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Are Late-Season Soybean Rust Observations Important?

Are Late-Season Soybean Rust Observations Important? Updated

🕔21:49, 22.Sep 2015

Late-season soybean rust observations occur on almost an annual basis. Even though the majority of the soybean crop has escaped yield loss as a result of soybean rust again for the 2015 season, determining the extent of the disease in MS as well as potential locations where the fungus could overwinter continue to be an important part of the monitoring/scouting program. At present (9/22), soybean rust has been detected in 41 counties.

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2015 Cotton Varieties Planted Report

2015 Cotton Varieties Planted Report Updated

🕔07:55, 18.Sep 2015

The United States Department of Agriculture – Agriculture Marketing Service released the 2015 Cotton Varieties Planted Report on September 15, 2015.  Mississippi cotton growers planted 29% of the total state acreage to ST 4946GLB2; 16.5% of the total acreage to

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Mississippi American Society of Agronomy Meeting – November 4, 2015

Mississippi American Society of Agronomy Meeting – November 4, 2015 Updated

🕔09:00, 17.Sep 2015

The Mississippi Chapter of the ASA will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday November 4, 2015 at the Grenada Co. Extension Office.  Certified Crop Adviser CEU’s will be available as well as recertification credits for Category X and IA applicator

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2015 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide Updated

🕔15:59, 14.Sep 2015

Although picking has started in the south Delta and some defoliation applications have already been made, a large number of applications will be made in the next week to 10 days.  Cooler temperatures over the weekend caused some folks to

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Late-season Soybean Disease Clinic: Baldwyn, MS, September 15, 2015

Late-season Soybean Disease Clinic: Baldwyn, MS, September 15, 2015 Updated

🕔06:31, 14.Sep 2015

A field training regarding late-season soybean diseases will be held in Monroe County, MS on Tuesday, September 15 beginning at 5:30 pm and ending with a meal at a local restaurant.  The diseases discussed will likely include: charcoal root rot,

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Importance of Managing Sugarcane Aphids in Grain Sorghum at Harvest

Importance of Managing Sugarcane Aphids in Grain Sorghum at Harvest Updated

🕔07:22, 11.Sep 2015

Some grain sorghum still remains to be harvested around the state and sugarcane aphid populations have remained high in a lot of areas. We had a post by Erick Larson and Angus Catchot a couple of weeks ago here about use of harvest

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Soybean Disease Update: September 5, 2015

Soybean Disease Update: September 5, 2015 Updated

🕔06:48, 5.Sep 2015

Soybean diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS soybean production area. The number of counties (13, as of 9/4/2015) exhibiting soybean rust has increased over the past several days. However, low levels of infection have been observed at most locations. Frogeye leaf spot, Cercospora blight, target spot, and stem canker also continue to be observed.

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Soybean Harvest Aids

Soybean Harvest Aids Updated

🕔21:18, 28.Aug 2015

Several calls have come in over the last week regarding soybean harvest aid options for various scenarios. In some cases, fields have been observed with varying degrees of maturity. In these situations, the majority of the pods observed across the

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Defoliating Caterpillars in Peanuts

Defoliating Caterpillars in Peanuts Updated

🕔13:13, 27.Aug 2015

We have had numerous calls over the last 2 weeks about caterpillars in peanut from all around the state. In every case, the calls have involved a complex of multiple species including bollworm/tobacco budworm, cutworms, armyworms, saltmarsh caterpillar, loopers, and rednecked peanut worm.

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Sugarcane Aphid Control with Falling Temperatures

Sugarcane Aphid Control with Falling Temperatures Updated

🕔16:29, 24.Aug 2015

In 2014 we saw two brief time periods of less than satisfactory control with Transform on sugarcane aphids in grain sorghum across a broad geography. At the time we were mixing a lot of pyrethroids with Transform, so initial thoughts were that

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Sugarcane Aphids Building on Flag Leaf of Mature Grain Sorghum: Video

Sugarcane Aphids Building on Flag Leaf of Mature Grain Sorghum: Video Updated

🕔15:07, 20.Aug 2015

The following is a short video clip showing sugarcane aphids building on the flag leaf of mature grain sorghum. This will have to be addressed in this field to avoid complications with harvest equipment. Options are Transform at .75 –

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Mississippi State University Turn Row Talk – Clarksdale, August 25, 2015

Mississippi State University Turn Row Talk – Clarksdale, August 25, 2015 Updated

🕔14:57, 20.Aug 2015

An agronomic crops field day will be held at Stovall farms, west and north of Clarksdale on Oakhurst Stovall Road. The field day will be held at Mr. Pete Hunter’s farm shop beginning at 10 am. MSU Extension Specialists will be present to discuss topics in corn, cotton, grain sorghum, peanut, rice and soybean.

