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2015 MSU Small Plot Cotton OVT Data Updated

🕔11:22, 18.Dec 2015

Data from the 2015 Mississippi State University Official Cotton Variety trials can be accessed by following the link below.  A total of eight locations were utilized in 2015 which included Perry Farms near Tunica, MS; Cliff Heaton Farms near Clarksdale,

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2016 Insect Control Guide Now Available

2016 Insect Control Guide Now Available Updated

🕔07:59, 16.Dec 2015

The 2016 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops is now available online. Hard copies will be available in January. Notable changes this year include the removal of pyrethroid insecticides for bollworm control in all crops due to resistance and poor

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Update: Disease Ratings for 2015 MSU-ES Soybean Variety Demo Program Updated

🕔20:51, 4.Dec 2015

The results of the 2015 MSU-ES Soybean Variety Demonstration Program have been updated to include disease ratings for Cercospora blight, frogeye leaf spot, Septoria brown spot, and Target spot. These evaluations were collected at many locations in 2015 by Dr.

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Soybean Variety Suggestions for 2016 Updated

🕔20:37, 4.Dec 2015

Variety selection is one of the most critical management decisions associated with soybean production. Factors such as soil type, planting date, irrigation capabilities, row spacing, harvest capacity, and others may influence the decision of selecting an appropriate variety for profitable

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Tri-State Soybean Forum – January 8, 2016 Updated

🕔20:11, 4.Dec 2015

The 60th Annual Tri-State Soybean Forum will be held at Mississippi State University’s Delta Research and Extension Center on January 8, 2016. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. followed by the program at 8:30. Presentations will include pertinent information for

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On-Farm Cotton Variety Trial Results Updated

🕔09:34, 4.Dec 2015

The decision making process regarding variety selection is often difficult and, in many cases, leaves growers wondering for the remainder of the growing season whether they made the right variety selection decisions.  Further complicating this process has been the rapid

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2015 North MS Maturity Group IV and V Variety Trial Report

2015 North MS Maturity Group IV and V Variety Trial Report Updated

🕔09:51, 25.Nov 2015

A Maturity Group IV and V variety trial was conducted in Verona, MS at the NMREC during the 2015 season. Yield and disease data are included in the attached report for all entries contained in the trial (RoundUp, Conventional and LibertyLink).

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2015 North MS Maturity Group III Variety Trial Report

2015 North MS Maturity Group III Variety Trial Report Updated

🕔08:48, 25.Nov 2015

A Maturity Group III variety trial was conducted in Verona, MS at the NMREC during the 2015 season. Yield and disease data are included in the attached report.

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2015 Row Crop Short Course: Pre-Registration Deadline – November 24 Updated

🕔07:50, 21.Nov 2015

The 2015 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center near the campus of Mississippi State University on November 30, December 1, and December 2 2015.  Please note that this is a new venue as

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2015 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Ratings: Maturity Group V

2015 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Ratings: Maturity Group V Updated

🕔16:30, 20.Nov 2015

Field evaluations of the Maturity Group IV entries in the MSU OVT were conducted at each of the locations where trials were planted (Brooksville, Clarksdale (n=2), Falkner, Longwood, Raymond, and Stoneville (n=3)).  Entries were observed for their reaction to the diseases

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2015 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Ratings: Maturity Group IV

2015 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Ratings: Maturity Group IV Updated

🕔18:56, 18.Nov 2015

The MSU OVT soybean locations were rated for disease during the 2015 season. Multiple diseases were rated at multiple locations. In the past, Cerospora leaf blight and frogeye leaf spot have been the two main diseases rated. In 2015, Septoria brown spot as well as target spot were included as well as a green stem rating. Phytotoxicity, following an accidental fungicide application, was rated in the Maturity Group IV early and late entries at one location.

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2015 Soybean OVT Stem Canker Ratings

2015 Soybean OVT Stem Canker Ratings Updated

🕔06:06, 14.Nov 2015

The cultivars contained in the Mississippi State University Official Variety Trial (OVT), as well as a few added cultivars, were field-evaluated for their susceptibility/resistance to stem canker. Trials were conducted in Stoneville with toothpick-inoculated plants during the 2015 season. Tables contain the average ratings (on a 0-9 scale) as well as an assessment of resistance to stem canker (R, MR, MS, S) based on the ratings conducted.

