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Cotton Defoliation Temperature Advisory Updated

🕔16:51, 6.Sep 2011

The aftermath of Tropical Storm Lee has brought cooler than average temperatures to many areas of the state.  Maximum air temperatures are predicted to be in the high 70’s and low 80’s through Friday while minimum air temperatures are predicted

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End of Season Cotton Management Decisions for Fields Infected with Bacterial Blight Updated

🕔12:15, 6.Sep 2011

Since the middle of July, numerous fields have been confirmed to have cotton plants infected with the bacterium that causes bacterial blight. The majority of the cotton fields were contained within a few counties in the Delta (Bolivar, Coahoma, Leflore, Quitman, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, Washington), and a low number of exceptions outside of the Delta (Calhoun, Grenada, Monroe, Yalobusha). The organism that causes bacterial blight has the potential to overwinter on cotton stubble left standing in the field.

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General, Regional Soybean Disease Update: September 4, 2011 Updated

🕔20:18, 4.Sep 2011

The information included in this blog update originated from the soybean rust telephone conference held on August 29, 2011.

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Insect Trap Counts, Sept. 1, 2011 Updated

🕔16:09, 1.Sep 2011

Bollworm traps continue to catch substantial moths. Tobacco budworm counts were steady in the Northeastern and Central regions, but dropped in the Delta after a large spike last week. I have not been reporting fall armyworm counts this year, but

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Insect Trap Counts, August 24, 2011 Updated

🕔10:26, 29.Aug 2011

The bollworm flight continues at a moderate to high level throughout the state. Tobacco budworm catches are sharply higher this week in the Delta, but not in the other regions. A similar spike in budworm catches occurred in late August during

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Grain Sorghum Head Fungi Updated

🕔16:50, 27.Aug 2011

Damaged grain sorghum panicles can allow many different fungi to enter and infect the developing grain or simply allow the fungus a place to reproduce if a kernel has been removed from the panicle itself.  A similar situation can occur

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Cotton: Foliar Fungal Diseases Beginning to be Observed Throughout Delta Updated

🕔11:47, 27.Aug 2011

Well, it is that time of year again. Seems over the past 5 seasons we begin to encounter foliar cotton diseases during this particular week in August. 2011 appears to be the year when the majority of these leaf spots are the worst they’ve been compared to the previous 4 seasons.

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O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Update: August 19, 2011 Updated

🕔13:26, 25.Aug 2011

The dog days of August are much better with Dollar Cotton again, that is, except for the mills.  Then, for most Southwest growers it is not that exciting as most do not have any.  As much as the very significant

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Reminder: Cotton Defoliation Video Conference & Streaming Video Updated

🕔10:16, 25.Aug 2011

As mentioned last week, a few acres have been defoliated already; however, the vast majority likely will not be ready for at least 2 – 3 weeks.  In anticipation of large scale defoliation applications beginning soon, Mississippi State University,  in

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Corn Ear Molds: What Color are Your Ears? Updated

🕔13:15, 23.Aug 2011

This is the time of the year when I tend to get a ton of telephone calls regarding the presence of rotten (moldy) corn ears. Over the past few weeks I’ve observed a range of symptoms on corn ears. In extreme cases the entire ear was covered with fungal growth and corn kernels were beginning to sprout but in the less severe cases only the tip was covered with fungus. Many fungi can inhabit a corn ear and in some cases the specific fungus present will depend on health of the corn plant, whether or not the ear has sustained any damage (insect or otherwise), how far the ear filled out, previous crop in the field, length of time in the field past physiological maturity, plant stress and duration of the stress during the season, and environmental conditions.

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Rice Update August 18, 2011 Updated

🕔16:22, 19.Aug 2011

This video update talks about harvest progress, potential heat sterility problems, and rice stinkbugs.

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Insect Trap Counts, August 18, 2011 Updated

🕔16:21, 19.Aug 2011

Bollworm trap counts continue to be moderate to high in traps across the state. Tobacco budworm counts building slightly and high beet armyworm counts remain in the central region of the state. Delta trap data not available at the time

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Cotton Defoliation Video Conference Updated

🕔14:59, 19.Aug 2011

As the 2011 cotton crop progresses toward harvest, defoliation has begun in a few areas.  While it will likely be several weeks before widespread defoliation applications take place, beginning to plan for these applications now may lead to increased success

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Irrigation Termination in Cotton Updated

🕔13:50, 19.Aug 2011

The 2011 cotton crop is progressing nicely in spite of being somewhat late.  Defoliation applications have taken place on some of the earliest planted cotton near Port Gibson as well as on small acreage near Benoit.  In general, open bolls

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Irrigation Termination on Soybean Updated

🕔10:38, 19.Aug 2011

As we close out another growing season a reoccurring question continues to be asked, “When can I terminate irrigation in my soybeans?”

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Cotton Boll Rot: Potential Implications of Bacterial Blight Updated

🕔07:00, 19.Aug 2011

Bacterial blight (or angular leaf spot) continues to be the hot topic in cotton production even at this late stage in the season. With continued temperatures between 86 and 97°F as well as scattered rainfall throughout much of the state it is likely that bacterial blight will continue to defoliate plants and infect bolls.

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General Soybean Disease Update: August 13, 2011 Updated

🕔17:04, 13.Aug 2011

Southern MS On Monday and Tuesday (August 8 & 9) the soybean disease scouting crew made a tour through southern MS to scout soybean sentinel plots as well as commercial fields and kudzu.  Little if any disease was identified; however,

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Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔21:59, 11.Aug 2011

Cotton acreage and yield were projected higher in this month’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report released this morning by USDA’s World Agricultural Outlook Board.  The increase resulted from field data as opposed to surveys or trend analysis based on

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O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Report: 8/5/2011 Updated

🕔11:00, 11.Aug 2011

No matter the price level, the dog days of summer are still the dog days of summer…They just come every August with the extreme heat and when growing conditions can still have a major impact on crop size. The market’s

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: August 7, 2011 Updated

🕔10:28, 11.Aug 2011

 Week ending August 7, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M., August 8, 2011 :  According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 5.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, August 7, 2011. Last week was hot

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Soybean Loopers Here and Bollworms that Just Won’t Quit in Soybeans and Grain Sorghum Updated

🕔16:02, 10.Aug 2011

We are going on week 6 of a very high and sustained flight of bollworms in cotton, soybeans, and grain sorghum.  The same control problems with pyrethroids we have had in soybeans have spilled over to grain sorghum and some

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Insect Trap Counts, August 3, 2011 Updated

🕔14:59, 5.Aug 2011

Bollworm counts were higher and tobacco budworm counts were lower this week in all regions. Southwestern corn borer counts were not compiled this week, but were generally much higher this week. Most corn is matured enough that little damage will occur

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O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Report: July 29, 2011 Updated

🕔14:31, 5.Aug 2011

Cotton struggled all week attempting to keep its head above water, but demand continues to plague market activity. After struggling to move back above the dollar level, cotton prices ended the week at 101.77, a moral victory.

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Post-harvest Weed Control by Jason Bond Updated

🕔14:29, 5.Aug 2011

The reality of weed control in the Midsouth today is that the weed control season is never over. Because of glyphosate-resistant weeds, we are either in the process of killing weeds or we should be thinking about how to kill them.

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Cotton Aphids Still Hanging On Updated

🕔13:15, 3.Aug 2011

Typically cotton aphids show up in MS around the end of June and begin to peak in early July. However, the last 2 years the bulk of our aphid pressure has been occurring around the end of July. The fungus, Neozygites fresenii, use to be fairly predictable occurring somewhere around the 4th – 10th of July in MS.

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