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Late-Season Water Use in Peanut

Late-Season Water Use in Peanut Updated

🕔15:22, 17.Aug 2015

Water is an issue that has been on everyone’s mind this year and for many of us, it has not been our friend. It was wet early, keeping us from getting in the field for land preparation and planting. Since

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Cotton Irrigation Termination Updated

🕔15:59, 14.Aug 2015

As we progress through the second week of August and white flowers continue to climb cotton stalks throughout the state, several calls have come in regarding irrigation termination in cotton.  Our general recommendation is as follows: Furrow irrigation:  Terminate irrigation

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Timing, Sugarcane Aphids and other Harvest Aid Considerations for Sorghum

Timing, Sugarcane Aphids and other Harvest Aid Considerations for Sorghum Updated

🕔14:38, 14.Aug 2015

Many growers in the Mid-South apply a harvest aid to sorghum to facilitate combine efficiency. Although it is possible to harvest sorghum without using a harvest aid, understanding the benefits of usage, along with adverse consequences, will help you implement a practical plan that will enhance your sorghum harvest.

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Terminating Spider Mite Sprays in Mid-South Cotton

Terminating Spider Mite Sprays in Mid-South Cotton Updated

🕔07:40, 13.Aug 2015

There has always been a struggle with properly defining the correct cutoff for spider mites in cotton in the Mid-South region. For years we always loosely considered Node Above White Flower 5 (NAWF5 = Cutout) and 650 heat units the

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Soybean Disease Update: August 8, 2015

Soybean Disease Update: August 8, 2015 Updated

🕔11:48, 8.Aug 2015

Soybean disease continues to be observed throughout the MS soybean production system. Frogeye leaf spot, root-knot nematode, and a first report of soybean rust occurred over the past 7 days. In addition, widespread fungicide phytotoxicity has been observed in numerous fields due to the hot and humid conditions.

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Dectes Stem Borer: Biology, Damage, and Management in Soybeans

Dectes Stem Borer: Biology, Damage, and Management in Soybeans Updated

🕔09:49, 8.Aug 2015

There have been numerous calls and questions about Dectes Stem Borer over the last few years. It seems that numbers are increasing each year. This is not surprising when you consider the biology of the insect coupled with an increase in soybean acres in MS.

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Soybean Loopers and the Effect of Defoliation on Yield

Soybean Loopers and the Effect of Defoliation on Yield Updated

🕔12:43, 2.Aug 2015

We have been getting calls on loopers showing up in soybean for about 2 weeks. In recent days there have been reports of defoliation exceeding 20% or numbers exceeding threshold in some areas in the central to southern part of the state. The bulk of our soybean loopers typically show mid to late August or even into September so this is a little early but certainly not unusual. Soybean loopers are migratory and work their way north each year from southern latitudes. Early arrival could be due to a number of reasons.

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Late-Season Soybean Growth Stages

Late-Season Soybean Growth Stages Updated

🕔20:05, 1.Aug 2015

Corn harvest is begining across the Delta and early-planted soybean harvest won’t be far behind.  Identifying late-season soybean growth stages is important for a number of considerations, such as irrigation termination and harvest aid/desiccation timing decisions. Growth Stage R6- Full

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Soybean disease update: July 31, 2015

Soybean disease update: July 31, 2015 Updated

🕔09:40, 1.Aug 2015

The diseases present in the soybean crop have increased over the past several weeks. Cercospora blight and frogye leaf spot continue to be observed throughout much of MS. Fungicide phytotoxicity continues to be one of the hot topics of the 2015 season with numerous fields having received specific fungicide products that resulted in a foliar injury due to the extreme temperatures.

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When Should I Start Corn Harvest?

When Should I Start Corn Harvest? Updated

🕔14:29, 31.Jul 2015

Corn harvest will be upon us soon and anticipation is building. However, we still need to get this corn crop out of the field and safely deliver it to market. The optimal timing to successfully harvest your corn crop may vary depending on several factors.

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Bean Leaf Beetles High in Delta Soybean Fields

Bean Leaf Beetles High in Delta Soybean Fields Updated

🕔14:03, 29.Jul 2015

Over the last week we have been getting a lot of calls about extremely high bean leaf beetle numbers. Most calls have come from the Northwest Delta region of the state. We have actually made bean leaf beetle targeted sprays on a number of acres in recent days. Yield loss is caused by defoliation and less frequently by pod feeding

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Controlling the Headworm Complex in Mississippi Grain Sorghum

Controlling the Headworm Complex in Mississippi Grain Sorghum Updated

🕔08:11, 28.Jul 2015

There have been numerous reports lately of high numbers of corn earworm and sorghum webworm in grain sorghum. I have heard some reports of numbers as high as 10X threshold. It is critical to scout and treat as needed to control these pest. There are three species that make up the headworm complex in grain sorghum; the corn earworm (bollworm), fall armyworm, and the sorghum webworm.

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Reminder – MSU DREC Rice Field Day – July 30, 2015 Updated

🕔20:14, 26.Jul 2015

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held in conjunction with the annual Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Summer Rice Grower Meeting this year on the afternoon of July 30 at the Capps Center in Stoneville..  The Farm Bureau meeting

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