Managing Palmer Amaranth on Field Borders
Controlling GR Palmer amaranth on turnrows and ditchbanks has become a critical component to weed control.
Controlling GR Palmer amaranth on turnrows and ditchbanks has become a critical component to weed control.
Plant growth regulator use has become commonplace in cotton production over the past 30 years. However, as PGRs have become inexpensive, over application has occurred in some instances. While some areas of the state have enjoyed adequate rainfall this year,
The 4th of July is very commonly associated with blooms appearing in Mississippi cotton. Some cotton is already blooming in the state while some will certainly be after the 4th of July. As cotton begins to set squares and eventually
The North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Field Day is scheduled for August 11, 2016 from 8 am to 1:30 pm with lunch provided.
Numerous instances have been observed this year where multiple growth stages of cotton occur in the same field and in some instances in the same row. This situation can present management challenges throughout the season. The following points are offered
The Environmental Protection Agency has now authorized the use of Transform WG (sulfoxaflor) in Mississippi for control of tarnished plant bugs in cotton. For specific details see below.
This planting season has been challenging for a number of reasons. Cool, wet weather in early May gave way to very dry weather for several weeks thereafter in many areas of the state. Emergence problems have been observed in several areas
Spring weather has proven challenging once again in 2016. Cool, wet conditions persisted into early May with planting not really getting started on a broad scale until late in the first week of May or the beginning of the second
Spider mites have been becoming more widespread over the last two weeks. Currently we have quite a few acres requiring treatment for spider mites and several that have already received an application. The hot dry weather we have been dealing with
Calls about thrips treatments in seedling cotton have been picking up substantially this week. As ryegrass and other ditchbank hosts begin to dry down, thrips numbers will likely increase in the next couple weeks. The 100% chance of rain today (5/20) now
In March, the Mississippi Bureau of Plant Industries and other states in the Mid-South submitted Emergency Exemption (Section 18) requests to use Transform for tarnished plant bug control in cotton. The reason for this request is that the original registration
We have had several calls over the last week about cutworms reducing plant densities in cotton, soybean, and non-Bt corn. Based on the number of calls, it appears that cutworm populations are much higher than they have been the last several
Mississippi State University will be hosting 5 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology.
Observing the preplant intervals for 2,4-D and dicamba prior to planting is important.
There are a number of factors to consider when selecting a cotton variety which includes variety performance, traits contained within that variety, and seed treatment package. However, as a whole, maturity of a given variety is not given a tremendous
Although commodity prices have not been exciting for any crop we grow, Mississippi is expected to see cotton acres increase as much as 40% this year. As we have been traveling the meeting circuit, the common denominator has been, “What inputs can we cut in an off year?” This has been asked of all crops lately, not just cotton. It seems that seed treatments are the first thing that comes up during this conversation in every crop; however, this is not a viable option in cotton.
As everyone knows, cotton varieties are being introduced and pulled from the market quicker than ever before. The speed with which varieties come and go can make it very difficult to determine where to place a given variety and how
Mid-South Farm and Gin Show convenes in Memphis February 26 If you didn’t get a new tractor, combine or other piece of machinery for Christmas, the perfect opportunity to see the latest models is right around the corner. The 64th
The venue is the Cook Convention Center, Memphis. All available footage is taken, every inch of the Convention Center, as well as the sidewalk outside the Center on Main Street in Memphis, is filled with exhibits, machinery, equipment, and products
We posted an article last spring about utilizing several best management practices in an overall IPM program to manage tarnished plant bug in cotton. We included a pdf that highlights all of the research we have conducted over the last
Managing Palmer amaranth with multiple resistance to glyphosate, ALS, and PPO herbicides in cotton will be complicated, but control will be possible.
Preliminary results indicate that Palmer amaranth resistant to PPO herbicides is likely in Mississippi
Data from the 2015 Mississippi State University Official Cotton Variety trials can be accessed by following the link below. A total of eight locations were utilized in 2015 which included Perry Farms near Tunica, MS; Cliff Heaton Farms near Clarksdale,
The 2016 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops is now available online. Hard copies will be available in January. Notable changes this year include the removal of pyrethroid insecticides for bollworm control in all crops due to resistance and poor
The decision making process regarding variety selection is often difficult and, in many cases, leaves growers wondering for the remainder of the growing season whether they made the right variety selection decisions. Further complicating this process has been the rapid