Mississippi Rice Progress – June 28, 2013 Updated

🕔13:48, 28.Jun 2013

Favorable weather conditions continue to help this crop progress.  Major problems outside of drift have been few for most of the spring; however, a few different issues have come up this week.  Dr. Jeff Gore was called to help address a

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Mississippi Rice Progress – June 20, 2013 Updated

🕔15:19, 20.Jun 2013

As of the week ending June 16th, USDA reported that Mississippi was 100% planted and 99% emerged.  The later planted rice is progressing rapidly which is good.  As we are experiencing more seasonal temperatures, rice will continue to progress rapidly.  In

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June Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔15:58, 14.Jun 2013

The United States Department of Agriculture along with the World Ag Outlook Board released their monthly World Agriculutral Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report June 12 around lunch. The report is the second to provide insight on USDA’s projections for the 2013

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Mississippi Rice Progress – May 31, 2013 Updated

🕔09:59, 1.Jun 2013

In general, rice planting is nearly completed and most rice planted before early May is going to flood.  According to USDA’s Crop Progress Report, growers in Mississippi had planted 72% of the expected acreage by Sunday, May 26.  Other than

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How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops?

How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops? Updated

🕔19:54, 24.May 2013

With all of the rainfall that we have had around most of the state, there have been a lot of questions about the impact on seed treatments. In general, most of the seed treatments that are being used in all crops are water soluble. Typical levels of rainfall should not have a negative impact on the efficacy of seed treatments, but excessive rainfall may.

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Aphids in Rice Updated

🕔08:46, 24.May 2013

There have been some reports of aphids in Arkansas rice fields recently. I talked to Gus Lorenz (UofA Extension Entomologist) yesterday and he told me that they are seeing several species of aphids scattered throughout Arkansas. I have not heard of or seen any in Mississippi rice fields to date, but I wanted to make everyone aware of what is being seen in Arkansas.

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Rice Preflood Nitrogen Management Updated

🕔15:54, 23.May 2013

Nitrogen is important for crop growth and production.  Managing this valuable input for maximum plant availability is critical to ensure optimum economic returns while minimizing the potential for negative environmental effects.  Urea is the standard N fertilizer product for rice

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Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013

Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013 Updated

🕔07:43, 22.May 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 19, 2013. Favorable conditions allowed for more field work to be completed. Operators were able to plant more corn, soybeans, and cotton. Soil moisture was rated 1 percent very short, 1 percent short, 52 percent adequate, and 46 percent surplus.

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Chase the Sprayer with the Planter Updated

🕔12:18, 26.Apr 2013

Historically, we have chased the planter with the sprayer to apply residual herbicides. This presents several potential problems…

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USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi

USDA Crop Progress and Condition Report for Mississippi Updated

🕔15:42, 15.Apr 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, April 14, 2013. Dry conditions during the first half of the week allowed for some fieldwork to be done. Wet conditions in the last half of the week slowed or stopped all fieldwork. Soil moisture was rated 40 percent adequate, and 60 percent surplus.

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April Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔10:42, 11.Apr 2013

Soybeans U.S. ending stocks for soybeans remained unchanged in the April World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report at 125 million bushels. Analysts were expecting the ending stocks number to be 137 million bushels, with a range from 107 to 160

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Will cold and rainy weather impact seed treatments in corn and rice? Updated

🕔16:38, 5.Apr 2013

This is an important question right now with the weather conditions that we have had over the last few weeks. A considerable amount of corn and a little bit of rice has been planted over the last 3 to 4 weeks. In most of those fields, the crop has either just emerged or has not emerged yet.

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Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks Updated

🕔16:13, 28.Mar 2013

USDA released their annual Prospective Plantings report and quarterly Grain Stocks reports today (Mar 28). The acreage report was largely in-line with pre-report expectations, but the stocks report had quite a shock for corn supplies and a slight surprise for

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The Fungicides Updated

🕔14:50, 19.Mar 2013

Throughout the season many ag-related professionals ask questions about particular fungicides. More specifically, sometimes it can be confusing to determine if a particular product falls in the strobilurin class of fungicides or the triazole class of fungicides. The current update includes information to help determine the particular class of fungicides for strobilurin, triazole, and pre-mix products using fungicides labeled for application in soybean as an example.

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Rice Planting Season Updated

🕔16:56, 12.Mar 2013

Many of you may already be aware that Dr. Nathan Buehring no longer serves as the Extension Rice Specialist for Mississippi State University.  Nathan chose to pursue another career in farming and resigned from MSU on February 15.  Nathan and

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2013 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show – Irrigation Seminar Updated

🕔16:40, 18.Feb 2013

The 2013 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show will be held on Friday, March 1 and Saturday, March 2 at the Memphis Cook Convention Center.  Show hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, March 1 and 9:00 a.m. to

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Updated

🕔12:38, 8.Feb 2013

On February 7th 2013, Mississippi State University hosted the first annual “Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition”. The goals of this event were to provide students an opportunity to present their research findings to a diverse audience that included growers, consultants and industry personnel and interact with people from different segments of the agricultural community.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Updated

🕔14:26, 25.Jan 2013

On February 7th 2013, Mississippi State University will host the first annual “Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition”. The competition will be open to M.S. and PhD. level graduate students that are working in production agriculture.

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Delta Ag. Expo and On Target Application Academy Updated

🕔11:22, 7.Jan 2013

The 40th Annual Delta Ag Expo will be held January 16-17, 2013 at the Bolivar County Exposition Center in Cleveland, MS. There will be several Mississippi State University Researchers and Extension Specialist’s on hand to answer any questions you may

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December Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔15:57, 11.Dec 2012

by: Brian Williams and John Michael Riley Estimated U.S. production and acreage for corn, soybeans, and wheat in the December USDA report remain unchanged over the November estimates. U.S. soybean yields for 2012 are estimated at 39.3 bushels/acre, down from 2011

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Weed of the Week: Prickly Lettuce Updated

🕔12:46, 28.Nov 2012

Prickly lettuce plants are mostly covered in spines along the leaf margins and on the underside of the leaf midvein.

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Preliminary 2012 Rice On-Farm Variety Trial Information Updated

🕔16:15, 15.Nov 2012

In an effort to get information out in a timely, I am posting a preliminary copy of the 2012 Rice On-farm Variety Trial Booklet. Any questions, please do not hesistate to contact us.

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Weed of The Week: Sibara Updated

🕔08:00, 13.Nov 2012

Sibara is common in Mississippi, but it is generally controlled with burndown herbicide applications targeting other winter annual weed species.

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Fall Herbicide Applications For Glyphosate-resistant Italian Ryegrass Updated

🕔10:31, 9.Nov 2012

The best time to control GR Italian ryegrass is before it emerges.

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Weed of the week: Horseweed Updated

🕔11:51, 6.Nov 2012

Horseweed is native to North America and can be found throughout the United States. It is common in crop fields, roadsides, and pastures throughout Mississippi.

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