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Reminder: MSU/Monsanto Company Field Day – Robinsonville, MS – July 10, 2014 Updated

🕔14:09, 3.Jul 2014

Mississippi State University and Monsanto Company will be conducting a field day in Robinsonville, MS on Thursday, July 10, 2014.  The field day will focus on the Roundup Ready(R) Xtend Crop System in cotton and soybeans.  Field demonstrations will include cotton and soybean germplasm

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Reminder: MSU/Dow AgroSciences Field Day – Dundee, MS – July 2, 2014 Updated

🕔12:22, 26.Jun 2014

Mississippi State University and Dow AgroSciences will be conducting a field day at the farm of Douglas and Chris Hood on Wednesday, July 2, 2014.  The field day will begin at 9 a.m. and will focus on Enlist(TM) Weed Control System in

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Programing a Surge Valve Updated

🕔10:30, 26.Jun 2014

We are having lots of questions concerning the proper set up of surge valves. First,   please consider some of the basic terminology associated with furrow irrigation. We encourage you to visit       and view the video before continuing. Phases

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Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke?

Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke? Updated

🕔07:43, 26.Jun 2014

The importance of soil moisture sensors is becoming more evident as we continue forward this growing season. Today (Monday, June 16th), we received a call regarding sensor readings that were assessed early this morning. The following are the data discussed in this scenario.

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Frogeye Leaf Spot Management Suggestions for the 2014 Season

Frogeye Leaf Spot Management Suggestions for the 2014 Season Updated

🕔22:00, 24.Jun 2014

Frogeye leaf spot management continues to be a hot topic during the 2014 season. Scattered reports of frogeye in R3+ soybean fields continue to be made. Most of the questions at this time tend to be regarding fungicide management suggestions at the R3/R4 application timing. Knowing what varieties are planted in fields is one of the most important determining factors since susceptible varieties should be managed differently at R3/R4 than frogeye tolerant varieties.

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Soybean Irrigation Initiation Updated

🕔10:00, 23.Jun 2014

Although we have received lots of rainfall this season, it is time to initiate irrigation in soybean. Keep in mind that irrigation during the early vegetative phase provides little to no yield benefit. The reason to apply irrigation during the

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How to Use Watermark Sensors to Assess Soil Moisture and Schedule Irrigation

How to Use Watermark Sensors to Assess Soil Moisture and Schedule Irrigation Updated

🕔00:37, 21.Jun 2014

Row crop irrigation needs are ramping up and one of the tools we can use to better assess soil moisture is Watermark sensors. This article describes how to analyze the data generated by sensors to help you better schedule irrigation.

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Soybean herbicide options for delayed postemergence applications targeting Palmer amaranth Updated

🕔16:44, 20.Jun 2014

With most of Mississippi receiving large amounts of rain during early June, opportunities for herbicide applications in soybean have been rare up to this week. Several calls have come in regarding herbicide options in situations where the weather has prevented

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Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies in Mississippi Soybeans Updated

🕔18:25, 14.Jun 2014

Diagnosing nutrient deficiencies is not rocket science, but can be cumbersome.  Many nutrient related issues occur early in season and can sometimes mimic herbicide injury in appearance.  In many instances it is difficult to tell the two apart. Most often

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Mississippi State University/Monsanto Company Field Day – July 10, 2014 – Robinsonville, MS Updated

🕔16:17, 13.Jun 2014

Mississippi State University and Monsanto Company will be conducting a field day in Robinsonville, MS on Thursday, July 10, 2014.  The field day will focus on the Roundup Ready(R) Xtend Crop System in cotton and soybeans.  Field demonstrations will include cotton and soybean germplasm

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Mississippi State University/Dow AgroSciences Field Day – Dundee, MS – July 2, 2014 Updated

🕔15:38, 13.Jun 2014

Mississippi State University and Dow AgroSciences will be conducting a field day at the farm of Douglas and Chris Hood on Wednesday, July 2, 2014.  The field day will begin at 9 a.m. and will focus on Enlist(TM) Weed Control System in

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Soybean Crop Update and Replant Decisions Updated

🕔10:58, 13.Jun 2014

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, 89% of the soybean acreage is planted as of the week ending June 8, 2014. At this time, 82% of the crop is emerged. The remaining acres to be planted

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Delta Area “Turn Row Talks” on Water Conservation Announced Updated

🕔07:58, 13.Jun 2014

On June 9, leaders from the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board, key personnel from the Mississippi State University Extension Service, and stakeholder organizations a part of the Delta Sustainable Water Resources Task Force formally announced a series of summer irrigation “Turn Row Talks” to be held across the Delta during the month of July for producers to attend local, on-farm demonstrations of water conservation efforts being implemented and utilized by growers in their respective areas.

