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Aphids in Rice Updated

🕔08:46, 24.May 2013

There have been some reports of aphids in Arkansas rice fields recently. I talked to Gus Lorenz (UofA Extension Entomologist) yesterday and he told me that they are seeing several species of aphids scattered throughout Arkansas. I have not heard of or seen any in Mississippi rice fields to date, but I wanted to make everyone aware of what is being seen in Arkansas.

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Rice Preflood Nitrogen Management Updated

🕔15:54, 23.May 2013

Nitrogen is important for crop growth and production.  Managing this valuable input for maximum plant availability is critical to ensure optimum economic returns while minimizing the potential for negative environmental effects.  Urea is the standard N fertilizer product for rice

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Nutsedge Plot Tours Updated

🕔08:03, 23.May 2013

Yellow nutsedge will be the featured topic of a plot tour hosted by Mississippi State University’s Delta Research and Extension Center (DREC) on Friday, May 31, 2013, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

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2013 Scout Schools Set Updated

🕔13:55, 22.May 2013

The 2013 Scout School dates have been set. The first will be June 4th from 9:00 a.m -12:00 p.m. at the Delta Research and Extension Center in the auditorium of the main building. The last one will be on the main campus of Mississippi State University in the Clay Lyle Entomology Building conference room.

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Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013

Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013 Updated

🕔07:43, 22.May 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 19, 2013. Favorable conditions allowed for more field work to be completed. Operators were able to plant more corn, soybeans, and cotton. Soil moisture was rated 1 percent very short, 1 percent short, 52 percent adequate, and 46 percent surplus.

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Managing For Earliness Updated

🕔16:55, 17.May 2013

Progress was made with respect to planting on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week.  Some areas remained wet and little progress was made whereas in others favorable conditions facilitated tremendous progress.  However, what began on Monday of this week

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Small Grains and Soybeans Market News Updated

🕔16:53, 17.May 2013

by Brian Williams Traders have been watching planting progress closely this week. Nearby July wheat futures closed down 4 cents Friday to close the week at $6.83/bu. Wheat harvest will likely be behind schedule this year with only 29% of

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Kudzu Bug Finds in Mississippi Increasing

Kudzu Bug Finds in Mississippi Increasing Updated

🕔16:00, 17.May 2013

In 2012 Kudzu bugs were found in four counties in Mississippi on Kudzu.  All finds were along major highways suggesting they “hitchhiked” in on vehicles. The counties were Warren, Lauderdale, Montgomery, and Carroll. In the last 2 weeks we have

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Do Insecticide Seed Treatments Provide any Value on Late Planted Soybeans?

Do Insecticide Seed Treatments Provide any Value on Late Planted Soybeans? Updated

🕔15:39, 17.May 2013

Due to the rain and cold weather this spring a much larger percent of the soybean crop will be planted later than normal. There have been several questions lately about whether or not we should still include an insecticide seed

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Thrips in Cotton and Peanuts Updated

🕔15:27, 17.May 2013

I have been asked several times over the last week about the need for thrips control now that we have more optimal planting conditions. This is a good question and I will attempt to provide some valuable insight about thrips control in both cotton and peanuts.

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Soybean Seedling Issues: Seedling Disease Versus Herbicide Injury Updated

🕔19:57, 14.May 2013

Within the past week to 10 days, numerous fields have been diagnosed as having “Pythium seedling disease”. In most cases, herbicide injury has resulted in fields appearing to have an uneven stand as a result of seedling disease. Rarely would a seedling disease be responsible for large acreages of dead seedlings. More than likely, a combination of events have occurred to cause the appearance of seedling disease. Preemergence herbicides, cool temperatures, excessive rainfall following planting immediately prior to emergence, light soil texture, and herbicide injury on stressed soybean seedlings have all compounded the stressful situation.

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How to Estimate Nitrogen Loss resulting from Saturated Soils Updated

🕔18:42, 14.May 2013

Persistent rainfall has periodically saturated corn fields for several weeks this spring, prompting questions regarding potential nitrogen fertilizer loss. This article gives guidelines for estimating potential N loss.

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Wheat Leaf Topics and Physiological Leaf Spotting Updated

🕔13:54, 11.May 2013

Oftentimes dealing with foliar wheat diseases can be a confusing topic. More often than not, physiological leaf spotting, or genetic leaf spot, can be observed in most wheat fields after flowering stages. However, the leaf spot symptoms are occasionally misdiagnosed as early leaf rust symptoms. But, rarely have I observed a disease epidemic in a situation where the specific “flecking” symptoms are regularly observed.

