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Bacterial Blight of Cotton Update: July 13, 2012

Bacterial Blight of Cotton Update: July 13, 2012 Updated

🕔07:25, 13.Jul 2012

For the second year in a row bacterial blight of cotton has been observed on numerous acres in the MS production system. Compared to 2011, twice as many counties have been observed to contain infected plant material.

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Will Abamectin Provide Any Plant Bug Control?

Will Abamectin Provide Any Plant Bug Control? Updated

🕔13:29, 12.Jul 2012

Over the last couple of weeks I have actually gotten quite a few questions about whether or not abamectin alone has any activity on plant bugs.  Plant bugs have been light this year to date and spider mites have been

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July Supply and Demand Report Shocker Updated

🕔16:01, 11.Jul 2012

The World Agricultural Outlook Board of USDA released their monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report (WASDE) this morning, July 11.  The report revealed what most had feared, a much lower per acre yield than trend would suggest.  The

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Response of Cotton Varieties to Inoculation with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum in Mississippi

Response of Cotton Varieties to Inoculation with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum in Mississippi Updated

🕔10:02, 4.Jul 2012

Inoculation trials were conducted during the 2011 season to determine the response of several popular cotton varieties to the bacterial blight organism. The attached blog post is a poster that was presented at the 2012 Beltwide Cotton Conferences that were held in Orlando, FL in January 2012.

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R.R. Foil Plant Science Research (North Farm) Center Field Day – July 19, 2012 Updated

🕔18:26, 3.Jul 2012

It has been a number of years since a field day was conducted at the R.R. Foil Plant Science Research center near the campus of Mississippi State University.  To that end, a row crop field day will be held on

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Southern stem rot or white mold of peanut Updated

🕔07:33, 2.Jul 2012

Discusses the life cycle, management and identification of white mold or southern stem rot of peanut caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. It includes a section on how to distinguish it from a white mold look-alike. Southern stem rot or white mold

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Root-knot Nematode Observed in Some Delta Cotton Fields Updated

🕔19:32, 30.Jun 2012

Root-knot nematode damaged cotton fields have been observed in at least two fields this season. With the loss of Temik, farmers have had to rely on alternative methods to manage high nematode populations.

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Rice Progress and Condition Updated

🕔13:51, 29.Jun 2012

Rice Acreage Report

USDA released their final planting intensions report today. Mississippi is still reported as having 135,000 acres of long grain rice. Estimated long grain acres in other states are estimated as follows: Arkansas 1,140,000 acres, California 5,000 acres, Louisiana 355,000 acres, Missouri 195,000 acres, and Texas 110,000. The total long grain rice acres in 2012 are estimated at 1,940,000 acres. That is an increase of 146,000 acres or 8% from 2011. Also, this acreage report was 4% higher than the March planting intentions report. This latest acreage report coupled with sluggish export sales has bearish implications on the rice market.

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Scouting Cotton for Bacterial Blight Updated

🕔11:26, 29.Jun 2012

Bacterial blight of cotton has once again been observed in the MS cotton production area. Angular lesions associated with the disease can easily be confused with many other foliar diseases as well as other important issues in cotton. Observe the photos for help in scouting for the disease that until the past two seasons has been a fairly rare occurrence in MS.

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Ditch Bank Survey 6/27/2012 Updated

🕔10:46, 29.Jun 2012

Overall, tarnished plant bug numbers appear to be decreasing across the Delta.  Several things are contributing to this decline.  The biggest factor is that the hot, dry weather is starting to take it’s toll on a lot of the wild

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2012 USDA Acreage Report Updated

🕔08:57, 29.Jun 2012

(Correction to Mississippi cotton acreage change from March has been made) The much anticipated, and likely to be much debated, 2012 Acreage report from USDA  was released this morning (June 29). Nationally, the report bumped up the number of acres

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Spider Mite Update: Podcast Updated

🕔08:49, 29.Jun 2012

spider mite update6_29_12 Click link to view Spider Mite Article by Scott Stewart, University of Tennessee:

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Fall Armyworms in Soybeans and Peanuts Updated

🕔05:28, 29.Jun 2012

We have gotten multiple calls over the last week about fall armyworms in soybeans and peanuts. In every case, it has been a situation where people got behind on grass control when we were getting a lot of rain a couple weeks ago. In those situations, they have sprayed the grass during the last two weeks with products such as Select or Roundup that are relatively slow acting. A lot of the grass is infested with grass-strain fall armyworm and big worms start moving over into the crop about a week to ten days after the application when the grass starts to die.