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EPA Orders Cancellation of Dow’s Sulfoxaflor (Transform)

EPA Orders Cancellation of Dow’s Sulfoxaflor (Transform) Updated

🕔15:55, 13.Nov 2015

By now many of you may have heard that Sulfoxaflor, the active ingredient in Transform, recently lost a major court decision in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The suit was led by the Pollinator Stewardship Council, beekeepers, and other bee

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Vital Topics to Consider for 2015 Wheat Planting

Vital Topics to Consider for 2015 Wheat Planting Updated

🕔11:45, 2.Nov 2015

Recent rains have provided moisture necessary for wheat establishment, so as fields dry, wheat seeding should begin in earnest. This article will address wheat seeding questions and discuss management practices to employ to optimize productivity.

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2015 MSU-ES Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Results

2015 MSU-ES Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Results Updated

🕔11:46, 31.Oct 2015

The On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration Program is conducted using a set of varieties with proven performance.  These varieties are grown in a production setting on various soil types and management systems around the state. Demonstration sets for both maturity group

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2015 Wheat OVT Disease Rating Data

2015 Wheat OVT Disease Rating Data Updated

🕔11:26, 31.Oct 2015

Wheat disease ratings from several of the 2015 MSU OVT locations are included. Diseases differed by location during the 2015 season. However, Fusarium head blight (FHB) was one of the most commonly observed diseases. Keep in mind that environment may have differed by location therefore some varieties may have appeared to have responded to FHB infection differently.

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First Look: 2015 North MS Research and Extension Center Soybean Disease Ratings (EDITED)

First Look: 2015 North MS Research and Extension Center Soybean Disease Ratings (EDITED) Updated

🕔09:59, 31.Oct 2015

The soybean variety trial ratings from the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center (NMREC) are included (MG III, IV, and V). The yield publication from NMREC will be posted at a later date. As in the past, plots were rated for Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) and frogeye leaf spot (FLS). However, this year, Septoria brown spot (Septoria) and target spot were also rated when the diseases were present. Green stem ratings were conducted for the Maturity Group IV early and late varieties.

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Grain Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program

Grain Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Updated

🕔12:43, 24.Oct 2015

The MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program evaluates premier corn hybrids and substantially supplements the independent and unbiased information gathered in the University Hybrid Trials. Preliminary grain yield results from 2015 irrigated and dryland trials are summarized in this release.

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Reminder Mississippi ASA Meeting – November 4, 2015 Updated

🕔17:16, 22.Oct 2015

The Mississippi Chapter of the ASA will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday November 4, 2015 at the Grenada Co. Extension Office.  Certified Crop Adviser CEU’s will be available as well as recertification credits for Category X and IA applicator

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New Program App Available for the 2015 MS Row Crop Short Course

New Program App Available for the 2015 MS Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔14:19, 16.Oct 2015

We had an App created that will allow you to review the program and register straight from your Smart Phone for the 2015 Mississippi Row Crop Short Course Nov. 30th – Dec. 2, 2015 at the Cotton Mill District in

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On-Farm Cotton Variety Trial Data – Guedon Farms – Natchez, MS Updated

🕔11:30, 16.Oct 2015

Data from the Mississippi State University Extension Service on-farm variety trial program at Guedon Farms in Natchez, MS can be accessed using the link below.  This trial was planted on May 3, 2015 and harvested on September 18, 2015.  All

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2016 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2016 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔11:24, 13.Oct 2015

This effort lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior productivity in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. No other source tests as many hybrids representing today’s market. Thus, there is no better barometer for you to judge hybrid performance and improve your ability to select the best for your farm.

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2015 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔13:21, 9.Oct 2015

The 2015 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center near the campus of Mississippi State University on November 30, December 1, and December 2 2015.  Please note that this is a new venue as

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2015 Delta Area Rice Growers Meeting: November 5, 2015

2015 Delta Area Rice Growers Meeting: November 5, 2015 Updated

🕔17:01, 1.Oct 2015

The 2015 Delta area/Bolivar Co. Rice Meeting will be held at the Bolivar Co. Extension office on November 5, 2015. Mississippi rice producers, industry professionals, and other interested parties are invited to listen to presentations from MSU research and Extension

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2015 Rice On-Farm Variety Trial Preliminary Data

2015 Rice On-Farm Variety Trial Preliminary Data Updated

🕔16:47, 1.Oct 2015

Find below the Preliminary version of the 2015 On-Farm Rice Variety Trial. During 2015, small plot rice variety trials were conducted near the following locations; Choctaw, Clarksdale, Hollandale, Ruleville, Shaw, Stoneville, and Tunica. Variety trial data is presented segmented by

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