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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 10, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 10, 2021 Updated

🕔06:23, 10.Jul 2021

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Sugarcane Aphid Management Updated

🕔07:27, 9.Jul 2021

We are beginning to get a few reports of  sugarcane aphid in the state. Sugarcane aphid have the potential to cause significant yield losses if left untreated or if timely applications aren’t made. Aphids detected at low levels will often

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Sorghum Midge Scouting and Management

Sorghum Midge Scouting and Management Updated

🕔07:12, 9.Jul 2021

Often times, people think scouting for midge is difficult, mostly due to a lack of confidence. However, if you know what you are looking for and not finding anything, the likelihood is they simply aren’t there. High numbers of midge

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 3, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 3, 2021 Updated

🕔11:14, 3.Jul 2021

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Alert: Poor Control of Fall Armyworm Across the State – Soybean and Rice

Alert: Poor Control of Fall Armyworm Across the State – Soybean and Rice Updated

🕔11:10, 26.Jun 2021

We have had numerous calls over the last week or two about poor control of fall armyworm with pyrethroids.  They started in the southern part of the state and have rapidly expanded north.  The assumption has been that we are

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 26, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 26, 2021 Updated

🕔09:47, 26.Jun 2021

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Estimating Nitrogen Loss in Corn from the June Flood

Estimating Nitrogen Loss in Corn from the June Flood Updated

🕔11:35, 19.Jun 2021

The recent extraordinary rainfall and flooding has generated substantial concern about nitrogen (N) loss in corn. This year’s event is very unique because it occurred much later in the season than we normally experience. Therefore, we will discuss how this timing affects estimating losses and associated nutrient management.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 19, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 19, 2021 Updated

🕔07:12, 19.Jun 2021

Corn borer trap numbers were variable and fairly low throughout the state this week.

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Impact of Effective Thrips Management.

Impact of Effective Thrips Management. Updated

🕔11:46, 18.Jun 2021

Not much has changed in regard to foliar thrips management in cotton. There are still limited options which include acephate, Bidrin, Dimethoate, Intrepid Edge, and Radiant.  These products provide various amount of control and in some area of the Midsouth

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 4, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 4, 2021 Updated

🕔09:35, 5.Jun 2021

Southwestern corn borer numbers have been very low (0-2 per trap) across the state to date.  We are not reporting the table of trap counts for each county this week, but will start posting county numbers next week.  One trap

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How to Enhance Your Strategy Regarding Tassel Applications Updated

🕔11:28, 29.May 2021

As the Mississippi corn crop approaches tassel, crop health and weather may greatly affect crop response to various management inputs, including nitrogen fertilizer or other products. This article will discuss factors that may affect your strategy and improve your response.

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Improving Corn Yields by Better Timing your First Irrigation

Improving Corn Yields by Better Timing your First Irrigation Updated

🕔10:22, 29.May 2021

Moisture sensors have shown we can generally do much better timing irrigation needs. The initial irrigation of corn offers considerable opportunity to improve efficiency which can also enhance yields. Regardless of whether you use sensors, we explain methods to help you make irrigation decisions and make more corn.

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Cool and Wet Conditions Increase Slug Concerns in Mississippi

Cool and Wet Conditions Increase Slug Concerns in Mississippi Updated

🕔08:01, 11.May 2021

With cool wet weather this spring, we have received quite a few calls about slugs and slug damage in emerged crops. I suspect this will increase in more areas as planting continues and plants begin to emerge in areas where

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Optimizing Corn Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer

Optimizing Corn Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer Updated

🕔11:52, 8.May 2021

Corn is very responsive to nitrogen fertilizer, but this is a dynamic situation that can become extremely challenging in our rainy environment, when wet soil restricts field operations and saturates soils. This article gives recommendations to improve corn response to nitrogen fertilizer and reduce risk in our Midsouth environment.

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Early Season Insect Management Considerations in Peanuts

Early Season Insect Management Considerations in Peanuts Updated

🕔15:24, 7.May 2021

As peanut planting ramps up across the state, it is important to consider thrips management options.  North Carolina State University has a thrips predictor model on their climate webpage that predicts thrips infestation severity based on planting date.  The model

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RBSB Ditchbank Survey: Week of 5/3/21

RBSB Ditchbank Survey: Week of 5/3/21 Updated

🕔09:08, 7.May 2021

After finding low numbers of RBSB in the last couple weeks of sampling, we made an effort to really increase sample areas this week. Although most areas were zero to very low, we have a couple hot spots this week

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2021 Virtual Insect Scout Schools

2021 Virtual Insect Scout Schools Updated

🕔15:30, 3.May 2021

Due to the uncertainty of being allowed to hold face to face meetings during the early planning sessions for our Insect Scout Schools, we decided to pre-record the entire scout school for General Thresholds, Cotton, Corn, Grain Sorghum, and Soybean

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RBSB Ditchbank Survey: Week of 4/26/21

RBSB Ditchbank Survey: Week of 4/26/21 Updated

🕔09:28, 30.Apr 2021

As we move through the last week of April, we are finding RBSB in some locations in crimson clover. I have added the same time period for last year to give some perspective as to our numbers this year. Although,

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Mississippi Cotton Early Season Management Considerations 2021

Mississippi Cotton Early Season Management Considerations 2021 Updated

🕔14:46, 29.Apr 2021

Mississippi Cotton Early Season Management Considerations

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Grain Sorghum Planting Recommendations for 2021

Grain Sorghum Planting Recommendations for 2021 Updated

🕔21:28, 27.Apr 2021

Grain sorghum is a crop receiving renewed interest from many Mississippi growers primarily due to strong demand and market prices in 2021. This article discusses key planting and management practices needed to successfully grow a productive sorghum crop and get it off to a good start this spring.

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Insecticide Seed Treatments in Rice 2021

Insecticide Seed Treatments in Rice 2021 Updated

🕔16:12, 22.Apr 2021

A lot of rice has been planted in the state over the last couple of weeks and most of it had an insecticide seed treatment as we recommend.  The most common insecticide seed treatments in rice are one of the

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RBSB Ditchbank Survey: Week of 4/19/21

RBSB Ditchbank Survey: Week of 4/19/21 Updated

🕔08:44, 22.Apr 2021

*Each week we sample, we will add to the previous weeks post with updated map and new counties Over the next few weeks we will be posting RBSB Ditchbank survey information. Although we feel that we had a cold enough

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Insecticide Seed Treatments in MS Soybeans: Do They Pay?

Insecticide Seed Treatments in MS Soybeans: Do They Pay? Updated

🕔13:55, 19.Apr 2021

We have over 15 years of experience testing insecticide seed treatments in soybeans in Mississippi and have developed an extensive data set over the years of potential benefits to soybean farmers. I am a firm believer that the choice to

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Should We Treat Stink Bugs in Wheat?

Should We Treat Stink Bugs in Wheat? Updated

🕔07:57, 19.Apr 2021

Over the last week or so we have a few calls coming in about stink bugs in heading wheat. It is not uncommon to find stink bugs in wheat after head emergence. However, it takes extremely high numbers to cause

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2020 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Evaluations: Maturity Group V

2020 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Evaluations: Maturity Group V Updated

🕔07:52, 17.Apr 2021

The MSU OVT soybean locations were evaluated for disease during the 2020 season. The MG V entires are contained in the current post. Multiple diseases were evaluated at multiple locations and are provided in this post. Cercospora blight, frogeye leaf spot (when present), Septoria brown spot, southern blight, and target spot were the most commonly encountered diseases during the season. In addition, green stem was also evaluated at multiple locations.

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