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Cotton Replant Costs Updated

🕔09:11, 11.May 2013

Very little cotton has been planted so far this year given the seemingly weekly rainfall.  What little cotton has been planted has struggled due to cool temperatures, water saturation, etc.  In some cases, fields are not going to emerge to

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Transform WG Insecticide from Dow Recieves Label for Cotton Updated

🕔12:42, 10.May 2013

Earlier this week Transform WG insecticide from Dow received a full Section 3 label for use in cotton.

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Wheat Disease Update: May 4, 2013 Updated

🕔15:32, 4.May 2013

Scattered reports of wheat diseases have been made over the past two weeks. Limited leaf rust, stripe rust, and Septoria leaf blotch can be observed in some wheat fields. In addition, in some situations bacterial leaf streak can be readily observed on flag leaves in some limited situations. In some cases, bacterial leaf streak and Septoria leaf blotch can appear similar to one another. In most cases, Septoria leaf blotch can be observed in the lower canopy and likely will not move up the plant to the flag leaf. However, bacterial leaf streak can be more readily observed on flag leaves in some fields.

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Stink Bug Numbers Increasing in Heading Wheat Updated

🕔07:59, 30.Apr 2013

I am starting to get numerous calls about stink bugs in heading wheat. It is not uncommon to find stink bugs in wheat after head emergence.  However, it takes extremely high numbers to cause economic damage to heading wheat. With this

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Brown Stink Bugs Showing Up In Small Corn Updated

🕔07:42, 30.Apr 2013

Stink bugs damage small corn by feeding through the whorl or side of the stem hitting the growing point which either causes “dead heart” or severely stunts the plant. Severely stunted plants may not die but essentially become a weed. In many cases, corn that has been fed on without hitting the growing point will recover. Even if the growing point is not hit, in some situations where stink bugs feed through the stem you will see irregular growth.

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Are Early, Vegetative Fungicide Applications Beneficial for Enhanced Corn Production? (Part II: Impact of Fungicide on Greensnap) Updated

🕔21:13, 28.Apr 2013

During 2012 fungicide application trials were conducted at a field site west of Greenwood, MS. Following a major wind event that occurred early in June, excessive greensnap was observed in plots that had received V6 foliar fungicide applications. Plots were assessed to determine if fungicides could consistently alleviate the occurrence of greensnap compared to untreated plots.

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Are Early, Vegetative Fungicide Applications Beneficial for Enhanced Corn Production? (Part I: Yield) Updated

🕔17:07, 28.Apr 2013

Oftentimes, deciding whether or not to make a fungicide application to corn in vegetative growth stages is not based on disease. Rarely are foliar diseases an issue in vegetative growth stages (save for extremely rare situations). More often than not, the decision to apply a fungicide at a vegetative timing is based on the theory of “plant health”, or physiological enhancements to the plant as a result of the fungicide that have been difficult to replicate in all situations.

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Corn Replanting Guidelines and Management Issues with Wet Weather Updated

🕔14:16, 26.Apr 2013

Unrelenting rainfall continues to delay much field-related progress. This article gives suggestions for making corn replant decisions and keeping up with crop needs, such as nitrogen fertilizer application.

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Chase the Sprayer with the Planter Updated

🕔12:18, 26.Apr 2013

Historically, we have chased the planter with the sprayer to apply residual herbicides. This presents several potential problems…

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Corn Disease Calendar Updated

🕔14:45, 20.Apr 2013

Use the information contained in this blog post to aid in determining the specific disease in field corn. Scouting corn for the presence of disease is difficult and can be confusing since some foliar diseases appear similar to one another such as gray leaf spot and southern corn leaf blight. In addition, particular diseases are more important depending on the particular growth stage when they are encountered.

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Wheat Disease Update: April 20, 2013 Updated

🕔09:30, 20.Apr 2013

Wheat disease continue to be discussed throughout MS. Generally speaking, stripe rust has not been near the widespread threat this season as it was during the 2012 wheat crop. Scout wheat fields for the presence of diseased and relate this to the specific variety in each field when determining particular management alternatives. Keep in mind, the general cut off date for fungicides is Feekes 10.5.1.

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USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi

USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi Updated

🕔15:42, 15.Apr 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, April 14, 2013. Dry conditions during the first half of the week allowed for some fieldwork to be done. Wet conditions in the last half of the week slowed or stopped all fieldwork. Soil moisture was rated 40 percent adequate, and 60 percent surplus.

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