Cotton Irrigation

Cotton Irrigation Updated

🕔09:38, 7.Jul 2018

Rainfall has minimized the need for cotton irrigation in many areas up to this point.  Some areas between Clarksdale and Tunica and isolated areas in the south Delta are dry and have irrigation water running.  As everyone knows, cotton irrigation

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Cotton Condition in Mississippi

Cotton Condition in Mississippi Updated

🕔07:41, 7.Jul 2018

The 2018 cotton crop in Mississippi has some degree of difference in terms of crop maturity at this point in the growing season.  Some growers have cotton that has been blooming for nearly three weeks while others have blooms that

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Managing Plant Bugs in Cotton That is Just Starting (or About to Start) Bloom: Diamond or Not? Updated

🕔11:28, 22.Jun 2018

So far, the 2018 cotton crop is off to a good start. Good growing conditions caused cotton to grow off from thrips pretty quick and plant bugs have been fairly light so far this year. A lot of cotton has

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Rainfastness of Insecticides Updated

🕔08:59, 22.Jun 2018

This article is dated but applies very well today given the pop up showers across most of the state lately. Every year when afternoon thunderstorms start popping up, the phone starts ringing about rainfastness.  Rainfastness simply means the amount of

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Plant Growth Regulator Use in Cotton

Plant Growth Regulator Use in Cotton Updated

🕔11:52, 16.Jun 2018

Numerous questions have came in over the past 7-10 days regarding managing cotton growth with plant growth regulators.  While every situation can be unique with respect to cotton growth and development and subsequent plant growth regulator use, the slides given

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Reminder: 2018 Agronomic Scout School Dates

Reminder: 2018 Agronomic Scout School Dates Updated

🕔12:00, 18.May 2018

Mississippi State University will be hosting 2 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology.

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Controlling Thrips in Cotton: Recommendations for 2018

Controlling Thrips in Cotton: Recommendations for 2018 Updated

🕔08:54, 24.Apr 2018

Over the years many have questioned whether the use of a seed treatment is considered IPM because they are used prior to the onset of a problem. In our area, and across most of the cotton belt, thrips are considered

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Bollworm Management in Bt Cotton: Things to Consider at Planting Time

Bollworm Management in Bt Cotton: Things to Consider at Planting Time Updated

🕔08:23, 24.Apr 2018

As the 2018 cotton season approaches, it is a good time to look back at 2017. From an insect management standpoint, the number one thing that stands out about last year is the amount of foliar sprays that were made

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Cool, Wet Weather, and Residue Brings Slugs

Cool, Wet Weather, and Residue Brings Slugs Updated

🕔09:20, 10.Apr 2018

I have recently received a few call about slugs in corn. I suspect this will increase in more crops as planting continues and they begin to emerge. Slug problems usually start on corn first, then move to soybeans, then cotton in our area.

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Cotton Target Spot: 2017 Lucedale OVT Disease Rating Results

Cotton Target Spot: 2017 Lucedale OVT Disease Rating Results Updated

🕔11:42, 27.Jan 2018

Observations of target spot were made in the MSU OVT location conducted in Lucedale, MS during 2017. Included in this blog post are the observations of disease on leaves as well as the percent defoliation from all 52 varieties included.

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2017 Cotton Variety Trial Data – Final Data Updated

🕔10:08, 26.Jan 2018

After a lengthy delay in getting fiber data back, final data for both the on-farm variety trial program and the small plot Official Variety Trial (OVT) are now available.  Please follow the links below to access these data.  Mississippi State

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Clethodim-resistant Italian Ryegrass in Mississippi

Clethodim-resistant Italian Ryegrass in Mississippi Updated

🕔09:40, 11.Jan 2018

Italian ryegrass resistant to clethodim is present in Mississippi.