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Cotton Irrigation and Plant Growth Regulator Applications Updated

🕔23:33, 28.Jun 2012

Up until this week, much of the crop throughout the state appeared to be in good shape.  However, the onset of high heat combined with the lack of rainfall has made this a pivotal week for cotton in many areas

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Corn Disease Update for June 22, 2012: Southern Rust Detected in Localized Areas Updated

🕔08:45, 23.Jun 2012

Numerous diseases and disease-like issues are being detected throughout the corn crop in this stage of the season. Nutrient burn, sun scald, northern corn leaf blight, gray leaf spot, and southern corn leaf rust can all be observed throughout localized areas of the Delta at this stage in the season.

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Tarnished Plant Bug Update Updated

🕔08:44, 23.Jun 2012

This week has been the turning point on plant bugs and appears to be the week for the mass movement of migrating adults into cotton fields in many areas. Compared to previous years we are 10-14 days behind schedule. There have been quite a few sprays going out for tarnished plant bug this year but as a whole numbers have actually not been as high to date as many of us would have thought with the warm winter.

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Ditch Bank Survey 6/22/2012

Ditch Bank Survey 6/22/2012 Updated

🕔22:14, 22.Jun 2012

See attached for this week’s ditch bank insect survey. Click to Enlarge

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Late Season Corn Irrigation and Termination Updated

🕔17:35, 22.Jun 2012

This season’s corn crop, particularly that planted in early March, is extraordinarily early. However, it will still need additional irrigation or rainfall to finish the crop out. This article discusses crop progress and methods to schedule and terminate irrigation water for corn.

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Crop Update and Four Bract Squares Updated

🕔17:17, 22.Jun 2012

In general, the cotton crop in Mississippi appears to be in good shape.  Some areas are beginning to need some rainfall; however,  a few fields just got water off low areas a few days ago.  Blooms are becoming more prevalent

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Tomato Spotted Wilt, Quick Identification Updated

🕔08:30, 20.Jun 2012

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) has historically been a devastating disease of peanuts. Given the high thrips population this spring and large population of flowering winter weeds known to be TSWV hosts, I was expecting a TSWV year. I was

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Appropriate Timing for Optimizing Corn Yield Response Updated

🕔22:54, 19.Jun 2012

Interest in mid-season application of various inputs has certainly increased as we try to improve corn productivity through better management. This article discusses how corn physiology plays a primary role in determining corn yield response and appropriate management timing.

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Soybean Crop Update and Management Considerations Updated

🕔18:13, 19.Jun 2012

We are all thankful for the recent rains that were received throughout the majority of the state. These rains were certainly welcomed, especially in those areas that have remained dry for the last several weeks. Many places received adequate rainfall,

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Table of Peanut Fungicides Labeled in Mississippi Updated

🕔12:42, 18.Jun 2012

I have been asked for my “cheat sheets” of peanut fungicides labeled for use in Mississippi. Here are two tables, one alphabetized by active ingredient (primary a.i. if more than one a.i.) and the second table alphabetized by Trade Name.

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Soybeans: Should I Add an Insecticide With the Fungicide? Updated

🕔10:17, 16.Jun 2012

I have been getting quite a few calls about whether or not to mix an insecticide with the fungicide at the R3 growth stage of soybeans this year.  The reason I am getting the calls is for the most part

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Plant Growth Regulator Use in Cotton Updated

🕔08:55, 16.Jun 2012

Generally speaking, the 2012 crop is ahead of where we typically are at this time of year.  Much of this can be attributed to planting earlier than usual due to warm weather conditions earlier in the spring.  Blooms have already

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