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Green Stink Bugs in Non-Podding Soybeans: What to Do? Updated

🕔16:01, 12.Jun 2014

I have had numerous calls recently on green stink bugs in beans that are either vegetative or at R1-R2 stage with no pods. Numbers have ranged from 4-5 to 8-12 per 25 sweeps depending on the field. It is not uncommon to have a field or two on occasion to have threshold numbers of stink bugs before soybeans put on pods, but the number of fields this year being reported is certainly unusual.

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Armyworms Showing up in Grassy Fields Moving to Soybeans Updated

🕔11:50, 6.Jun 2014

Over the last few days I have started getting calls about fall armyworms showing up in soybeans.  We see some of this every year, and it is primarily related to larvae moving off of a grass host after a Roundup application

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Influence of Rainfall on Insecticide Efficacy Updated

🕔13:29, 2.Jun 2014

Every year at some point during the season we seem to hit a rainy spell where it seems to rain at some point every day and we have showers widely scattered across the state. It started raining last Wednesday and we have had some rain everyday since then and it is currently raining in Stoneville right now (Monday morning). With that, the questions start about how long you need to spray before a rain to get acceptable control.

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Delta Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Crops Field Day, June 17, 2014 Updated

🕔13:30, 30.May 2014

A corn, cotton, peanut, and soybean field day is scheduled for June 17th at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, MS. The general theme of the field day will include pertinent information for mid-season row crop issues.

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Should You Ever Treat Thrips in Soybeans? Updated

🕔10:10, 21.May 2014

I have had several folks asking if there is a time when thrips should be treated in soybeans. Ordinarily thrips are not a problem in soybeans. Cotton and soybeans are completely different when it comes to how the plant can tolerate thrips. Soybeans are not nearly as sensitive to thrips as cotton and therefore can tolerate high numbers of thrips without yield loss.

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Slugs – A Persistent Problem in Cool Years Updated

🕔09:05, 21.May 2014

I have gotten numerous calls about slugs this year in all crops but lately in cotton and soybean. Slug problems usually start on corn then soybeans then cotton in our area. This is only because we typically plant in this order. We have had isolated problems with slugs since 2004, some years worse than others.

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Bollworms Plentiful in Young Soybeans

Bollworms Plentiful in Young Soybeans Updated

🕔11:48, 16.May 2014

The soybean crop ranges from still in the bag to around V5 stage on average across Mississippi. Over the last 10 days I have received numerous calls (mostly from Delta region) about bollworms attacking vegetative stage soybeans. Arkansas has also reported high numbers of bollworms in soybeans. In fact, AR has some fields where bollworms are infesting emerging soybeans in the crook stage and eating them to the ground where vegetation was present during planting.

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2014 Insect and Disease Scout School Dates Set Updated

🕔17:05, 12.May 2014

The dates for the 2014 Scout Schools have now been set. We will be providing detailed information on identification, biology, thresholds, and management of the major insect and disease pest of Mississippi row crops. These trainings can also be used to renew your insect and disease consultants license and CEU’s for Certified Crop Advisors will be provided at each. The meetings will also serve as In-Service training opportunities for MSU-ES agents as well. These trainings are great for the experienced and the inexperienced.

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Farm Bill and Market News & Notes Updated

🕔12:26, 11.May 2014

A few items from us boring ag economists — We’re still analyzing the 2014 Farm Bill (largely waiting on the rules and regulations). But, in the mean time, click the links below for a few items that be of use:

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Soybean Seedling Emergence Issues: Environmental Stress Compounding Factors Updated

🕔20:38, 6.May 2014

A substantial number of soybean acres have been reported to be affected by seedling disease. However, the majority of the field seedling issues can be blamed on poor environmental conditions following the planting that occurred around Easter (between April 14 and 19) and some of the residual herbicide products applied.

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New Neonicotinoid Pollinator Protection Labels Updated

🕔17:03, 1.May 2014

We have had several calls in recent days as news gets out about the EPA’s recent label changes for neonicotinoid insecticides. The intent is to offer greater protection for pollinators in and around crops where this class of insecticides may be applied. Basically, the new language forbids the use of these products while bees are foraging and until flowering is complete and all petals have fallen off the plants. There are a few exceptions if certain criteria are met.

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Management Practices to Reduce the Development of Fungicide Resistance in Soybean: Part III, Strobilurin-Resistant Frogeye Leaf Spot in Mississippi

Management Practices to Reduce the Development of Fungicide Resistance in Soybean: Part III, Strobilurin-Resistant Frogeye Leaf Spot in Mississippi Updated

🕔15:16, 11.Apr 2014

Strobilurin-resistant frogeye leaf spot continues to be a topic of conversation. During 2012 two MS counties were confirmed to have strobilurin resistant frogeye leaf spot. Since that time a large survey has been conducted in MS to determine how widespread the resistance is within the fungal population in MS.

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