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Grain Sorghum

Weed of the Week:  Hemp Sesbania

Weed of the Week: Hemp Sesbania Updated

🕔08:59, 18.Jul 2012

Late-emerging hemp sesbania is problematic at harvest due to its height, woody stem, and the fact that its black seed contaminate grain samples.

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How Soon Did It Rain After You Sprayed?

How Soon Did It Rain After You Sprayed? Updated

🕔16:32, 13.Jul 2012

Over the past week we have been getting a significant amount of rain across most of Mississippi. Unfortunately, most insects don’t mind the rain. Other than spider mites and aphids, we will likely have to continue managing insects in all crops despite the rain.

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R.R. Foil Plant Science Research (North Farm) Center Field Day – July 19, 2012 Updated

🕔18:26, 3.Jul 2012

It has been a number of years since a field day was conducted at the R.R. Foil Plant Science Research center near the campus of Mississippi State University.  To that end, a row crop field day will be held on

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Ditch Bank Survey 6/27/2012 Updated

🕔10:46, 29.Jun 2012

Overall, tarnished plant bug numbers appear to be decreasing across the Delta.  Several things are contributing to this decline.  The biggest factor is that the hot, dry weather is starting to take it’s toll on a lot of the wild

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2012 USDA Acreage Report Updated

🕔08:57, 29.Jun 2012

(Correction to Mississippi cotton acreage change from March has been made) The much anticipated, and likely to be much debated, 2012 Acreage report from USDA  was released this morning (June 29). Nationally, the report bumped up the number of acres

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Ditch Bank Survey 6/22/2012

Ditch Bank Survey 6/22/2012 Updated

🕔22:14, 22.Jun 2012

See attached for this week’s ditch bank insect survey. Click to Enlarge

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Weed Control to Weed Management Updated

🕔15:08, 25.May 2012

When glyphosate was effective on most weeds, we were in a period of “weed control”. However, over the last few years since glyphosate-resistant weeds have become so prevalent, we have entered a period of “weed management”.

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Cleaning Spray Tanks Is Critical Updated

🕔15:36, 18.May 2012

Sprayer cleanout after a herbicide application is a critical component to a successful herbicide application.

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Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council Updated

🕔08:19, 18.Apr 2012

The 2012 Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council and Mississippi Seedsmen’s Association convention will be held again at beautiful Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama, on July 24-July 28, 2012. This will be our 19th year at Perdido Beach Resort.

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Podcast Armyworm Update 4/16/2012 Updated

🕔13:56, 16.Apr 2012

Audio Armworm Update in Wheat

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Prospective Plantings Recap Updated

🕔10:49, 30.Mar 2012

USDA released their annual Prospective Plantings report Friday morning (Mar 30).  The report reveled that corn is the big gainer in terms of acres planted this year versus last year.  Corn acres across the U.S. are expected to jump by

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Control Palmer Amaranth at Planting Updated

🕔14:52, 29.Mar 2012

Paraquat is a critical component of an at-planting herbicide application.

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Glyphosate-resistant Italian Ryegrass Spreading across Mississippi

Glyphosate-resistant Italian Ryegrass Spreading across Mississippi Updated

🕔14:34, 29.Mar 2012

The severity of the glyphosate-resistant (GR) Italian ryegrass problem in Mississippi has varied from year to year. This year has been the worst year since the initial confirmation in 2005, and GR Italian ryegrass is spreading.

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Top iPad Apps for Agriculture Updated

🕔14:43, 23.Mar 2012

Below is a short list of apps that I have found helpful in the agriculture world. This list is by no means the only ones available or useful. These are just the ones I found to be pertinent and can help your overall productivity. I am sure there are more apps out there that could be beneficial, but I may not have discovered them yet. As always, I welcome your comments.

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Grain Sorghum Hybrid Recommendations Updated

🕔17:34, 21.Feb 2012

There is considerably more interest in growing grain sorghum this year. This article gives some suggestions and resources for evaluating hybrids which could be suited for dryland grain sorghum production in Mississippi.

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2011 MSU Row Crop Short Course Video Links Updated

🕔20:02, 4.Feb 2012

The 2011 Mississippi State University Row Crop Short Course was held from December 5 – 7, 2011.  Topics covered during the Row Crop Short Course included insect and weed management, fertility management, agronomic aspects of crop production, and a farm

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Delta Ag Expo Set For January 17-18 In Cleveland, Mississippi Updated

🕔14:29, 9.Jan 2012

You are invited to the 2012 Delta Ag Expo. The Delta Ag Expo provides farmers and others interested in agriculture an opportunity to see the latest technology in agricultural products, services, and information. You will have the opportunity to view agricultural exhibits and talk with extension and research personnel and get up-to-date information for planning your crop year.

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Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy Meeting Updated

🕔17:31, 28.Oct 2011

The Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy will hold it’s annual meeting on Wednesday, November 16 at the Grenada County Extension Office.  The program will being at 9 a.m. and will conclude at 3:30 p.m.  CCA continuing education

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Post-Harvest Crop Residue Management Updated

🕔17:34, 26.Sep 2011

After harvest, you face management decisions as you begin preparing fields for next year’s crop. Corn produces far more residue than most crops we are accustomed to, so it can cause considerable benefits or anxiety depending upon how you view it. This article attempts to address the pro’s and con’s of crop residue.

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Grain Sorghum Head Fungi Updated

🕔16:50, 27.Aug 2011

Damaged grain sorghum panicles can allow many different fungi to enter and infect the developing grain or simply allow the fungus a place to reproduce if a kernel has been removed from the panicle itself.  A similar situation can occur

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Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔21:59, 11.Aug 2011

Cotton acreage and yield were projected higher in this month’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report released this morning by USDA’s World Agricultural Outlook Board.  The increase resulted from field data as opposed to surveys or trend analysis based on

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: August 7, 2011 Updated

🕔10:28, 11.Aug 2011

 Week ending August 7, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M., August 8, 2011 :  According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 5.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, August 7, 2011. Last week was hot

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New Regulations for Refillable Pesticide Containers Updated

🕔14:36, 15.Jul 2011

Regulations will go into effect after August 16, 2011 which will affect retailers, commercial applicators, custom blenders, re-fillers, and registrants of refillable pesticide containers.  Essentially, these new regulations will affect those who use and handle mini-bulk pesticide containers, including growers. 

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June Acreage Report **Corrected** Updated

🕔08:11, 1.Jul 2011

by John Michael Riley (MSU Ag Economics) and John Anderson (American Farm Bureau) Yesterday morning, USDA released the results of their annual planted acreage survey, and the results took the market by surprise.  Soybean acres were predicted to be 76.53

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Rainfastness of Insecticides Updated

🕔12:46, 29.Jun 2011

Every year when afternoon thunderstorms start popping up, the phone starts ringing about rainfastness.  Rainfastness simply means the amount of time needed after application before a rainfall event for the product to still be effective.  One thing I have figured

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