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Black Rot in Sweetpotato- A Fact Sheet

Black Rot in Sweetpotato- A Fact Sheet Updated

🕔13:17, 8.Mar 2016

Black rot is on the minds of many sweetpotato producers in the United States. The fungal disease was reported in North Carolina in 2015, and there have been at least three diagnosed incidence of black rot in Mississippi since last

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2016 Insect Control Guide Now Available

2016 Insect Control Guide Now Available Updated

🕔07:59, 16.Dec 2015

The 2016 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops is now available online. Hard copies will be available in January. Notable changes this year include the removal of pyrethroid insecticides for bollworm control in all crops due to resistance and poor

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Reminder Mississippi ASA Meeting – November 4, 2015 Updated

🕔17:16, 22.Oct 2015

The Mississippi Chapter of the ASA will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday November 4, 2015 at the Grenada Co. Extension Office.  Certified Crop Adviser CEU’s will be available as well as recertification credits for Category X and IA applicator

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Mississippi American Society of Agronomy Meeting – November 4, 2015

Mississippi American Society of Agronomy Meeting – November 4, 2015 Updated

🕔09:00, 17.Sep 2015

The Mississippi Chapter of the ASA will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday November 4, 2015 at the Grenada Co. Extension Office.  Certified Crop Adviser CEU’s will be available as well as recertification credits for Category X and IA applicator

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Mississippi Value of Production Estimates

Mississippi Value of Production Estimates Updated

🕔15:59, 19.Jul 2015

The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce releases value of production estimates each year. Below is a list summarized the value of several Mississippi agricultural commodities.  For more information click on the link below. Mississippi Value of Production Estimates 1. 

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Mississippi Crop Progress and Condition Report – 4/19/15 Updated

🕔17:24, 20.Apr 2015

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 1.8 days suitable for fieldwork for the  week ending Sunday, April 19, 2015.  Topsoil moisture supplies were 0 percent very short, 1 percent short, 37 percent adequate, and 62

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Avoid Sweetpotato Chilling Injury Updated

🕔14:04, 18.Feb 2015

The next few days will be abnormally frigid in North Mississippi.  This increases the risk of chilling injury to sweetpotatoes in storage, and those being transported to or from packing sheds.  Chilling injury occurs when roots are exposed to temperatures

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North Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Row Crops Field Day on Thursday, August 7 Updated

🕔08:39, 25.Jul 2014

The North Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Row Crops Field Day on Thursday, August 7 will present the latest research to the area’s row-crop farmers and consultants. The field day will be from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Lee County Agri-Center Magnolia Conference Center on Highway 145 South in Verona.

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Glyphosate Injury to Sweetpotatoes Adjacent to Field Roads Updated

🕔11:35, 16.Jul 2014

Maintaining clean and weed-free field roads around sweetpotatoes is thought to help minimize rodent injury and make access for crop scouting and monitoring more efficient. Roads are most often maintained weed-free with glyphosate applications. However, off-target movement of glyphosate onto

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Influence of Rainfall on Insecticide Efficacy Updated

🕔13:29, 2.Jun 2014

Every year at some point during the season we seem to hit a rainy spell where it seems to rain at some point every day and we have showers widely scattered across the state. It started raining last Wednesday and we have had some rain everyday since then and it is currently raining in Stoneville right now (Monday morning). With that, the questions start about how long you need to spray before a rain to get acceptable control.

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Southern Blight and Sweetpotato Plant Beds Updated

🕔11:47, 23.Apr 2014

Warm April weather in North Mississippi provides great growing conditions for sweetpotato plant beds. A few days near the 80s will have sweetpotato shoots pushing up the black plastic mulch that has been covering them since March. However, warm and

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“Bee Aware” Flags Ready for Distribution Updated

🕔08:39, 26.Mar 2014

Recently several groups in Mississippi came together and developed then adopted a set of Cooperative Standards for row crop farmers and beekeepers in an effort to increase awareness of pollinator’s and create an environment where each could coexist while minimizing any

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Sweetpotatoes and Scurf Updated

🕔11:33, 21.Oct 2013

Each year some sweetpotato scurf or “soil-stain” is reported.  However, this year it would appear that the disease has been more prevalent than normal in some fields.  Scurf is caused by a soil-dwelling fungus, Monilochaetes infuscans, and results in darkened,

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Joint MEA/MAPPAN/MWSS Annual Meeting and Roundtable Discussion Updated

🕔11:29, 16.Oct 2013

The 3rd annual joint MEA/MAPPAN/MWSS annual meeting will be held next week at the Bost Extension Building in Starkville, MS next week.  The dates of the meeting are Monday and Tuesday October 21-22.  We have a very informative and exciting

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Sugarcane Beetle Reported in Sweetpotato. Updated

🕔14:24, 27.Sep 2013

This week marked the first reported appearances of sugarcane beetles in sweetpotato fields in Mississippi for the 2013 growing season.  The sugarcane beetle is a relatively new pest of sweetpotato in Mississippi.  However, in recent years, heavy sugarcane beetle populations

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A Critical Look at Sweetpotato Yield Updated

🕔14:45, 6.Sep 2013

Yields for most Mississippi sweetpotato growers are anticipated to be on par with expectations.  However, growers not content with their yields should take a critical look at the vines that ride up the front of the digger- each one tells

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