworms caught during the week of May 19-26. Southwestern corn borer pressure is generally light

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Insect Scout School Dates Set Updated

🕔15:49, 26.May 2011

This year there will be three insect scout schools provided.  Each insect scout school will cover insect pests of cotton, soybeans, and corn.  Scout schools are free of charge and open to everyone.  Detailed descriptions of pest biology, sampling, and

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Thrips Species Present in Mississippi Cotton Updated

🕔14:34, 26.May 2011

By now everyone is fully aware that we have been and still are experiencing extremely high levels of thrips in cotton. To date, many fields have been treated with foliar insecticides and several have required repeat applications due to extremely high numbers and frequent re-infestations.

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Bollworm, Budworm and Beet Armyworm Trap Catch, 5-19-11 Updated

🕔15:50, 20.May 2011

Weekly pheromone trap captures from Northeast, Central and Delta regions of Mississippi are reported. Light to moderate bollworm pressure with very few tobacco budworms and beet armyworms caught during the week of May 12 to 18.

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Market Update Updated

🕔11:05, 20.May 2011

Commodity markets remain in a very volatile state – especially based on events over the past two weeks.  The event that hits closest to home is the flooding.  From a national perspective the planting delays for corn across the Midwest

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Effect of Weather Conditions on Cotton Growth Updated

🕔10:21, 20.May 2011

Several questions have come in this week regarding the effect of cold weather and moisture on cotton growth.  Cotton is sensitive to cold temperatures as well as excessive soil moisture.  Generally speaking, having one of these situations is made worse

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Extremely High Thrips Numbers in Mississippi Cotton Updated

🕔08:11, 20.May 2011

In the last 7 days there have been numerous reports of extremely high thrips numbers infesting cotton fields across the state. Although nearly all cotton has an insecticide seed treatment on the seed, high numbers of adults are overwhelming the seed treatments in many cases.

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: May 15, 2011 Updated

🕔12:15, 17.May 2011

 Week ending May 15, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M., May 16, 2011 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.8 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 15, 2011. Most of last week was

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Planting Progress Updated

🕔16:21, 13.May 2011

Tremendous headway was made this week with regard to cotton planting.  Planters started moving late last week as well as over the weekend.  By Monday, planting activities for several crops were well underway throughout the state.  While flooding is of

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Market Update Updated

🕔09:12, 6.May 2011

As concerns mount about the potential damage to Mississippi crops from the flooding of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, many are left with more questions than answers.  For those with crop insurance we are being told to remain in contact with

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: May 1, 2011 Updated

🕔09:58, 3.May 2011

Week ending May 1, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M, May 2, 2011 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 1, 2011. The deadly storms that moved

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Planting Delays and Pigweed Control Updated

🕔16:32, 29.Apr 2011

It almost goes without saying that weather conditions over the past few weeks have delayed cotton planting.  Some growers in the south Delta will likely begin planting operations where field conditions permit over the weekend.  However, a 50% chance of

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Cotton Planting Considerations Updated

🕔14:04, 15.Apr 2011

Cotton planting in Mississippi will begin next week as weather conditions allow.  Some small acreage has been planted as growers set planters; however, weather conditions up to this point have not been ideal for planting cotton.  In the table below,

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: April 11, 2011 Updated

🕔07:22, 13.Apr 2011

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, April 10, 2011. Fieldwork was slowed down last week by rain showers, but the outlook for farmers is generally

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O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Report: April 8, 2011 Updated

🕔10:42, 12.Apr 2011

Cotton prices found mostly clear sailing this week on the heels of last weeks planting intentions report. As it did in last Friday’s trading the new crop December contract led the market all the way to 145.00 cents before falling back to 136.00 cent level. Too, the nearby old crop May contract jumped above two dollars again, working the 207‑212 range at week’s end.

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World Agricultural Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔10:35, 8.Apr 2011

USDA released its monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report earlier this morning (Friday, April 8).  The report revealed few changes for grains as soybeans and corn had no wholesale changes to their balance sheets.  Rice and wheat

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O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Report: April 1, 2011 Updated

🕔15:07, 4.Apr 2011

The USDA March 31 planting intentions report was the driving force behind this week’s higher prices. The good news for growers—bad news for mills—was that the price advance was led by the new crop December contract. The report was another bright headlight shining directly on the world’s concern of low global stocks.

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Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks Recap Updated

🕔09:15, 1.Apr 2011

USDA released their annual Prospective Plantings report and their quarterly Grain Stocks report yesterday morning. Both reports are key information pieces for grain, oilseed and cotton prices at this point in the year. The Prospective Plantings report provided few tangible surprises as most acreage numbers reported were in-line with pre-report expectations.

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Tillage Issues With Changing Crops Updated

🕔08:51, 1.Apr 2011

Tillage decisions for crop changes There are about two-thirds the acres planted in annual crop production in Mississippi than in the circa 1980 era. Annual Row Crop Harvested Acres The eighteen Delta or partial Delta counties account for 80% of

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Nitrogen Stabilizers Updated

🕔17:02, 31.Mar 2011

Nitrogen is important for crop growth and production.  Managing this valuable input for maximum plant availability is critical to ensure optimum economic returns while minimizing the potential for negative environmental effects.  Urea is the standard N fertilizer product for rice

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Know What They’re Saying About Nitrogen Fertilizers Updated

🕔17:02, 23.Mar 2011

Our warm and humid Mississippi climate makes nitrogen (N) fertilizer management challenging. Let’s review the basics about N terminology as various product claims fly about with some puzzling promotional material being used. Be sure that you know what is being

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