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2018 County Extension Meeting Schedule

2018 County Extension Meeting Schedule Updated

🕔08:55, 21.Dec 2017

The Mississippi State University Extension Service will be hosting a number of county row crop extension meetings in the spring of 2018. Each meeting will cover issues specific to the area and will provide information on weeds, insects, disease, economics,

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2017 Cotton Small Plot OVT and Large Plot On-Farm Variety Trial Preliminary Data

2017 Cotton Small Plot OVT and Large Plot On-Farm Variety Trial Preliminary Data Updated

🕔09:43, 16.Dec 2017

Cotton variety trials were conducted throughout Mississippi in 2017.  Small plot official variety trials (OVT) were conducted at the following nine locations:  Verona (dryland), Starkville (dryland), Brooksville (dryland), Senatobia (dryland), Lucedale (dryland), Tunica (irrigated), Clarksdale (dryland), Stoneville (irrigated), and Eden

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2017 Cotton Varieties Planted Report

2017 Cotton Varieties Planted Report Updated

🕔09:03, 11.Nov 2017

The United States Department of Agriculture – Agriculture Marketing Service released it’s annual cotton varieties planted report.  The report captures what was observed in 2017 with respect to heavy adoption of Xtend(R) cotton varieties in Mississippi.  Based on the USDA-AMS

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2017 Row Crop Short Course – Updated

2017 Row Crop Short Course – Updated Updated

🕔08:49, 11.Nov 2017

The 2017 Row Crop Short Course will be held at The Mill Conference Center in Starkville, MS on December 4-6th, 2017.  The program will kick off on Monday, December 4th at 9 am with a cover crop symposium.  Several growers

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2017 Row Crop Short Course

2017 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔09:39, 13.Oct 2017

The 2017 Row Crop Short Course hosted by Mississippi State University will be held Dec. 4-6, 2017 at The Mill Conference Center in Starkville, MS.  Pre-registration is free until November 27th and will be $40 thereafter including at the door.

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Cotton Foliar Diseases (updated/corrected)

Cotton Foliar Diseases (updated/corrected) Updated

🕔11:21, 12.Aug 2017

Unsightly spots on cotton leaves are becoming more common as the year progresses.  There are a number of things that can cause cotton leaf spotting including herbicide injury, disease, insect feeding (i.e. spider mites), or numerous other factors.  The focus of this

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Late Season Nutrient Deficiency/Fertilizer Applications in Cotton

Late Season Nutrient Deficiency/Fertilizer Applications in Cotton Updated

🕔10:28, 5.Aug 2017

Generally speaking as we approach this time of year, the discussion in cotton turns to irrigation termination.  However, given that we are about 10-14 days later than “normal” numerous questions are still be posed regarding late season fertilizer applications.  A number

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Bollworm Update in Cotton and Soybean

Bollworm Update in Cotton and Soybean Updated

🕔11:33, 29.Jul 2017

Bollworms have certainly been the hot topic in cotton and later planted soybeans this year. This flight started in some areas the week of July 4th and peaked in the Southern Delta around July 10-15. Since that time it has

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Controlling Spider Mites in Cotton 2017

Controlling Spider Mites in Cotton 2017 Updated

🕔11:15, 21.Jul 2017

Spider mite numbers have been increasing across much of the state over the last several weeks in cotton. There have been a number of fields treated and several fields that have more than one application this year. As conditions remain

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MS Agricultural Industry Council – Row Crop Update

MS Agricultural Industry Council – Row Crop Update Updated

🕔22:41, 19.Jul 2017

You are welcome to attend the Row Crop Update at the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council Conference. The conference is hosted at Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama on Wednesday, July 26.

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Cotton Irrigation Considerations

Cotton Irrigation Considerations Updated

🕔11:46, 15.Jul 2017

A few short weeks ago, excessive water was an issue for many; however, today many folks (particularly in the Delta) are in need or rainfall/irrigation.  Given the challenging weather so far this year a couple of points should be considered

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Bollworm Moths and Eggs Plentiful in Cotton: How Aggressive Should We Be?

Bollworm Moths and Eggs Plentiful in Cotton: How Aggressive Should We Be? Updated

🕔08:17, 15.Jul 2017

For the last 7-10 days we have flushed numerous bollworm moths in cotton around the state and are commonly picking up eggs and small larvae in places. We have had numerous calls from consultants seeing the same thing and several have

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Cotton Field Tour/Turnrow Talk – Brooksville, MS – July 12

Cotton Field Tour/Turnrow Talk – Brooksville, MS – July 12 Updated

🕔17:02, 7.Jul 2017

Field tour from 9 – 10:45 A.M.  A field tour co-hosted with Dow AgroSciences/Phytogen will be conducted under the leadership of Drs. Dodds and Catchot.  The program for the field tour is as follows:  Phytogen Variety Overview – Kerry Saylors –

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