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Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks Recap Updated

🕔09:15, 1.Apr 2011

USDA released their annual Prospective Plantings report and their quarterly Grain Stocks report yesterday morning. Both reports are key information pieces for grain, oilseed and cotton prices at this point in the year. The Prospective Plantings report provided few tangible surprises as most acreage numbers reported were in-line with pre-report expectations.

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Tillage Issues With Changing Crops Updated

🕔08:51, 1.Apr 2011

Tillage decisions for crop changes There are about two-thirds the acres planted in annual crop production in Mississippi than in the circa 1980 era. Annual Row Crop Harvested Acres The eighteen Delta or partial Delta counties account for 80% of

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Nitrogen Stabilizers Updated

🕔17:02, 31.Mar 2011

Nitrogen is important for crop growth and production.  Managing this valuable input for maximum plant availability is critical to ensure optimum economic returns while minimizing the potential for negative environmental effects.  Urea is the standard N fertilizer product for rice

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Mississippi Wheat Disease Update and Fungicide Decisions Updated

🕔20:54, 24.Mar 2011

Mississippi Wheat Disease Update and Fungicide Decisions At present there is little to no disease in the Mississippi wheat crop. On Monday, low levels of powdery mildew were detected in a research plot in Stoneville. In addition, low levels of

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Aphid Numbers Increasing in Mississippi Wheat Fields Updated

🕔08:12, 24.Mar 2011

Over the last week I have received several calls of very high aphid numbers in wheat.  The two species being found are Bird Cherry-Oat aphids (BCO) and Greenbugs.  I have had reports of treatable levels of Greenbugs being found but

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Identifying Glyphosate Drift Injury on Wheat Plants Updated

🕔18:18, 23.Mar 2011

Identifying off-target herbicide injury may be difficult when a definitive pattern is not readily apparent, substantial acreage is involved, or distance is considerable. This article gives some guidelines and photos to help identify glyphosate drift on wheat, so that you can manage appropriately.

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Know What They’re Saying About Nitrogen Fertilizers Updated

🕔17:02, 23.Mar 2011

Our warm and humid Mississippi climate makes nitrogen (N) fertilizer management challenging. Let’s review the basics about N terminology as various product claims fly about with some puzzling promotional material being used. Be sure that you know what is being

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O. A. Cleveland’s Weekly Cotton Report, March 11, 2011 Updated

🕔11:30, 15.Mar 2011

March established cotton’s all time high at 227.00 cents during the delivery period while May posted its life of contract high at 219.70 cents. Thus, the contract highs for three consecutive months; March, May and July 2011, all posted highs well above the two dollar mark.

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Information on Management of Wild Pigs in Mississippi Updated

🕔07:00, 15.Mar 2011

Seems like every grower meeting we go to, we are hearing more and more about wild pigs destroying crops in some areas of the state. There are some producers that are even switching what crops they grow soley based on damage from wild hogs.

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Key Corn Verification Findings Updated

🕔00:02, 12.Mar 2011

One of the objectives of this program is to identify key production limitations, so the Mississippi State University Extension Service and Experiment Station can better direct efforts to develop innovations for our specific problems. This is a summary of such limitations documented during the past few years.

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How to Plant Corn for Higher Yields Updated

🕔16:01, 11.Mar 2011

Corn is quite unique because much of its potential productivity is determined during the planting process. Thus, corn is often much more responsive or dependent on variables implemented during the planting than other Southern crops. This article gives planting guidelines for enhancing corn profitability.

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Ground Speed Affects Spray Droplet Deposition

Ground Speed Affects Spray Droplet Deposition Updated

🕔14:20, 11.Mar 2011

As producers prepare for spray applications this growing season, it is imperative to consider proper spray nozzle selection. As ground speed increases, the orifice size of the nozzle must be increased to maintain the desired GPA. A larger orifice naturally produces larger droplets which equates to poor coverage with contact herbicides. With this in mind, it is recommended to make spray applications at a reasonable ground speed that allows for the use of a spray nozzle that will produce a medium droplet size conducive for contact herbicides.

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March Ag Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔18:12, 10.Mar 2011

USDA released it’s March World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report this morning.  At this time in the marketing year few wholesale changes are typically seen in the report for U.S. summer crop production and use.  This came to

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Peanut Varieties in Short Supply Updated

🕔10:33, 10.Mar 2011

During the production season of 2010, much of the peanut producing area suffered harsh drought conditions.  This led to reduced yields and quality problems on last years crop, and will have lasting effects into this season.  Dr. John Beasley, Peanut

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O.A. Cleveland Cotton Report March 4, 2011 Updated

🕔07:54, 4.Mar 2011

The cotton market offers no rest for the weary as it continues to run over anything or anyone that dares to put a lid on it. The May contract has taken over as the lead month and also assumed the price leadership role with its climb above two dollars.

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Rice Update March 3, 2011 Updated

🕔16:19, 3.Mar 2011

This rice update contains information on rice yields by planting date, new rice varieties, and seeding rates. Press Play in Popup to view this video update.

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Overview of 2010 Insects in Rice and 2011 Outlook Updated

🕔08:33, 3.Mar 2011

Last year was a challenging year for insect pests of rice in Mississippi. In general, we experienced higher than normal populations of rice water weevil, rice stink bug, and fall armyworm.  Luckily from the rice water weevil standpoint, the two

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Monitoring Aphids in Mississippi Wheat Updated

🕔13:34, 1.Mar 2011

Several aphid species can be found in wheat throughout Mississippi each year. The most common are bird cherry-oat aphids, green bugs, and corn leaf aphids.

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Rice Update February 25, 2011 Updated

🕔13:59, 25.Feb 2011

This update covers rice burndown considerations, hybrid insecticide seed treatments, and 2011 USDA Outlook Agriculture Forum – Rice Planting Intentions.

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2010 Row Crop Short Course Video Links Updated

🕔13:57, 14.Feb 2011

The 2010 Row Crop Short Course was held at Mississippi State University on December 6 – 8, 2010.  As we expanded the Short Course in 2009, we also have adopted technology to record the oral and visual portions of the presentations. 

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Rice Insecticidal Seed Treatment Recommendations for Mississippi in 2011 Updated

🕔12:48, 14.Feb 2011

In Mississippi, the rice water weevil is the most important early to mid season pest in rice. Three years of research have shown that foliar pyrethroid applications provide variable results, and may not always provide acceptable control.

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Bayer CropScience-O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Commentary Updated

🕔12:05, 14.Feb 2011

Cotton futures hit 194.55 Friday, surmounting the all time high of 190.00 cents, established in 1864, during the U. S. Civil War era.

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2011 Rice Burndown Considerations Updated

🕔14:34, 11.Feb 2011

With snow melting and warmer temperatures on the way, burndown should be taking place next week. I have included a video presentation for rice winter weed control. You can stream the video by clicking on view in a popup. The file can also be downloaded by clicking on Rice Winter Weed Burndown below.

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Mississippi Cotton Insect Situation of 2010: A Look Back Updated

🕔07:40, 11.Feb 2011

Cotton producers in Mississippi planted approximately 425,000 acres of cotton in 2010. This was a 33% increase in acres compared to 2009. Approximately 5% of cotton in MS was planted to transgenic single gene Bt varieties and 90% of cotton acres was planted to dual toxin transgenic Bt varieties. The most popular varieties planted in 2010 were

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Spring Nitrogen Fertility Suggestions for Wheat Updated

🕔15:12, 4.Feb 2011

There are several keys to successful wheat nitrogen fertilization in Mississippi. Split application of nitrogen fertilizer is likely more important for wheat than any other crop, including corn. This is because wheat nitrogen fertilization occurs during the wettest months of the year – in a high rainfall, warm regional climate conducive to nitrogen loss.

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